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#1 DDRMom
Member since 2008 • 1360 Posts
There's s theory that the end of the world has been predicted for Dec 2012. People that believe it will point out Nostradomas, Edgar Casey, Mayan calendars or even the bible for evidence that supports their theory. It's actually pretty interesting to read some of the circumstantial evidence and I can see why some people could be convinced to believe it when taken as a whole. Howver, the end of the world has been predicted many times throughout the course of mankind and it's unlikely that we will see it in our time...unless of course we do ourselves in.
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#2 DDRMom
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Good points all of them, thanks for answering my question. I do think my $20 charger was worth the money I spent on it, I would have spent more on just regular batteries by now. In the long run though I would probably have more cost saving with the rechargable batteries so I'll have to consider that when the time comes to replace the charger.
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#3 DDRMom
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Get them Mario Kart. My inlaws loved it on N64.
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#4 DDRMom
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Some of the best games I've played are because I gave them a second chance.
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#5 DDRMom
Member since 2008 • 1360 Posts

Get rechargable batteries, just make sure they're a name brand and rated 2500 or higher

Do not fall for the con job named "docking station".


Just curious as to why do you say this? I've never heard anything bad about the docking/charging stations and mine has given me no problems in the year I've been using it.

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#6 DDRMom
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Marriage is a selfish thing if it's based on physical and sexual attraction alone. It's not enough to be physically attracted to someone and that they are to you. What is really important is if there is compatibility from the perspective of personality, behavior, emotions, religion and world view. Physical attraction is only a very small part of it. X4D

You are partially right about what marriage should be about but do not discount how important the physical aspect of it can be. The physical part is what gets a lot of people through the times when they think their mate is being a jerk (tried to use a stronger word but wasn't allowed.) That's probably why a lot of arranged marriages are unhappy. Being in a commited relationship, especially once children enter the picture, is one of the most selfless things that a person can do. I believe that it's selfishness that ends many marriages because many people do not want to compromise their wants with the needs of a family unit. Many people would rather be alone and unhappy and that's their right. Almost everyone has one of those uncles. ;)

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#7 DDRMom
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You sound very young and like you've had very little experieince with relationships. I'm not sure what kind of family life you had but it really does not sound (based on your views) as if you had the best example of what a healthy realtionship is. You may change you mind and your views or you may go through life having one dysfunctional relationship after another, many people do.

For the record, I'm not married but have been in a commited relationship for 16 years. It's not about being married or having a wedding, it's about the commitment.


are you thikking about ever getting married?

We've thought of it many times. He's proposed quite a few times and I always say yes but it's just never been a high priority. We own property together, we have three beautiful children together and we are very commited to each other. The governemnt calls us common law and taxes us as married so at this point, getting married would only cost us money and give us a little piece of paper.

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#8 DDRMom
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Personally, I don't believe in marriage, and I think there's rarely any strong basis out of the huge number of marriages that take place every year beyond tradition. I reckon that more often than not, marriage does more harm than good. I was quite vocal about it during my first few months on OT. The truth is, most people are just too apathetic, too conservative or too married to bother raising any objection, and you'll just end up feeing like Canute, starting these threads.jimmyjammer69

Sorry about the double post but I'm just wondering if you are anti marriage or anti commitment?

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#9 DDRMom
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You sound very young and like you've had very little experieince with relationships. I'm not sure what kind of family life you had but it really does not sound (based on your views) as if you had the best example of what a healthy realtionship is. You may change you mind and your views or you may go through life having one dysfunctional relationship after another, many people do.

For the record, I'm not married but have been in a commited relationship for 16 years. It's not about being married or having a wedding, it's about the commitment.

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#10 DDRMom
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Like any stereotype it's probably best not to lump one group of people together. And like any stereotype, how you view it will change over time. The people I know that smoke are all leading very productive lives, are all tax paying citizens, most are parents and you probably wouldn't think any of them smoked by looking at them. That's not to say that I don't also know some low-life pot smoking leeches as well but honestly, most of them don't make enough money to smoke anyway.