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#1 Atheists_Pwn
Member since 2010 • 1610 Posts
that doesnt make me mad, it just seems like a dumb guy and the girl under the sign is shmexy
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#2 Atheists_Pwn
Member since 2010 • 1610 Posts


Yet you don't know what logic is. You still mistake logic for evidence. The two are different things.


I didnt say logic and evidence are the same thing. but you can use evidence to make logical conclusions try arguing with me on my own beliefs instead of basless assumptions

Yet you keep saying xyz religion is illogical because there is no evidence. By using evidence as a base for logic, you are claiming that the two are the same.

I haven't said a single thing that you haven't said yourself. Keep skirting the issue, though, that's the logical thing to do.:lol:

Because you can use logic and evidence together. I am not doing that, I dont dney that you would prefer that I did though. You cannot use pure reason to prove gods existence either. Not without logic leaps. In some cases, the logic you use can be tested, and the evidence can lead to a conclusion ;) "I haven't said a single thing that you haven't said yourself" not true, but I doubt you can, or want to be able to tell the difference at this point.
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#3 Atheists_Pwn
Member since 2010 • 1610 Posts


Err religion has ALOT of morality. Morality within religion HAS been reasoned in books and scriptures which reflected upon some of the best role models upon to this date. Religion is NOT destructive in any sense, and who are you to judge if its a counter productive way of life if people are HAPPY with their religious views? Your views are pointless as its their formal meaning of life. Religion has been hear for a VERY long time, and it aint going anywhere. Ive used my brain, im happy to be in a religion, you got a problem with it, then go cry me a river.


The morality is based upon a god thats existence cannot be proven. it is irrational, and the reasons for the morality have absolutely no foundation. real morality comes from the absence of gods in a rational discourse. Religion is destructive. Look at 9/11, 7/7, Crusades and countless other atrocities that were done SPECIFICALLY in the name of their religion. Religion is counter productive because it denies logic. Being happy with your religious views isnt enough, because in order to have a sustained, better off society you need REASON. The very thing religious rejects. its easy to SAY you've used your brain ;)

Ah, the subjective approach. Gods existance can or cannot be proven, and just like you said, its based upon faith on religion. It can only be proven eschateologically but i will take my chances if I believe in a God. 9/11, Usama Bin Laden, Muslim by Name, not by Nature. FACT. Do your research. Subjecting muslims over a few incidents does not justify their actions. If you want REAL motivators that muslims look upto, then look at Malcom X, Nepoleon (Tupac), Sheikh Muhammad Al Yaqoubi. You think I, or any muslim take an inspiration to the bombing that has happened, even 9/11? Muslims died in 9/11 too you know. Wheres your brain at?

Religion does not deny logic. Did you know majority of science actually originated from religion and books? Do your research mate, you clearly living in a fairytail land.

Considering the Koran actually has a ton of verses (I dont know if thats what you call them) that justify jihad and all sorts of violent acts (just like the bible) its not beyond the bounds of reason to say Islam is war like, and given Islams track record, you have evidence to suggest it. Ive already explained how religion denies logic, you wont address it. You think bringing up the fact that PRIMITIVE science was considered okay by religion is proof of your claim? Thats honestly laughable
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#4 Atheists_Pwn
Member since 2010 • 1610 Posts

[QUOTE="Atheists_Pwn"][QUOTE="EMOEVOLUTION"] Right now I'm struggling to see any difference between you and a religious fanatic. I guess the only difference is that you're fanatically support atheism.. compared to theism. Your name for example, your signature example 2, and finally the third example is everything you've said and how you've said it up until this point. You don't need to threaten somebodies life to be a fanatic.Theokhoth

I demand that people be logical. If you cant differentiate that from religious fanaticism then youve got problems. I am not claiming to always be logical either, but if you can see you arent, then thats when you change. Logic is definitely important ;)

Yet you don't know what logic is. You still mistake logic for evidence. The two are different things.

I didnt say logic and evidence are the same thing. but you can use evidence to make logical conclusions try arguing with me on my own beliefs instead of basless assumptions
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#5 Atheists_Pwn
Member since 2010 • 1610 Posts
[QUOTE="GazaAli"][QUOTE="Atheists_Pwn"][QUOTE="GazaAli"] I guess your post 'I insult Islam everyday" is pretty logical :roll: My god...

That was a joke. In fact, I rarely talk about Islam. It was obviously a joke.

quiet honest i dont think it was a joke as you brought up the beheading thing. But anyway, its your call, just dont go around defining logic for others.

Logic is already defined, and objective.
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#6 Atheists_Pwn
Member since 2010 • 1610 Posts


Err religion has ALOT of morality. Morality within religion HAS been reasoned in books and scriptures which reflected upon some of the best role models upon to this date. Religion is NOT destructive in any sense, and who are you to judge if its a counter productive way of life if people are HAPPY with their religious views? Your views are pointless as its their formal meaning of life. Religion has been hear for a VERY long time, and it aint going anywhere. Ive used my brain, im happy to be in a religion, you got a problem with it, then go cry me a river.


The morality is based upon a god thats existence cannot be proven. it is irrational, and the reasons for the morality have absolutely no foundation. real morality comes from the absence of gods in a rational discourse. Religion is destructive. Look at 9/11, 7/7, Crusades and countless other atrocities that were done SPECIFICALLY in the name of their religion. Religion is counter productive because it denies logic. Being happy with your religious views isnt enough, because in order to have a sustained, better off society you need REASON. The very thing religious rejects. its easy to SAY you've used your brain ;)

The fact that you have books to read is based in the Protestant Reformation.

The fact that you know who Plato is is because Catholic officials translated his works and incorporated his philosophy during the Renaissance.

Muslim extremists make up seven percent of the Muslim population.

Science exists as a field of study because it began as a form of natural theology.

Modern medicine would not exist were it not for religion.

Your very concept of reason exists solely because of religion.

Reason is not rejected by religion. Every single religious text has references to the use of reason. Jews touch their hands to their hearts, mouths and foreheads when they pray as a symbol for the expression of God's love in their hearts, words and minds.

You're welcome.

I dont see what that has to do with anything. You also made a lot of baseless claims. Reason definitely is rejected by religion. You cannot prove or logically show that a god exists using formal logic. You cant even get evidence for him. that alone destroys any reason to believe.
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#7 Atheists_Pwn
Member since 2010 • 1610 Posts
[QUOTE="GazaAli"][QUOTE="Atheists_Pwn"][QUOTE="EMOEVOLUTION"] Right now I'm struggling to see any difference between you and a religious fanatic. I guess the only difference is that you're fanatically support atheism.. compared to theism. Your name for example, your signature example 2, and finally the third example is everything you've said and how you've said it up until this point. You don't need to threaten somebodies life to be a fanatic.

I demand that people be logical. If you cant differentiate that from religious fanaticism then youve got problems. I am not claiming to always be logical either, but if you can see you arent, then thats when you change. Logic is definitely important ;)

I guess your post 'I insult Islam everyday" is pretty logical :roll: My god...

That was a joke. In fact, I rarely talk about Islam. It was obviously a joke.
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#8 Atheists_Pwn
Member since 2010 • 1610 Posts
[QUOTE="Atheists_Pwn"][QUOTE="mattbbpl"]I can't believe people are defending the practice of death threats over a religious offence. If people killed someone every time that person committed something against their religion, we'd all be dead. Heaven help us if Christians start killing over using God's name in vain, Jews start threatening over the consumption of pork, and Hindus start beheading over the killing of cows. EMOEVOLUTION
Exactly. If we actually did what some are advocating in this thread, we would be forced to be part of every religion, even if those religions contradict each other. Its just irrational. Ideas are supposed to be challenged, that includes religion.

Right now I'm struggling to see any difference between you and a religious fanatic. I guess the only difference is that you're fanatically support atheism.. compared to theism. Your name for example, your signature example 2, and finally the third example is everything you've said and how you've said it up until this point. You don't need to threaten somebodies life to be a fanatic.

I demand that people be logical. If you cant differentiate that from religious fanaticism then youve got problems. I am not claiming to always be logical either, but if you can see you arent, then thats when you change. Logic is definitely important ;)
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#9 Atheists_Pwn
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Religion is a way of life, it borderlines people within morality and justification, and seeing from some of the posts on this board, something that alot of people clearly lack and makes me proud to be of a religion. Theres nothing cowardice about respecting someones view on religion and role models. Under that analogy, it will be cowardice not to call a black man the N word. You dont say that for respectful purposes, not because its "cowardice". People believe in religion passionately, so what? Maybe it gives them guidance to life, makes them live a healthy life, gives them a sense of direction. Clearly you subjecting Islam as some of the actions done by these extremists. If you actually did some research upon Islam, you will know that such people are doomed hell as its not right.


Religion has no real morality. Morality must be reasoned, not dictated, otherwise it has no true foundation and the people will be left with nothing. Religion is a DESTRUCTIVE and counter productive way of life. No it isnt cowardice to not call a black man the n word. You know why? because theres LOGICAL REASONS TO NOT BE RACIST. THERES ABSOLUTELY NO LOGICAL REASON TO BE RELIGIOUS. Thats why you have FAITH. Instead of having religion force a direction and purpose onto you, maybe you can use your brain and figure out a real reason. Respecting beliefs and not confronting them leads to misinformation and it should not be tolerated.

Err religion has ALOT of morality. Morality within religion HAS been reasoned in books and scriptures which reflected upon some of the best role models upon to this date. Religion is NOT destructive in any sense, and who are you to judge if its a counter productive way of life if people are HAPPY with their religious views? Your views are pointless as its their formal meaning of life. Religion has been hear for a VERY long time, and it aint going anywhere. Ive used my brain, im happy to be in a religion, you got a problem with it, then go cry me a river.

The morality is based upon a god thats existence cannot be proven. it is irrational, and the reasons for the morality have absolutely no foundation. real morality comes from the absence of gods in a rational discourse. Religion is destructive. Look at 9/11, 7/7, Crusades and countless other atrocities that were done SPECIFICALLY in the name of their religion. Religion is counter productive because it denies logic. Being happy with your religious views isnt enough, because in order to have a sustained, better off society you need REASON. The very thing religious rejects. its easy to SAY you've used your brain ;)
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#10 Atheists_Pwn
Member since 2010 • 1610 Posts
I can't believe people are defending the practice of death threats over a religious offence. If people killed someone every time that person committed something against their religion, we'd all be dead. Heaven help us if Christians start killing over using God's name in vain, Jews start threatening over the consumption of pork, and Hindus start beheading over the killing of cows. mattbbpl
Exactly. If we actually did what some are advocating in this thread, we would be forced to be part of every religion, even if those religions contradict each other. Its just irrational. Ideas are supposed to be challenged, that includes religion.