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@Karjah @o0J_Lyrix0o

how is 5 bucks a character a cash grab fighting game? Even if they have 10 characters at launch, thats only 50 bucks when most games cost 60 by default. This way if theres character you don't want you have to buy it.

It seems like a pretty good idea personally.

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Edited By Asukafan2001

So when is enough enough? Sony should start acting like a respectable company. As these snide comments aren't funny and certainly aren't very becoming. Every dog has its day sony.

Maybe you should spend less time on the digs and more time on maybe fulfilling some promises. Like what apps and features we actually get at launch? What is at this point a pipe dream aka gaikai.

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Nothing out of the ordinary here. The console launches are just around the corner. I can't see to many serious gamers buying a ps3 or 360 at this point.

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@POKE777GM @Asukafan2001

I'm not on anyone side. I'm gamer who enjoys playing games. I plan on getting both systems and buying games for both systems. If sony makes a great game i buy and play that and microsft makes a great game i buy and play that.

I don't really care who makes the game. I just want to play it and enjoy it. Both companies have done and are doing things i don't like. Microsoft with some of its policies which have been/are getting corrected. And sony with its grand promises and not delivering day one. I.e Gaikai, backlog gaming, no dedicated servers, etc.

However, it is, what it is and all i can do is enjoy them for what they are and what they can do.

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@outlawoftorn @Asukafan2001

The kinect itself isn't inherently about just motion gaming. The kinect does several things that can be incorporated into gaming as awhole that have more to do with immersion.

The other factor is this, it is the first time i believe we will see true innovation of what kinect can do as anyone making something for the kinect will know that not having the tools to buy it wont be a barrier that must be crossed.

Since microsoft allows self publishing we could see alot of indie developers and creative people make use of kinect in ways we can't even envision right now. Some of those uses may be gaming related, some may not. However, they all could be equally enjoyable.

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Edited By Asukafan2001

I really don't see the kinect being separated from the console as far as a selling point. As that is the only real way you can have complete adoption of a peripheral. As from a developer standpoint if you are going to spend resources on a feature like kinect you are going to want to know everyone who buys it can use those features.

This is where sony kind of dropped the ball. They talk about how they PlayStation eye to be relevant, and there is even talks of a vita bundle as cross play is "important" to them. However, if its really that important stick a vita in every box, charge an extra hundred and say every sony gamer will have one. That's forced adoption. That makes developers willing to support something, and do unique things with your features.

Having the kinect bundled mandatory is one of the few smart moves microsoft has done from the start. Will it piss people off in the short term...yes. In the long term will benefit gamers...yes. As what this console war is about, if you can call it that really matters is what console gamers are buying first. As most people who consider themselves in that hardcore group will end up owning both within the first 2 years anyway.

One thing i don't think this video touched on enough is really the difference in vision. Sony is working on a more short term vision we need the money right now. We want mass adoption right now. Where microsoft is working on a more we want a adoption but it doesn't need to be day one. If we get adoption after 6 months or 3 years that's fine. And that makes sense when you look at the financial position of both companies. Microsoft makes billions each quarter and can much more easily afford to take a longer term plan where sony has spent the last few years bleeding money and they need the ps4 to be an immediate success and can't afford to wait.

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@Kristan1711 @Asukafan2001

what, if microsoft did the poll? if microsoft ran a poll that 80% of xbox users prefer xbox over sony it would still be skewed and partially biased.

Especially when you are polling people who have already made a preorder. As generally if you have pre-ordered one and not the other people have an urge to want to defend their purchase.

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If that isn't ever the most skewed poll i have heard of in quite sometime. Who would have thought 80% of PlayStation customers would prefer the ps4 over xbox. I'm sure 80% of apple users prefer mac over windows too.

I'm so glad this kind of groundbreaking analysis can be done.

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Edited By Asukafan2001

I wouldn't call Microsoft making futures restricted to gold a news item. That is pretty much expected at this point. They generally restrict features to there gold members and with how cheap gold memberships are its not really a big deal.

The most i have ever paid for a gold membership in the past 5 years is 34.99 which equals about to about 2.90 cents a month. For the amount of enjoyment and quality of experience not a bad price at all.

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Sony or Microsoft should just put them out of there misery and buy the company. Nintendo would be a great first party software company for either system.