If you wii haters are 'real gamers', here are some 'real games' (no 56k)

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#151 fanboy-buster
Member since 2006 • 4594 Posts

6. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Another big hitter which I don't need to explain. One thing though: If one more person tells me that stacking beams and transforming into a super form is 'casual', I won't be responsible for my actions.0rin

No, but a first person shooter not having any form of online play, and as far as i know, no offline multiplayer either, that sounds, not casual, but extremely boring and lame to me.

Havent you played Chronicles of Riddick????? That game is one of the best I have ever played!

I think a person who needs online in a FPS to have fun is a casual....

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#152 Impex
Member since 2005 • 5532 Posts
Some look good, some look meh. Simple as that.
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#153 subject117
Member since 2002 • 4824 Posts

That list just isnt good.

most of them look like kids game.

nintendo is ruining gaming.


How old are you? Aren't you like 15 or 16? Who cares what it looks like, it's about the gameplay.

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#154 subject117
Member since 2002 • 4824 Posts

Some look good, some look meh. Simple as that. Impex

I seriously doubt that most people here play all genres. Only a rare few could be expected to like ALL the games on there.

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#155 goblaa
Member since 2006 • 19304 Posts

[QUOTE="SH_guY"]its an ok list.. but again theres only like 3 - 4 games i want on it. not enough justification to buy one yet :(subrosian

Well, I went over this earlier in more eloquent terms, but this is simply *terribly* executed.

Perceived Problem: people are bashing the Wii because they feel it mainly has games they call casual like Dewy's Adventure or Dragon Quest: Swords

Solution: make a forum post with pictures of Metroid Prime, Dewy's Adventure, and Dragon Quest: Swords

Frankly, it simply validates the viewpoint it's trying to disprove - that is - it shows that the Wii focuses greatly on non-traditional gamers and casuals, with very little focus on the core gamer. We are picking the gems out of the trash pile. The best defense of the Wii would be to show the core titles on their own, without trying to shove questionable titles onto the list, or trying to debate semantics with dissenters.

how is that any different than what video games have been for the last decade? The PS2 had what, 30, quality core games in it's entire life span? Those were the gems. The rest was trash numbering in the thousnads. The type of trash on the PS2 was movie games and games based off of nicktoons or GTA rip-offs.

The diffrence here is:

1 - The Wii has not been out for even a year

2 - Alot of the titles that core gamers are calling trash are actually well made. They may not appeal to you, but the wii series and brain age and mario kart and such are really well made games. They are not low-budjet quick cash in trash made by teams with little to no talent. They have had a ton of effort put into them and from the perspective of a non-gamer, they are exactly what they are looking for and are the definition of quality.

Sure, the wii will always have those cheap movie multi-plats, and the ports have been really annoying. But the ports will slow down.

Honestly, you're making way to big of a deal out of this.

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#156 wii4panta
Member since 2007 • 2886 Posts
*IN B4 the "list is crap"- posts*magiciandude

That list just isnt good.

most of them look like kids game.

nintendo is ruining gaming.



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#157 bulb_or_parrot
Member since 2007 • 73 Posts

[QUOTE="SH_guY"]its an ok list.. but again theres only like 3 - 4 games i want on it. not enough justification to buy one yet :(goblaa

Well, I went over this earlier in more eloquent terms, but this is simply *terribly* executed.

Perceived Problem: people are bashing the Wii because they feel it mainly has games they call casual like Dewy's Adventure or Dragon Quest: Swords

Solution: make a forum post with pictures of Metroid Prime, Dewy's Adventure, and Dragon Quest: Swords

Frankly, it simply validates the viewpoint it's trying to disprove - that is - it shows that the Wii focuses greatly on non-traditional gamers and casuals, with very little focus on the core gamer. We are picking the gems out of the trash pile. The best defense of the Wii would be to show the core titles on their own, without trying to shove questionable titles onto the list, or trying to debate semantics with dissenters.

how is that any different than what video games have been for the last decade? The PS2 had what, 30, quality core games in it's entire life span? Those were the gems. The rest was trash numbering in the thousnads. The type of trash on the PS2 was movie games and games based off of nicktoons or GTA rip-offs.

The diffrence here is:

1 - The Wii has not been out for even a year

2 - Alot of the titles that core gamers are calling trash are actually well made. They may not appeal to you, but the wii series and brain age and mario kart and such are really well made games. They are not low-budjet quick cash in trash made by teams with little to no talent. They have had a ton of effort put into them and from the perspective of a non-gamer, they are exactly what they are looking for and are the definition of quality.

Sure, the wii will always have those cheap movie multi-plats, and the ports have been really annoying. But the ports will slow down.

Honestly, you're making way to big of a deal out of this.

You completely missed the point - you see this as cool because you support the Wii and see those as good games. Subrosian wasn't being mean, he's just pointing out that you should consider your audience when you try and show people they're wrong. He's right.

For example, Nintendo showed older gamers stuff like Wii Sports and Wii Fitness, because they know that maybe a mom who's trying to get her figure back might like a fun way to exercise, you wouldn't want to market an FPS game to her, for example.

So here, if the TC wants to convince hardcore gamers the Wii is good, he shouldn't have *any* of those games that hardcore gamers dislike on the list. Does that make sense? You sell beef-lovers a cheeseburger, not a chicken sandwich!

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#158 grapefruit21
Member since 2007 • 3537 Posts

[QUOTE="SH_guY"]its an ok list.. but again theres only like 3 - 4 games i want on it. not enough justification to buy one yet :(subrosian

Well, I went over this earlier in more eloquent terms, but this is simply *terribly* executed.

Perceived Problem: people are bashing the Wii because they feel it mainly has games they call casual like Dewy's Adventure or Dragon Quest: Swords

Solution: make a forum post with pictures of Metroid Prime, Dewy's Adventure, and Dragon Quest: Swords

Frankly, it simply validates the viewpoint it's trying to disprove - that is - it shows that the Wii focuses greatly on non-traditional gamers and casuals, with very little focus on the core gamer. We are picking the gems out of the trash pile. The best defense of the Wii would be to show the core titles on their own, without trying to shove questionable titles onto the list, or trying to debate semantics with dissenters.

I think you've got what he's doing wrong. He is trying to show games of all types not just the core gamers titles. He's trying to prove a diversity games that even if they aren't your genre are well made (I understand that in some of the games(soul caliber legends) that isn't a given). He's showing it has more to offer than rushed ports and minigames.
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#159 grapefruit21
Member since 2007 • 3537 Posts
Bulb or parrot: to use your analogy he is giving the burger and the chicken sandwich. Those games span several genres. And I don't even try to define hardcore and try to stay out of arguments involving it. I think we need casey to make a sticky for discussion of it so the great arguments don't pop up in random places like this thread. P.S. TC we need more fire emblem hype best turn based strategy I've ever played.
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#160 munu9
Member since 2004 • 11109 Posts
I know those are all real games, though it's too bad they have to be so ugly. Why couldn't the wii have been half as powerful as the 360 :cry:
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#161 Wemhim256
Member since 2007 • 712 Posts
Project Hammer looks crap, otherwise it looks pretty cool(The list being it). And I don't know why, Project Hammer just looks boring, dunno, maybe swinging around a hammer isn't as awesome as swinging a sword. *Imagines Kill Bill, but in a good original game using the Wii-mote*.
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#162 judge__judy
Member since 2005 • 2129 Posts
lol! they all look like cartoons
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#163 Wemhim256
Member since 2007 • 712 Posts
I know those are all real games, though it's too bad they have to be so ugly. Why couldn't the wii have been half as powerful as the 360 :cry:munu9
Well, the way I see it, even if it's secondary as a console, it's still fun, so if really need a powerful console, then theres the 360(Or PS3), but I mean, I still play PS1 and SNES games, so I don't see anything wrong with it. Personally, after looking at Mario, some coloful artistic games would be nice, I don't like the whole, "real life" art style with some games, like Red Steel, sure, it has some art style to it, but overall, it's modeled after life, games like No More Heroes and Super Mario Galaxy look cool. Better than some next gen games, because of style. Personally, I think Killer7 is one of the best looking games ever, regardless of technical stuff.
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#164 Wemhim256
Member since 2007 • 712 Posts
lol! they all look like cartoonsjudge__judy
Good, it's kind of boring watching things modeled after real life. I mean, I get to watch live action shows, and shows like South Park, I wish devs would stop trying to place ME in a warzone, but have a game take place in a different dimension, such as a world where the world isn't so dark, graffiti ridden and lacking in colour. I don't see why someone can't enjoy some good ol' paint red blood, or some good ol' sunshine in a game. But no, the game has to be dark, with dark lighting, dark textures, dark clothes, dark blood, dark everything. Honestly, without the amount of games inimating realism, we need about 500 cartoons to actually have a balance, I can watch South Park, I can watch the Daily Show, with games, I'm stuck with this, 'yo so dis looks leik real life' EVERY time. I'm not saying that Crysis doesn't look awesome, but I'd like to see some cartoon like stuff.
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#165 subrosian
Member since 2005 • 14232 Posts
Bulb or parrot: to use your analogy he is giving the burger and the chicken sandwich. Those games span several genres. And I don't even try to define hardcore and try to stay out of arguments involving it. I think we need casey to make a sticky for discussion of it so the great arguments don't pop up in random places like this thread. P.S. TC we need more fire emblem hype best turn based strategy I've ever played.grapefruit21

I rarely do this silly analogies, but I want to have some fun with bulb's response here. Please forgive me if I dismiss my usual straightforward ****- and please, let's not play semantics games...

That's all well and good, but the cheeseburger lover doesn't care if you make a mean chicken sandwich, he cares how good your cheeseburger is.

Now, Nintendo's trying to be Chili's right now, and have a little bit of everything, and do it well -but for someone like a hardcore gamer, who, let's say is a "sushi lover" (a niche food) in this analogy, well, they're not going to be happy with grocery store quality sushi, and trying to put out stuff for everyone leaves them wanting for their favorite food. Is there stuff they can eat? Yeah, no question, but is there exactly what they want? No. They're left wanting some really good eel rolls, and Nintendo is instead putting spring rolls with peanut dipping sauce on the menu.

Do they like these "casualized core" titles - aka the "spring roll" at Chili's? Yeah, it's alright. But is it as good for them as a menu focused on their favorite sushi would have been? No, of course not.

That's the issue here - Nintendo hasn't put that focus on the core demographic, they've put it on an emerging market - the non-traditional gamer, and along with it they've shifted a demographic (casuals) that aren't as picky about their games with it. For the core gamer (sushi-lover) playing on the Wii (eating at Chili's), the menu is just does not completely satisfy.

Please, let's not take these food analogies further - I'm just having some fun, but you get the point.
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#166 dream431ca
Member since 2003 • 10165 Posts

That list just isnt good.

most of them look like kids game.

nintendo is ruining gaming.


If they are ruining gaming, then why are they leading in sales?? Nintendo made games accessible to everyone and made games fun for everyone and not just the hardcore people. They re ignited the gaming industry. They are certainly not ruining gaming, they are increasing it, dramatically.

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#167 grapefruit21
Member since 2007 • 3537 Posts
[QUOTE="grapefruit21"]Bulb or parrot: to use your analogy he is giving the burger and the chicken sandwich. Those games span several genres. And I don't even try to define hardcore and try to stay out of arguments involving it. I think we need casey to make a sticky for discussion of it so the great arguments don't pop up in random places like this thread. P.S. TC we need more fire emblem hype best turn based strategy I've ever played.subrosian

I rarely do this silly analogies, but I want to have some fun with bulb's response here. Please forgive me if I dismiss my usual straightforward ****- and please, let's not play semantics games...

That's all well and good, but the cheeseburger lover doesn't care if you make a mean chicken sandwich, he cares how good your cheeseburger is.

Now, Nintendo's trying to be Chili's right now, and have a little bit of everything, and do it well -but for someone like a hardcore gamer, who, let's say is a "sushi lover" (a niche food) in this analogy, well, they're not going to be happy with grocery store quality sushi, and trying to put out stuff for everyone leaves them wanting for their favorite food. Is there stuff they can eat? Yeah, no question, but is there exactly what they want? No. They're left wanting some really good eel rolls, and Nintendo is instead putting spring rolls with peanut dipping sauce on the menu.

Do they like these "casualized core" titles - aka the "spring roll" at Chili's? Yeah, it's alright. But is it as good for them as a menu focused on their favorite sushi would have been? No, of course not.

That's the issue here - Nintendo hasn't put that focus on the core demographic, they've put it on an emerging market - the non-traditional gamer, and along with it they've shifted a demographic (casuals) that aren't as picky about their games with it. For the core gamer (sushi-lover) playing on the Wii (eating at Chili's), the menu is just does not completely satisfy.

Please, let's not take these food analogies further - I'm just having some fun, but you get the point.

you make a good point but but we may have to agree to disagree because I do not see a quality cut in nintendo's core games. Though GS disagrees with me on this(Zelda TP) so I have no argument on GS.
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#168 munu9
Member since 2004 • 11109 Posts

[QUOTE="munu9"]I know those are all real games, though it's too bad they have to be so ugly. Why couldn't the wii have been half as powerful as the 360 :cry:Wemhim256
Personally, after looking at Mario, some coloful artistic games would be nice, I don't like the whole, "real life" art style with some games

That's were little big planet and ratchet and clank future come in for the ps3 :)