Q: How do you feel about Nintendo developing on mobile/PC?

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#1 PikachuDude860
Member since 2014 • 1810 Posts

I don't know, really. I mean, I guess it could be a good thing? It would help advertise their games and consoles...And make them a crap ton of cash.

Other other hand, it feels like a semi 3rd party move...I need to see what they plan on doing with it first.

It still feels weird though...

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#2 Sepewrath
Member since 2005 • 30689 Posts

Nintendo IS NOT developing for mobile. Nintendo is allowing DeNa to use their properties to develop games, similarly to when they allowed Philips to make those abominations they called Zelda games.

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#3  Edited By KBFloYd
Member since 2009 • 22714 Posts

i honestly dont care if they go complete 3rd party even...

as long as i get my marios, zeldas, metroids and all that then im good.

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#4 Master_Of_Fools
Member since 2009 • 1651 Posts

It's Nintendo committing Seppuku. Nintendo is killing themselves. It's a sad day for gamers.

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#5 so_hai
Member since 2007 • 4385 Posts

I bet the companies unconvincingly dominating the market are a bit worried. Nintendo have been developing games for small screens before the CEOs of these new companies finished school.

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#6  Edited By superbuuman
Member since 2010 • 6400 Posts

The end of Nintendo console..& its kinda sad...it is a move towards bye bye Nintendo console..& hi mobile gaming/3rd parties....alot of JPN devs have move towards mobile gaming. IF this mobile venture nets them more money & bigger market..for sure they will ditch their console side. :P

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#7 bunchanumbers
Member since 2013 • 5709 Posts

Its the best thing nintendo could have done. They just won the console war with this announcement. Not only does this expand the userbase with enticing new gamers to the Nintendo handheld and console, it will bring in tons of money. Nintendo can use this money for all sorts of things like their new platforms and actual advertising campaigns. And after NX takes off and the console part is announced, it will end up being the last console.

Sony is already working on turning PSNow into PS5 so that they can become a pure streaming service, and MS is working on turning Xbox into an app for Windows 10. If they both succeed, then Nintendo will stand as the lone console. The gamers who demand physical media will have no choice but to buy Nintendo, and Nintendo will reign supreme once again.

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#8  Edited By BattleSpectre
Member since 2009 • 7989 Posts

@bunchanumbers said:

Sony is already working on turning PSNow into PS5 so that they can become a pure streaming service, and MS is working on turning Xbox into an app for Windows 10.

I'm just very curious, where exactly did you get that information from? Have Sony and MS come out and confirmed that or is this just rumours? Because I'd bet my house on the fact that the PS4 and XB1 won't be the last home console, maybe in the future we'll have something like that but I don't see this streaming service happening anytime soon, especially with how well the PS4 and XB1 are selling.

Not to forget some people don't have the internet for a streaming service, like myself for example. Australian Internet sucks and I'm limited to 200GB a month, with really crappy speeds.

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#9  Edited By SakusEnvoy
Member since 2009 • 4764 Posts

@Sepewrath said:

Nintendo IS NOT developing for mobile. Nintendo is allowing DeNa to use their properties to develop games, similarly to when they allowed Philips to make those abominations they called Zelda games.

No, that is incorrect. It is a partnership with DeNa, and they will be jointly developing and operating game applications. Nintendo is leveraging DeNa's expertise in infrastructure technology and "mobile-optimized services" to help release said games. They are not simply leasing out their IP.

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#10  Edited By MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17700 Posts

@Sepewrath said:

Nintendo IS NOT developing for mobile. Nintendo is allowing DeNa to use their properties to develop games, similarly to when they allowed Philips to make those abominations they called Zelda games.

This is false. From Nintendo's statement:

"Leveraging the strength of Nintendo's intellectual property (IP) and game development skills in combination with DeNA's world-class expertise in mobile games, both companies will develop and operate new game apps based on Nintendo's IP, including its iconic game characters, for smart devices."

It will be a collaborative effort between the two. I'm personally very excited by this news, but it seems many are let down, so let me make a list of the pros and cons as I see them (and with what we know as of yet).

  • Nintendo has come out and said that they're working on "streamlining" their development process and adopting an Apple model of app functionality between its devices, so I'm thinking their console and handhelds will be running similar, easily portable games in that core ecosystem, and then what is seen on the phones will work with all mobiles and PC in their respective ecosystems as well (perhaps Steam for PC, or Nintendo may launch their own digital distribution platform....though I find that unwise and unlikely taking Steam on).
  • this brings in the possibility of services like cross-play and cross-buy, something Nintendo has been experimenting with recently with select titles. We may also see cloud saves to be able to save on one device and continue on another.
  • most importantly, Nintendo's purchased 11% of DeNA's stock under the agreement that Nintendo will allocate development towards mobile titles, and DeNA will handle what is necessary for all the above to work properly: the net infrastructure and accounts part required to have them function in today's mobile environment.
  • what does this mean.....yep....having all games across all platforms requires unified accounts!!

This is tremendous news (despite whether you believe in mobile gaming as viable platform or not) and is wonderful anyway you cut it. Anything digital will no longer be tied to hardware (there's still a chance, but Nintendo would have to reach a new level of stupidity to attempt it). No more filing police reports and having to call Nintendo for permission to DL your games. No more worrying about the possibility of losing hundreds of dollars worth of digital games if you misplace your 3DS. That power will now be in your hands with just the entering of a log-in and password. It cannot get better than this, and I'm getting the impression many don't quit grasp how big of a step this really is. Nintendo is finally making more than a decade's progression in one single move here (at least from what it sounds like), and it should be wholeheartedly embraced.

Now, to some of the worries I've seen:

  • "Nintendo's going to drop consoles and go all mobile."

This is unrealistic. They will be tapping into the mobile market, but it won't become their focus, that will still be on their console and handheld. The games coming out for mobile apparently will be using known properties, but will be new IPs suitable to the interface. We're probably going to be seeing games similar to Advance Wars, WarioWare, Earthbound, Nintendogs/Cats, and titles that cater to the casual demographic that owns smartphones. These games will not only introduce a new revenue stream, with a little clever implementation, they could be used as a hook to get people to investigate purchasing Nintendo's core system offerings. This is good....it's baiting the waters.

  • "We're going to see ports of VC games with virtual buttons and terrible controls....NO THANKS."

I totally agree with this, but I also find this unrealistic. If one thing Nintendo has shown, it's that they usually can come up with some clever ways to design their games around hardware interfaces. They'll make games work around the touchscreen, not the touchscreen around the games. And again, they've already shown that they're capable of creating great games that use the touch screen with the DS. They've proven they can do it.

All in all, I'm excited to see where this may lead. Mostly pumped right now because it looks like I'll soon finally be able to buy Nintendo's digital offerings after refusing to based on principle for all these years, and there's a large backlog I have. However you feel about mobile, it's a massive step in the right direction, even with mobile out of the picture.

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#11  Edited By Litchie
Member since 2003 • 34793 Posts

I don't know. If there will still be good Nintendo games for Nintendo systems, while less good / bad games with some Nintendo stuff in them for mobiles exists, I don't have a problem with this. If the mobile games somehow would make the console stuff worse or fade away, this is the worst news ever in the history of videogames. If the mobile games would help Nintendo financially enough for them to make even better console games, this is great news.

I have no idea what the outcome will be from this.. But Nintendo making money sounds good. :P Personally, though, I couldn't care less about mobile games. They really really suck compared to, say, 3DS games. If I could call people with my 3DS, I'd throw my phone in the dumpster. :P

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#12 deactivated-57d8401f17c55
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@BattleSpectre said:

@bunchanumbers said:

Sony is already working on turning PSNow into PS5 so that they can become a pure streaming service, and MS is working on turning Xbox into an app for Windows 10.

I'm just very curious, where exactly did you get that information from? Have Sony and MS come out and confirmed that or is this just rumours?

A lot of people are throwing this around but it's not true. Technically they could do it if they really wanted but it would be rushed to say the least.

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#13  Edited By BattleSpectre
Member since 2009 • 7989 Posts

@Chozofication said:

@BattleSpectre said:

@bunchanumbers said:

Sony is already working on turning PSNow into PS5 so that they can become a pure streaming service, and MS is working on turning Xbox into an app for Windows 10.

I'm just very curious, where exactly did you get that information from? Have Sony and MS come out and confirmed that or is this just rumours?

A lot of people are throwing this around but it's not true. Technically they could do it if they really wanted but it would be rushed to say the least.

I certainly hope not ay, my Internet isn't ready for an all streaming game service. I really hope they stick with a home console for the next generation, or else I simply get left out if it's 100% focused on streaming.

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#14  Edited By SakusEnvoy
Member since 2009 • 4764 Posts

@BattleSpectre: I can't imagine we'll have an all streaming future. Game ownership is still very important to players, and streaming by definition can't guarantee personal ownership forever. Just look at the backlash the One received for originally requiring always on Internet, and we can see that gamers want to be able to play their games permanently without worrying about services being disconnected on the other side. Streaming will never be accepted as a replacement for local systems. Sony is using it as a service to supplement but not replace revenue from local sources. Console gamers don't even want to give up physical ownership in favor of digital ownership.

Also the PS5, by the time it's released, will likely support 4K, and streaming 4K gameplay at this point in time is not realistic for the mainstream.

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#15 BattleSpectre
Member since 2009 • 7989 Posts

@SakusEnvoy: That does make a lot of sense, don't get me wrong I'd love to be able to stream games, and I can also see the advantage of going digital and why some people prefer it (no need of a disc etc.). But then you have the other side of it where you don't really have personal ownership over that game and have to depend on the service to stay open (like you mentioned). If it wasn't for my data cap and crappy internet speeds I wouldn't mind jumping into some of that, but unfortunately digital and streaming services are not for me (maybe one day Australia will catch up with their Internet plans).

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#16 so_hai
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It's fine. It will lift the standard too, and the unconvincing effort from the market 'leaders' will finally have to try harder and charge less. Nintendo have been making games for small screens forever - and they're ALWAYS good.

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#17 bunchanumbers
Member since 2013 • 5709 Posts

@BattleSpectre said:

@bunchanumbers said:

Sony is already working on turning PSNow into PS5 so that they can become a pure streaming service, and MS is working on turning Xbox into an app for Windows 10.

I'm just very curious, where exactly did you get that information from? Have Sony and MS come out and confirmed that or is this just rumours? Because I'd bet my house on the fact that the PS4 and XB1 won't be the last home console, maybe in the future we'll have something like that but I don't see this streaming service happening anytime soon, especially with how well the PS4 and XB1 are selling.

Not to forget some people don't have the internet for a streaming service, like myself for example. Australian Internet sucks and I'm limited to 200GB a month, with really crappy speeds.

Here is a post I made about how Sony and Sony execs are debating whether or not to have PS5 be a cloud based console.


And the writing is on the wall for Xbox. They are working on their Rio streaming service and are integrating Xbox into Windows 10. They are also doing streaming from Xbox to PC. The middleman of having a Xbox will eventually disappear and will just be a app for Windows.

Physical consoles are dying. Keeping a console under your TV for 6-8 years is bad. They are terribly dated and by the time its time to upgrade, the next console is already outdated. People buy new phones every year that cost twice as much as a console and never complain. But launch a console in less than 5 years and most gamers riot. Sony, MS, and even Nintendo are starting to realize this and are looking for their own way to leave consoles behind.

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#18 Jaysonguy
Member since 2006 • 39454 Posts

Nintendo has been dying for the last seven years.

They finally pulled the plug before it became embarrassing.

There is no other way to look at it.

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#19 bunchanumbers
Member since 2013 • 5709 Posts

@Jaysonguy said:

Nintendo has been dying for the last seven years.

They finally pulled the plug before it became embarrassing.

There is no other way to look at it.

I don't get it. Nintendo's value went up by 3.5 billion in a day but somehow its pulling the plug. This is Nintendo's resurgence. Not the other way around.

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#20  Edited By YearoftheSnake5
Member since 2005 • 9716 Posts

It's a good thing for Nintendo. Nintendo and DeNA are going to work on entirely new experiences for mobile, instead of doing ports of existing software. Their dedicated handheld will have a different library, not too different from how things currently are. Mobile and Nintendo handheld platforms have coexisted in the marketplace for a while now. This move allows Nintendo to open up a new revenue stream without poaching their own hardware sales.

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#21 Jaysonguy
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lol no

They're a cell phone game company now, the old Nintendo is dead.

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#22  Edited By outworld222
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I think it's a good idea. Think of these other platforms as Nintendo advertising their games. Nintendo will never give their games to other platforms.

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#23 elheber
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I'm cautiously optimistic.

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#24 nini200
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I want the Nintendo Phone. Tired of Google removing functionality with each new phone/update. Make it happen Nintendo

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#25 sonic_spark
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My understanding is that the mobile games won't compete with their handheld markets. These won't be ports, but entirely new experiences specifically designed for mobile devices. I'm not too concerned.

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#26 bunchanumbers
Member since 2013 • 5709 Posts

@Jaysonguy said:


lol no

They're a cell phone game company now, the old Nintendo is dead.

The old nintendo died when the Yamauchi family sold their shares and backed out of the business. This is Nintendo evolving and not being a relic of gaming past. I figured you of all people would be happy.

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#27  Edited By Tonindo
Member since 2006 • 563 Posts
@Sepewrath said:

Nintendo IS NOT developing for mobile. Nintendo is allowing DeNa to use their properties to develop games, similarly to when they allowed Philips to make those abominations they called Zelda games.

"Development of smart device games will be mainly done by Nintendo, but it is significant that we are forming a joint development structure with DeNA." - Iwata


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#28 calway55
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I see it as making a change for new times. It will introduce more people to Nintendo and could attract them to their console/handheld units. As long as Nintendo doesn't plan on ditching that market I'm ok with it. As to what that future will be should be interesting.

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#29 PikachuDude860
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Reading this may ease the minds of those who are worried about Nintendo.


(Hate that new link system.)

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#30 PikachuDude860
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@MirkoS77: I'm glad your faith in Nintendo is starting to return. =)

I wasn't sure what to think of this, at first. But after reading what Iwata had to say about all of this, I think it COULD be a good thing. You make a lot of good points, and I think Iwata may agree.

The 9th generation is going to be interesting.

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#31 Jaysonguy
Member since 2006 • 39454 Posts

@pikachudude860 said:

Reading this may ease the minds of those who are worried about Nintendo.


(Hate that new link system.)

You don't know much about mobile gaming.

Want to know the percent of people that download a free app and then never buy anything to do with the company?


Iwata has no idea what he's doing.

Here's another fun fact, guess who owns the most amount of Nintendo stock outside of Nintendo.


The reason Nintendo's stock soared was because of who has their stock now, it has nothing to do with Nintendo.

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#32  Edited By SeriousGaming
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I hope they slowly roll everything out ultimately accumulating in having access to their library on PC and across all platforms. I'm probably more excited about the potential opening up to other platforms has for the coming years than for the immediate future.

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#33 CrimsonBrute  Moderator
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Leaked screenshot:


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#34 SakusEnvoy
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@bunchanumbers: but physical consoles aren't dying. The PS4 is Sony's fastest selling console to date, and console generations are lasting longer than ever for everyone besides Nintendo. The fact that consoles quickly become outdated seems to have no effect whatsoever on sales. Nintendo's recent struggles are an aberration in an otherwise healthy market.

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#35 PikachuDude860
Member since 2014 • 1810 Posts

@Jaysonguy said:

@pikachudude860 said:

Reading this may ease the minds of those who are worried about Nintendo.


(Hate that new link system.)

You don't know much about mobile gaming.

Want to know the percent of people that download a free app and then never buy anything to do with the company?


Iwata has no idea what he's doing.

Here's another fun fact, guess who owns the most amount of Nintendo stock outside of Nintendo.


The reason Nintendo's stock soared was because of who has their stock now, it has nothing to do with Nintendo.

Well, how many companies actually have their IP on mobile devices? Let alone renown IPs like Mario. One way or the other, people downloading the games will make Nintendo a profit.

As for DeNA...That doesn't sound very fun for Nintendo.

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#36 Sepewrath
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I stand corrected, though at the time of my post all articles were reading that DeNa was handling development. I see new articles clearing it up now that says Nintendo will handle development and DeNa will handled the service side. I guess that means the quality of the games will be up to par, maybe Miyamoto can handle them, he said he wanted to do smaller games.

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#37  Edited By BattleSpectre
Member since 2009 • 7989 Posts
@bunchanumbers said:

@BattleSpectre said:

@bunchanumbers said:

Sony is already working on turning PSNow into PS5 so that they can become a pure streaming service, and MS is working on turning Xbox into an app for Windows 10.

I'm just very curious, where exactly did you get that information from? Have Sony and MS come out and confirmed that or is this just rumours? Because I'd bet my house on the fact that the PS4 and XB1 won't be the last home console, maybe in the future we'll have something like that but I don't see this streaming service happening anytime soon, especially with how well the PS4 and XB1 are selling.

Not to forget some people don't have the internet for a streaming service, like myself for example. Australian Internet sucks and I'm limited to 200GB a month, with really crappy speeds.

Here is a post I made about how Sony and Sony execs are debating whether or not to have PS5 be a cloud based console.


And the writing is on the wall for Xbox. They are working on their Rio streaming service and are integrating Xbox into Windows 10. They are also doing streaming from Xbox to PC. The middleman of having a Xbox will eventually disappear and will just be a app for Windows.

Physical consoles are dying. Keeping a console under your TV for 6-8 years is bad. They are terribly dated and by the time its time to upgrade, the next console is already outdated. People buy new phones every year that cost twice as much as a console and never complain. But launch a console in less than 5 years and most gamers riot. Sony, MS, and even Nintendo are starting to realize this and are looking for their own way to leave consoles behind.

But the majority of gamers aren't ready to give up the home console, or even physical copies of games. We all saw the backlash the Xbox One received when it announced it would have to always be online (could you imagine what would happen if they took away physical copies and stick to streaming/digital only?). Like @SakusEnvoy mentioned streaming by definition can't guarantee personal ownership forever and we can see that gamers want to be able to play their games permanently without worrying about services being disconnected on the other side, also you mention the home console is dying? You do realize how well the PS4 (in fact the PS4 is the fastest selling console of all time) and XB1 is selling right now don't you?

Nothing about the home console is dying and I don't believe the next generation of consoles will be based entirely off of streaming. Then you have the other problem where not every country has unlimited and super fast internet speeds, you have to look at the whole picture and not just where you live, as long as data caps exist this won't work. They will lose sales if they focus their whole attention of the console to be a streaming device because like I mentioned not everyone has the internet to do that, just because these company's are introducing streaming into their consoles doesn't mean it will take over the home console - not anytime soon anyways.

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#38 bunchanumbers
Member since 2013 • 5709 Posts

@BattleSpectre said:
@bunchanumbers said:

@BattleSpectre said:

@bunchanumbers said:

Sony is already working on turning PSNow into PS5 so that they can become a pure streaming service, and MS is working on turning Xbox into an app for Windows 10.

I'm just very curious, where exactly did you get that information from? Have Sony and MS come out and confirmed that or is this just rumours? Because I'd bet my house on the fact that the PS4 and XB1 won't be the last home console, maybe in the future we'll have something like that but I don't see this streaming service happening anytime soon, especially with how well the PS4 and XB1 are selling.

Not to forget some people don't have the internet for a streaming service, like myself for example. Australian Internet sucks and I'm limited to 200GB a month, with really crappy speeds.

Here is a post I made about how Sony and Sony execs are debating whether or not to have PS5 be a cloud based console.


And the writing is on the wall for Xbox. They are working on their Rio streaming service and are integrating Xbox into Windows 10. They are also doing streaming from Xbox to PC. The middleman of having a Xbox will eventually disappear and will just be a app for Windows.

Physical consoles are dying. Keeping a console under your TV for 6-8 years is bad. They are terribly dated and by the time its time to upgrade, the next console is already outdated. People buy new phones every year that cost twice as much as a console and never complain. But launch a console in less than 5 years and most gamers riot. Sony, MS, and even Nintendo are starting to realize this and are looking for their own way to leave consoles behind.

But the majority of gamers aren't ready to give up the home console, or even physical copies of games. We all saw the backlash the Xbox One received when it announced it would have to always be online (could you imagine what would happen if they took away physical copies and stick to streaming/digital only?). Like @SakusEnvoy mentioned streaming by definition can't guarantee personal ownership forever and we can see that gamers want to be able to play their games permanently without worrying about services being disconnected on the other side, also you mention the home console is dying? You do realize how well the PS4 (in fact the PS4 is the fastest selling console of all time) and XB1 is selling right now don't you?

Nothing about the home console is dying and I don't believe the next generation of consoles will be based entirely off of streaming. Then you have the other problem where not every country has unlimited and super fast internet speeds, you have to look at the whole picture and not just where you live, as long as data caps exist this won't work. They will lose sales if they focus their whole attention of the console to be a streaming device because like I mentioned not everyone has the internet to do that, just because these company's are introducing streaming into their consoles doesn't mean it will take over the home console - not anytime soon anyways.

That definition is changing. Its like how people will watch netflix even though they don't own those movies or tv shows. Eventually video games will be another form of consumable media. The only thing that is holding it back is the gamers themselves. And even that is changing. Digital downloads are happening all the time and people swallow DLC these days with little complaint. Personal ownership will be something that will be weighed against the convenience of being able to take your video games everywhere you want with access whenever you feel like it.

People had a backlash against the Xbox One because they still tried to provide a physical console. They tried to keep physical discs, but make it download instead. It was a half step to going digital but they messed up with the physical console and physical discs. If it was Rio and a Xbox app on Windows they probably would be raking in the money.

Part of it is evolution, and part of it is business. I think Sony would give up the profits from the developing countries if it means they get more profits from their big countries. Thinking of it as mining, it would be that the countries with good internet would be purer profits vs the developing countries. By going with streaming they also won't have to worry about second hand sales eating into their profits. Console profits are razor thin as it is anyway. Sony is selling record amounts of PS4s but its not equaling big profits for Sony.

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#39 Master_Of_Fools
Member since 2009 • 1651 Posts

@BattleSpectre said:

@bunchanumbers said:

Sony is already working on turning PSNow into PS5 so that they can become a pure streaming service, and MS is working on turning Xbox into an app for Windows 10.

I'm just very curious, where exactly did you get that information from? Have Sony and MS come out and confirmed that or is this just rumours? Because I'd bet my house on the fact that the PS4 and XB1 won't be the last home console, maybe in the future we'll have something like that but I don't see this streaming service happening anytime soon, especially with how well the PS4 and XB1 are selling.

Not to forget some people don't have the internet for a streaming service, like myself for example. Australian Internet sucks and I'm limited to 200GB a month, with really crappy speeds.

The Sony President said almost a year ago that a PS5 wont happen, it won't be a "console" it will be a streaming service like Netflix but with Sony's games.

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#41  Edited By Master_Of_Fools
Member since 2009 • 1651 Posts
@Jaysonguy said:


lol no

They're a cell phone game company now, the old Nintendo is dead.

For once I fully agree with you.

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#42 bountyofnumbers
Member since 2015 • 25 Posts

It just shows how desperate Nintendo is getting to please share holders, their handhelds are meant to offer on the go Nintendo games, but now they are deciding to make mobile games that are not going to live up to a full game of the franchise and will probably not convince anyone to buy the handheld version. Most of the people who have not converted to a handheld device already aren't going to be swayed by mobile games...

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#43 SakusEnvoy
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@Master_Of_Fools said:

@BattleSpectre said:

I'm just very curious, where exactly did you get that information from? Have Sony and MS come out and confirmed that or is this just rumours? Because I'd bet my house on the fact that the PS4 and XB1 won't be the last home console, maybe in the future we'll have something like that but I don't see this streaming service happening anytime soon, especially with how well the PS4 and XB1 are selling.

Not to forget some people don't have the internet for a streaming service, like myself for example. Australian Internet sucks and I'm limited to 200GB a month, with really crappy speeds.

The Sony President said almost a year ago that a PS5 wont happen, it won't be a "console" it will be a streaming service like Netflix but with Sony's games.

Yoshida: It’s really up to the game creators. If they still feel that we need more machine power – ‘We want to realize this and that and that, but we cannot do [it] with PS4′ – if that’s the case, there’s a good reason to have PS5, so that developers can create their vision. So, we’ll see. [link]

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#44  Edited By tocool340
Member since 2004 • 21653 Posts

I don't like it honestly but I guess they have to do whatever they need to keep themselves afloat...

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#45  Edited By JigglyWiggly_
Member since 2009 • 24625 Posts

The Nintendo games on mobile are just going to be total crapware games that phone gamers love(games with no gameplay).

It's a genius move really, make shovelware for mobile as a huge source of revenue.

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#46 JustPlainLucas
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@crimsonbrute said:

Leaked screenshot:

Pretty much.

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#47 Master_Of_Fools
Member since 2009 • 1651 Posts

@SakusEnvoy said:

@Master_Of_Fools said:

@BattleSpectre said:

I'm just very curious, where exactly did you get that information from? Have Sony and MS come out and confirmed that or is this just rumours? Because I'd bet my house on the fact that the PS4 and XB1 won't be the last home console, maybe in the future we'll have something like that but I don't see this streaming service happening anytime soon, especially with how well the PS4 and XB1 are selling.

Not to forget some people don't have the internet for a streaming service, like myself for example. Australian Internet sucks and I'm limited to 200GB a month, with really crappy speeds.

The Sony President said almost a year ago that a PS5 wont happen, it won't be a "console" it will be a streaming service like Netflix but with Sony's games.

Yoshida: It’s really up to the game creators. If they still feel that we need more machine power – ‘We want to realize this and that and that, but we cannot do [it] with PS4′ – if that’s the case, there’s a good reason to have PS5, so that developers can create their vision. So, we’ll see. [link]

Exactly if the devs shout out about it enough, but THEIR PLAN IS NO CONSOLE. But knowing how 3rd party devs are morons these days and lazy they wont have a problem with this, no wasting money making physical copies, hell Sega has already decided to slow down and eventually stop with physical copies of games.

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#48  Edited By wiifan001
Member since 2007 • 18660 Posts

I dread the thought of a new canon Zelda or Metroid exclusively on mobile devices.

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#49  Edited By SakusEnvoy
Member since 2009 • 4764 Posts

@Master_Of_Fools said:

@SakusEnvoy said:

@Master_Of_Fools said:

The Sony President said almost a year ago that a PS5 wont happen, it won't be a "console" it will be a streaming service like Netflix but with Sony's games.

Yoshida: It’s really up to the game creators. If they still feel that we need more machine power – ‘We want to realize this and that and that, but we cannot do [it] with PS4′ – if that’s the case, there’s a good reason to have PS5, so that developers can create their vision. So, we’ll see. [link]

Exactly if the devs shout out about it enough, but THEIR PLAN IS NO CONSOLE. But knowing how 3rd party devs are morons these days and lazy they wont have a problem with this, no wasting money making physical copies, hell Sega has already decided to slow down and eventually stop with physical copies of games.

But it's pretty obvious that the PS4 does not represent the zenith of console technical achievement. Quite the contrary, it is honestly ill suited for both VR and 4K. That won't stop Sony from trying, at least with VR, but those two technologies alone already give Sony a good enough reason to someday produce a PS5.

Project Morpheus 2 could incorporate a higher resolution display. And the technology should be there by 2019 to use a mid-level, mainstream graphics card to produce 4K games. There's no reason to fear PS Now, it's a clever way to get Sony's back catalog onto as many devices as possible, but it is not a complete replacement for console hardware.

The one thing Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony all have in common is that they want to reach gamers who don't necessarily purchase their dedicated hardware, while trying to provide a good, unique experience to those who do. Nintendo is only the latest of the three to finally see the advantage of putting their games on devices that people already own.

Also, the "loss leading" strategy of old is pretty much dead (in part, thanks to Nintendo leading by example with at-cost/profitable hardware). Today, new consoles are sold at close to manufacturing cost, and often sometimes for a profit, which means the loss that Sony takes from producing them is much less than it used to be. Thanks to things like Playstation Plus subscriptions, they have new sources of revenue which they didn't used to have in the old days. The new PS4 model is working for Sony, and Playstation is profitable. The PS3 model of 2006 is dead and buried.

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#50  Edited By AznbkdX
Member since 2012 • 4284 Posts

I'm fine with the decision in general... but I hope they bring their A game. It may be easy to step into the mobile gaming world, but you really need a lot of knowledge to stay there.

Nintendo in general will probably bring games better than the average phone game, but hopefully they know how to capitalize on customer interest (and unfortunately addiction) otherwise its not worth it. Games like Clash of Clans and what have you thrive off of how well it connects to people based on its f2p model, mobile qualities (updates, bite sized) and apparent addictive play (never played it but I know many who have).

Nintendo will be a greenhorn when it comes to fast paced monthly game updates, mobile marketing, and keeping gameplay addictive enough to keep a userbase. Even with their game expertise this is a whole new field.