New Zelda games aren't good

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#51 GameExtreme
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Hourglass wasn't the best but spirttracks is decent. It's adds a new twist to the zelda series.
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#52 windsquid9000
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The touch screen controls are a good thing. They give you analog, omnidirectional control over Link.


Honestly,controlling Link via the touch screen was imprecise to me,and I would have preferred the D-Pad for movement.

I like the controls and don't think the games would have been as good without them. In several places throughout the games, it would have been irritating not having full control over Link.
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#53 oldmanriver1
Member since 2009 • 726 Posts

Yeah enjoyed Minish cap certainly a lot more then phantomn hourglass, although PH was still a solid game. I just hated the overuse of the touchscreen which meant that certain actions and commands interfered with each other (like the spin attack and just moving around in general), I mean why not just use the D-pad? I found most of the other touch screen controls to be good, its a pity the most used one "moving" is a slight pain. It just felt like they added the control just to try and show off the fact you can play the whole game via touchscreen.

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#54 greenarcher02
Member since 2009 • 988 Posts
whoever said Zelda was supposed to take place in medieval times? i mean, every game happens 100 years before/after another.... clearly they have to advance somehow? the touch screen was great... except for rolling in PH... i'm glad they fixed that in ST... and i don't get people complaining that controlling Link through the touchscreen was a pain/imprecise? D-pad controls are imprecise... up-down-left-right and you have to hold two to move diagonally... and tapping the stylus like a pen feels more natural than tapping the D-pad like texting...
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#55 Cruse34
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Yet you don't know there name or haven't played it sounds like a troll to me folks.

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#56 Barbie_Boy
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phantoms hourglass was the first zelda game I ever hated and I am sure as hell is not paying full price for ST. I either buy used or borrow it

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#57 TriniPlayer
Member since 2009 • 7722 Posts

phantoms hourglass was the first zelda game I ever hated and I am sure as hell is not paying full price for ST. I either buy used or borrow it


Its basically the same thing like PH with some improvements so whats the sense playig it if you hated PH to begin with?

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#58 Barbie_Boy
Member since 2009 • 667 Posts


phantoms hourglass was the first zelda game I ever hated and I am sure as hell is not paying full price for ST. I either buy used or borrow it


Its basically the same thing like PH with some improvements so whats the sense playig it if you hated PH to begin with?

foolish hope? and they did fix one of the HUGE problem in it

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#59 TriniPlayer
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phantoms hourglass was the first zelda game I ever hated and I am sure as hell is not paying full price for ST. I either buy used or borrow it


Its basically the same thing like PH with some improvements so whats the sense playig it if you hated PH to begin with?

foolish hope? and they did fix one of the HUGE problem in it

And if you don't mind me asking,what were the other problems?

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#60 Barbie_Boy
Member since 2009 • 667 Posts


[QUOTE="TriniPlayer"] Its basically the same thing like PH with some improvements so whats the sense playig it if you hated PH to begin with?


foolish hope? and they did fix one of the HUGE problem in it

And if you don't mind me asking,what were the other problems?

the other problems (that wasn't that retarded temple of suckiness) was that I found the items really boring and unintressting. there was only the normal boomerang, bombs, arrows and grappling hook. other zelda game usally have them but also one or more extra instressting items that I found really fun to use even if pointless but this game only had the standard line up meaning I grow tierd of them long time ago.

the sailing is still as pointless as it was in wind waker but atlest there you sometime saw bigg storms and hurricane that wanted to eat you.

that girl that want want to catch Linebeck all the freaking time and annoyed the **** out of me.

the story is kidna bad (even for a zelda game)

and I find the heads scary, I have nothing against the graphic itself but the heads are way to bigg.

but I do have some hope for ST because the temple really was the REALLY bad thing, everything else was ignorable but the temple was SO horrible that I kinda took it like a insult, it feels like nintendo read a book about things you shouldent put in a game and made a temple out of it.

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#61 alexh_99
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foolish hope? and they did fix one of the HUGE problem in it


And if you don't mind me asking,what were the other problems?

the other problems (that wasn't that temple of suckiness) was that I found the items really boring and unintressting. there was only the normal boomerang, bombs, arrows and grappling hook. other zelda game usally have them but also one or more extra instressting items that I found really fun to use even if pointless but this game only had the standard line up meaning I grow tierd of them long time ago.

the sailing is still as pointless as it was in wind waker but atlest there you sometime saw bigg storms and hurricane that wanted to eat you.

that girl that want want to catch Linebeck all the freaking time and annoyed the **** out of me.

the story is kidna bad (even for a zelda game)

and I find the heads scary, I have nothing against the graphic itself but the heads are way to bigg.

but I do have some hope for ST because the temple really was the REALLY bad thing, everything else was ignorable but the temple was SO horrible that I kinda took it like a insult, it feels like nintendo read a book about things you shouldent put in a game and made a temple out of it.

1.) temple is fixed you know that already/

2.) Whip = awesome item. Same with the pan flute, i just kept playing it when i first got it even though i didn't know any songs.

3.) No more sailing. Yay train. (it gets boring after awhile), but you can always blow the horn, and the game sometimes throws things at you to make it seem less repetitive.

4.) no more girls trying to catch lineback, but there are the demon trains that you have to avoid (not really that hard though)

5.) Havn't finished the game yet so can't say anything about the story, but so far it's solid.

6.) heads are the same :P

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#62 oldmanriver1
Member since 2009 • 726 Posts

whoever said Zelda was supposed to take place in medieval times? i mean, every game happens 100 years before/after another.... clearly they have to advance somehow? the touch screen was great... except for rolling in PH... i'm glad they fixed that in ST... and i don't get people complaining that controlling Link through the touchscreen was a pain/imprecise? D-pad controls are imprecise... up-down-left-right and you have to hold two to move diagonally... and tapping the stylus like a pen feels more natural than tapping the D-pad like texting...greenarcher02

To each his own I guess. I just think that it would've been a lot better if they had at least added in the option of using the D-pad for people who found using the stylus to move around annoying. Don't think it would've needed a lot of effort.