New Nintendo DS detailed somewhat by Iwata

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#51 superman060788
Member since 2006 • 40 Posts



My god...they DIDNT put the gba slot in there incase the DS flopped, they put it in there for backwards compatability. I lol'd when I read that lol. Next, people DO care about GBA games, why do you think DS Lites still sell? Why do you think I still have my DS Phat?


If people still cared about the GBA slot the DSi wouldn't outsell the Lite by 2x in NA, and by 8x in JP

They put the GBA slot in DS in case the DS idea flopped they could keep making GBA games

Heck, you realise they didn't put a GB, GBC slot in the GBA? they intentionally made the slot the same for all consoles but with DS it needs to be smaller since Solid State Memory could be made that small onto a DS card

They kept the GBA slot in the Lite due to accessories and the fact that GBA games were still coming out

And how do you not get the other stuff i said (not the last poster the one before you)

You said they didn't add anything worthwhile in place of where the GBA slot was

Wrong, coz on the DS Lite you had to insert a RAM expansion into the GBA slot in order for it to use the internet. It couldn't handle it without that expansion

The extra RAM sticks in the DSi to bring its total up to 16MB are likely where the GBA slot would be. Just like the GBA slot Web adaptor which contained 10MB of expansion RAM

The GBA slot isn't there because they couldn't put it there and the expanded system RAM in the same place evidentally, and without the expanded system RAM the handheld couldn't read movements through the camera, and couldn't do web processing as well and fast as it does (even if its still slow)

If you think DSi internet is slow on 16MB RAM, try it on the DS Lites 4MB. (not that you can)

Hence, I believe thats a good enough thing to replace the GBA slot, that and the SDHC slot

I played all the GBA games i wanted during its lifetime and end of it, i don't need it anymore

GBAs are so very cheap, i don't see why we need anymore and i look forward to one day being able to download GBA games onto a Nintendo handheld BUT actually have the multiplayer back if they add online to some of them (which they probably wouldn't, maybe just local WiFi)

Ok Nintendo not caring about the GBA slot and the DSi outselling the DSL are in no way related... Oh btw can you show me where it says that the DSi outsold DSLs, just wanna make sure. I am still sure they did not put the GBA slot there incase the system flopped, eventually it would come out with better games, no one buys a new system so they can only play last gen games on it when there is a new slot for new games.

I laughed so hard when i read this. You just managed to cram your whole foot in your mouth with that last sentence. Of course we don't by new consoles to play last gen games (especially games from 2 generations ago). Its a hard fact you are gonna have to face, nintendo's new handheld will NOT have a gba slot, it would be a stupid marketing decision. The other dude was right, they only put the gba slot on the ds phat in case it flopped the proof is in the fact they said the ds was not meant to replace the gba when the ds was first announced and they still continued to manufacter gbas after the ds' release. Adding a gba slot to the "ds2" is like having a dude with a mullet hanging around with you, sure mullets were cool a couple generations ago, but nowdays they just don't seem to fit.

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#52 King9999
Member since 2002 • 11837 Posts

Here's a video of what games for the next handheld may look like:,702790/CES-2010-Nvidia-Tegra-2-Chip-im-Video-vorgestellt-koennte-so-die-Grafik-eines-Nintendo-DS2-ausschauen/Video/

Sorry I couldn't add a link...I get errors when I try to add one.

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#53 ACL0V3R
Member since 2008 • 2273 Posts

If it's the next DS, and not just a current DS enhancement, then I'll be interested. DS is quite old, people seem to forget that.SaltyMeatballs

So? As long as it's good and seems to have standed the test of time so far. Don't quote me on this but I think it is the best selling hand held of all time. So who cares if its old?

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#54 PhilipV94
Member since 2009 • 128 Posts

Uhm, I don't understand what the hell you're talking about the DSi selling more than the DS Lite. There have only been 10.7 million DSi's shipped. While there have been over 100 million total DS's (not including DSi's) shipped.

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#55 LegatoSkyheart
Member since 2009 • 29733 Posts

Better Graphics, Better Games.

I want the new DS.

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#56 Luigi12901
Member since 2009 • 1243 Posts

Uhm, I don't understand what the hell you're talking about the DSi selling more than the DS Lite. There have only been 10.7 million DSi's shipped. While there have been over 100 million total DS's (not including DSi's) shipped.


DSi has sold more systems since it launched than DS lite has in that time period. That's what he's talking about. I don't have the actual numbers, but that's what's happening.

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#57 darth-pyschosis
Member since 2006 • 9322 Posts


Uhm, I don't understand what the hell you're talking about the DSi selling more than the DS Lite. There have only been 10.7 million DSi's shipped. While there have been over 100 million total DS's (not including DSi's) shipped.


DSi has sold more systems since it launched than DS lite has in that time period. That's what he's talking about. I don't have the actual numbers, but that's what's happening.


Its been a known fact that in foreign terrirtories DSi has been embrasing DS lite in sales since DSi came out and in NA its like 2 to 1 last time i checked a few months ago

Infact, i've read the DSi is selling much faster than the DS lite but i don't know if it still has this momentum

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#58 templar09
Member since 2006 • 57 Posts

In this moment in don´t want a new ds, but the thing than say in the new looks great, maybe i want it in two or three years

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#59 pearldrummer
Member since 2003 • 60 Posts

2012 at the earliest. At first I didnt like the 2 screens of the DS, but it basically a necessity now for the games I like. An updated version of the current DS would make me happy. Dump the cameras, improve the graphics abit, dont give it some stupid motion sensor 3d virtual thing. Maybe bring back the Game Boy name. If you want graphics, get a PSP or iphone. The technology is already available.

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#60 pearldrummer
Member since 2003 • 60 Posts

and about the GBA slot thing.....Nintendo isnt making any money off of GBA games anymore so they dont care about your need to play your 8 year old games. It's a simple as that.

Even the current PS3 cant even play PS2 games. I'm not sure why they built so much GameCube stuff into the Wii. If anything, the next gen handheld might have a DS slot.

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#61 nintenjoe3
Member since 2010 • 385 Posts

It's gonna have everything the dsi has PLUS MOTION CONTROL!!:D

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#62 Megaman5364
Member since 2009 • 2912 Posts
I don't need a new DS.kikitube
Yeah, Especially with motion controls, Touch screen is way better IMO