How is Ocarina of Time better than Twilight Princess?

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#101 sonic_rusher
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This is a bit of a loaded question as I will follow up with another.

I was just wondering what aspects should be carried over or brought back to the Zelda game series for the new Zelda release.

I have my problems with both games, but they both had aspects that I enjoyed.

One thing is for sure, I hope the 'companion' or 'guide' character isn't like Navi or Midna.


I think what people mean is that Oot is better for it's time. OoT was so good, its hard for the developers to improve upon such an awesome game. Its arguedthat Oot is stille the best game of all time.

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#102 Felmo_07
Member since 2007 • 283 Posts
I dont know how old everyone is on this forum but i am 21 and first played Oot on my 64 when i was 12.Some people on this forum are most likely not as old as i am but if u played Oot on the 64 instead of the VC then u will understand just how much better Oot was.
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#103 zaku101
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Taken from an older post.

If you think Ocarina of Time has better music

OOT has WWWAAYY better music then TP. Could any tell the difference between the wolf songs?

If you think Ocarina of Time had better Gameplay

There gameplay is pretty much the same. The only difference is that you can slash guys while on the horse.

If you think Ocarina of Time was longer

There about the same but Ocarina never had soo much back tracking as TP has.

You think the story in Ocarina of Time is better?

I can't even remember the story in TP and I beat it a month ago. Something about a dark world and saving Zelda. Not going to lie but ooT did it way better.

You think Ocarina of Time has better replay value.

There pretty much the same at this level.

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#104 JLAudio7
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It's not. Twilight is the superior game. People say they like OoT better because it was more influential and impressive at release and they also have fond memories from 10 years ago. Other than that, TP is definately better.Rocky32189
That would be me;). OoT also had a great soundtrack. Twilight Princess is superior to OoT in just about everything, but as far as who will last the test of time, i think that would go to OoT.
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#105 blackstar
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OoT was more revolutionary for its time than TP.
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#106 Arc2012
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How can people be saying that TP had a better storyline than OoT? I know I say this all the time, but in TP Link was a non-character. I never felt like Link was a hero or that he was anything more than a grunt to do the work of Midna. Don't get me wrong, the whole twilight/Midna story was good, but they left so much out of it. The Ganondorf story felt tacked on. And what the hell happened to the triforce? They all acted like it didn't exist.

OoT had a far better story. Even better still was the WW story. Dang that was good.

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#107 AlphaMaxima
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How can people be saying that TP had a better storyline than OoT? I know I say this all the time, but in TP Link was a non-character. I never felt like Link was a hero or that he was anything more than a grunt to do the work of Midna. Don't get me wrong, the whole twilight/Midna story was good, but they left so much out of it. The Ganondorf story felt tacked on. And what the hell happened to the triforce? They all acted like it didn't exist.

OoT had a far better story. Even better still was the WW story. Dang that was good.


Maybe it's just me, but isn't TP's storyline a lot like Majora's Mask? I can see many similarities between the two. I think Nintendo should of been more innovative and different for it's next gen game.

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#108 glitchesofwar
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ocarina of time was a classic. i could still play it to this day. it sucked you into its world and took you on a mesmering ride. you felt more closeness with the characters. the story behind ocarina was excellent, it set the mood for the game. twilight princess was good. i liked it, but it was missing something.newkid69

Could NOT agree with you more. TP definitely was lacking something wheras Ocarina just had it all and then some.

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#109 ljlrj
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ocarina so muchbetterin so many ways
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#110 ruudi86
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I've just read through a bulk of this thread and seen some pretty heated debate on the topic! I owned an N64 and, at the time, Ocarina of Time basically consumed my every was the first time I'd ever encountered an RPG, and really got sucked in - so much so that when I played the game, I would almost feel as if I was Link, sharing his highs and lows and occasionally fishing when it all got too much!, I first played a Wii about a year ago and tried my hand at Wii Sports (..naturally) and TP - and I found the controls for it a little hard to get used to (probably, in retrospect, because I'd only been playing Wii for about 15mins at this point) - I have since 'invested' in a Wii and would like to know:

a) What is the control system like in TP?

b) Leaving comparisons to Ocarina of Time at the door for a moment, is TP going to take me to 'that place' if I buy it?

Cheers :)

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#111 HyruleSage89
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Well in OOC, there were more dungeons and some of them were more challenging than the ones in TP but I still can't decide.

Kudos for OOC's long story line and dungeons

Kudos for TP's awsome graphics and new weapons

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#112 chronoboy
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It is unbelievable this thread is so long, the argument is void! The answer is so obvious Im not going to bother give my opinion- as someone else said if you played OOT on the N64 you will know which is better. Majoras Mask is a million times better as well!


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#113 HyruleSage89
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Well in OOC, there were more dungeons and some of them were more challenging than the ones in TP but I still can't decide.

Kudos for OOC's long story line and dungeons

Kudos for TP's awsome graphics and new weapons


Crap I cant believe I mispelled OOT with OOC x_x

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#114 Rocky32189
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I dont know how old everyone is on this forum but i am 21 and first played Oot on my 64 when i was 12.Some people on this forum are most likely not as old as i am but if u played Oot on the 64 instead of the VC then u will understand just how much better Oot was.Felmo_07

That shouldn't effect whether the game is better or not. You, like many here, are looking at nostalgia factor instead of the actualgames side by side. This question isn't about whether OoT was better for its time or if it has more lasting power. This is a blunt question of which is better. If both were released today, which would you think is the better game?

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#115 bobbymcbobob
Member since 2007 • 253 Posts

It is unbelievable this thread is so long, the argument is void! The answer is so obvious Im not going to bother give my opinion- as someone else said if you played OOT on the N64 you will know which is better. Majoras Mask is a million times better as well!


you'll start an argument by saying MM is better than TP... personally i don't agree, coz i think they're like two completely different games. OOTand Tp are comparable but MM is like an outsider... That said, MM is better than TP, but if you're also implying it was better than OOT... well i'll assume you're not and spare you my wrath...
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#116 chronoboy
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lol no MM is NOT better than OOT
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#117 meinink2y
Member since 2007 • 657 Posts
The story and characters are the main things that set OoT above TP, though really it's almost too close to call. Top 2 games of all time.
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#118 Turethir
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Add me to the group who thinks OoT is better than TP. I enjoyed both games, but OoT has to take the cake for me. A lot of the time when I was playing TP, I felt like it was more of a chore. Every time I finished a dungeon, it seemed like 10 minutes before I entered the next one. The world didn't seem alive, didn't seem to breathe. I cared much more about the characters in OoT than I ever did in TP.

Don't get me wrong, I did like Midna's character, but I felt that the world of TP seemed rather bland and barren compared to OoT's. There were large areas of land with no sidequests, which you just rode through on Epona and never stopped to look at. With OoT it felt like there was a secret hidden around every corner.

As for feeling heroic, I felt that way in both games. The shock of going out into OoT's Market for the first time as adult Link was amazing, and I actually felt angry at what had happened...showing that I really did care about the characters. But the game in which I felt the most affected by the characters' situations was another one entirely...Majora's Mask. I think MM and OoT compliment each other perfectly, and I would say both are better than TP, even though TP was still a good game.