It doesn't take much to make a crappy game, and they sure went the extra mile on crap here.

User Rating: 2.4 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Falsebound Kingdom GC
Well, as i'm writing this review my game is rotting in a compost bin (no joke) as this is one of the worst games i have ever played... i could go really in depth with this piece of crap, but i hate it so much i'll be brief but get the point across.

Graphics - THEY SUCK! Reminds me of Yu-Gi-Oh forbidden memories on the ps1, except i liked that game.

Sound - What sound? There no VO, the monsters sound generic, and the music blows.

Gameplay - Most games take me around 10-45 minutes to figure out, but this one, I had no idea how to play it! I really tried to like this game, the formula sounded cool, but the overall gameplay is just busted.

Value - If you have mental problems and somehow are immune to the brain damage this game causes you might have some fun.

Overall - This game is ass. Literally. I know yugioh games aren't exactly masterpieces, but this game isn't just a step back for the series, its a step back for video games in general. I bought my copy for 5$, and that was 10$ too much.