well i kno its really now important but i just wanted to write something

User Rating: 9.5 | Tribes 2 PC
Well the game is really fun and really i kinda took a break from all the computer stuff and forgot my tribes 2 password and account stuff but hey i kno it happends, there might be a patch now or something like that but wat ever from wat i remember this game was a fast paced and sometimes you get massively pwned to the point were your smashing your keybourd like that german kid(speaking of that german kid ,o kno wheres the escape key yah im not a racist but really do all kids act like that in german 0_0)well anyway you dont have 2 agree with me but that is my opinion in fact you can do anything you want i dont even really pay attention to forums but that is a whole different story....

great multiplayer hard difficulty addictive and takes a while to learn wat to do and when but after a while you hope your internet connection does not ever cut off for the next year -_-...