One of the best movie games ever and holds its own against the rest.

User Rating: 8 | Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers GC
Two Towers is easily one of the best movie games ever. It starts in the Fellowship of the Ring and after a few levels you go into the Two Towers. The gameplay is like a beat em' up style and it's great fun to go and hack your way through orc after orc after orc. The gameplay is just a little on the repetitive side, but it's definitely enjoyable. There are also tons of attacks and upgrades to unlock, which is cool and adds depth to the game. Leveling up and opening up new attacks to buy depends on your fighting in the levels, and the combo system helps you gain more experience but te combo meter mercilessly decreases constantly rather than just when you get hit. There are three playable characters on most levels: Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, each with different styles of fighting and such. The best part of the game is how it seamlessly shifts between the movie scene, the game graphics' cut scene, and the gameplay. You'll be watching a scene from the movie when suddenly it changes to the game's graphics, one time you don't even notice! Then you suddenly are thrown right into the action. The visuals in the game are pretty good and are about up to the GameCube standards. Overall, Two Towers was a bargain for $3 (the price I bought it for) and I highly recommend it for any fan of Lord of the Rings.