Since playing swat3 for over 4years... Been anticipating this alot and..

User Rating: 9.6 | SWAT 4 PC
Does SWAT4 succeed in being a great tactical fps?. imo yes it does, because swat4 has good ai which would mean an extra second hoping for the suspect to drop his weapon could mean life or death. Swat4 is thrilling from what I have played, as suspects will sometimes run away closing every door they go through, making you have to search through where you've already been under the same caution as when you cleared the rooms earlier.. Although I have noticed a few bugs which are a little frustrating ie, somtimes suspects shoot whilst thier gun isn't being aimed at you, resulting in death. Now onto the scores!! Gameplay 9/10 - Just what you expect from a tactical shooter, tactics!! unless of course, your online with morons :P, Swat4 to me have proven good gameplay by using slow with fast paced action which makes it exciting.. Graphics - 9/10 - The reason I go for a 9/10 is of course, the levels have very nice architexture(spelling? :P) and are very differnt from one another, characters models are fairly good but some have a line all the way down from thier head to the pants which looks a tad ugly. Gun graphics are good but the M4 looks kinda ugly imo. Sound - 10/10 - Sound is great, from trying to get people to comply to the weapons firing and the music, nothing else i can say really but i havn't noticed any horrible sound clashes yet so imo, great sounds. Value - 10/10 - High value because, once Swat4 gets player made maps coming in it will last for along time, (just look at swat3) and because of the exciting VIP mode aswell as obviously, more maps for all 4 multiplayer modes should keep Swat4 alive for years to come. Tilt - 10/10 - What the heck is reviewers tilt anyway? :O well i give it a 10 outta 10 cause i think the games great :o So my score for Swat4 is 9.6 :d