Super Monkey Struggle and realize how you just wasted money!

User Rating: 2.5 | Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz WII
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz is a odd game that takes advantage of the Wii mote in various ways. The single player mode you are a monkey who just had bronze bananas stolen from you by a large pirate baboon. In order to get them back you need to put yourself fin a bubble and roll yourself using the Wii mode and tilting it forward/back and side to side. The single player is a one trick pony that gets extremely boring rather quickly. Instead I think the majority of people who get this game will be more interested in the Mini-games that come with it. Monkey Ball has 50 Mini-games that can be played with up to 4 people. From what I gathered the mini games are extremely hard or just extremely buggy. The Wii mote does not pick up many of the actions, you need to perform, well in the mini games. As you struggle in the first 3 mini-games you start to realize that nothing is going to change. Personally I found only one minigame I enjoyed.

I find super money ball a disappointment. This is a rent/avoid.