Game-changer! The most revolutionary game since Pong! Thank you!

User Rating: 10 | Street Cleaning Simulator PC
This one has it all. I don't understand why this got such a horrible review. I haven't been able to put it down since I bought it. Hands down the most revolutionary game since Pong. Bring on Sreet Cleening Simulator GOTY Edition! The most immersive open-world game since Oblivion and Just Cause 2. Lots of jobs to choose from, amazingly detailed business/management simulation behind a great street sweeping simulation. I planned on purchasing the Shogun 2 Expansion, but this game really caught my eye. I love it, endless hours of fun. On par with amazing games of my past like Doom 2, Quake 2, WarCraft 2, or Wolfenstein 3D. I had been waiting all summer for Skyrim, but that purchase might have to wait awhile. Give these guys some gratitude, great game! Let's hope for some DLC! I'm glad they're still able to put out games with this much depth and replay-ability. Thank you so much for this release!