All I have to say its that this game changed my life!

User Rating: 10 | Street Cleaning Simulator PC
You know, i was a little depressed for a while... My life was meaningless, and I was seriously considering in take my life away. But then, out of the blue, I saw the Street Cleaning Simulator on my friendĀ“s desk. Im not sure why, but I was willing to take a shot, and I played it. Man... What a surprise! It brought tears to my eyes, it was like my heart could feel, after all this years, an enormous charge of adrenaline, better than any anti depressive pills I had take. The immersive gameplay, realistic (almost like I could smell the gas) graphics, and a incredibly story, that even the philosophers of our time could fully understand, make this game the best thing that a human being could accomplish till this day.I recommend this game not only to people in my state, but for all the people that are looking for some reason in life. Thats it, Street Cleaning Simulator, thats the meaning of life....