The Absolute Apex Of Gaming Nirvana Has finally Arrived.

User Rating: 10 | Street Cleaning Simulator PC
These are good times to be alive. After gaming for 30 years from the start of the Atari days of Pong to the the current generation of games I have always felt there was something missing, that something In a video game experience that never happened before. Well the time has finally arrived where all those unfounded fears that I would never experience a truly revolutionary game have dissipated into the bowels of HELL. Never Have I played a more profound and more emotional game as this. I feel for this first time I am truly exploring a living world, smelling the scents of the street, seeing things As I Street Clean to just make a little living so My five kids can have a chance.

Graphics 10/10 This is why 500 dollar Graphics card exist console noobs.
Sound 10/10 If you have a good speaker system set it low or prepare for death.
Replay Value 10/10 Are you kidding?
Story 10/10 Lets just say it's the Citizen Kane of computer games.