You'll think you'd died and gone to gamer heaven

User Rating: 10 | Street Cleaning Simulator PC
First of all let me say what a life changing experience this game was for me. I divorced my wife and quit my job so I could dedicate all my focus to this amazing key of a game that unlocked deepest most brilliant corners of my imagination.

Street cleaning sim makes us laugh, love and cry. Nothing is more thrilling then the sounds of your mighty brushes polish the streets until they glow with utter brilliance. You will get an amazing surge of adrenalin every time you receive a new e-mail, and proceed to check that e-mail. Thats right, you can have your cake and eat it too.

To sum it all up Street cleaner sim is a game that will invade your dreams and give you enlightenment equal to that of a shaolin monk. Those gamers with heart problems or unborn children should play cautiously, but still play. It would be nothing short of a crime to miss what will surely dominate the gaming community for all time.