
User Rating: 1 | Street Cleaning Simulator PC
To be honest, when I first saw this game I couldn't believe it, that some jerkoff would stoop to this level for a quick buck. It's simple really. Think of the dumbest premise for a video game and some unfunny flat-hatted tool will find it funny enough to buy and write a hilarious review stating how amazing it is because it would be funny and totally ironic.

This will start a chain reaction of sort where the word of the brilliant game is spread through word of mouth and perfect 10 out of 10 reviews peaking more interest from fedora wearing schmucks with a depraved enough sense of humor to think "The Room" is a cinematic masterpiece because "get it, the acting is terrible" (which would lead (x's) creator to actually think that people would want to watch their new web series as long as they don't learn from their mistakes and continue to ride on their past success. (Doug Walker, this is your fault.))

In the end, Excalibur Publishing Limited are the worst kind of people. Actually charging money for a one shot joke that doesn't even go beyond the front cover. Here's an idea, at least make the game fun and not just funny for existing. That would lead it to become more than just a waste of mass. Anyone who thinks this game is funny deserves to step on a rake in a comedic fashion.