A good game that plays well off many Star Wars fans' desire for a flight game.

User Rating: 8.3 | Star Wars: Rogue Squadron N64
This is a good game. I, for one, was amazed that such a game could exist on N64. It's graphics might not be superb, but they are adequate, especially for the platform. This game is quite addicting and is one of my "classics" that I have played for many hours.

The only problem I encountered was the difficulty in trying to dodge some of the weapons fired at me. The missle launchers, unless destroyed at the very beginning of a level, almost always led to my destruction. This was annoying, but not necessarily a big problem. Also, sometimes it was hard to know what to do to finish a level. After replaying the 3rd level over 5 times, I wanted to know how to get past it.

The thing I liked best about Rouge Squadron was that it was a little more open ended than some previous games. Sure, certain objectives had to be accomplished, but I could also go dog-fight with tie-fighters if I wanted too. Also, the ability to unlock extra ships like the Naboo Starfighter, the Millenium Falcon, and a Tie-Interceptor made replaying levels interesting. (It was extremely challenging to avoid blowing up in the Tie-Interceptor due to it's lack of shields. Two hits and your gone.)

All in all, I think that this is a great game. Sometimes it tried my patience, but those instances were far and few between. I recommend this game to anyone who loves the Star Wars genre of game.