Best flight game for the N64 hands-down

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: Rogue Squadron N64
If anyone still has a working n64 in their closet (mine outlasted my original xbox and my first 360! cartridge tech, baby!!) Than this is a must-have for the system! You start out with 1 fighter to choose from, but you quickly unlock a whole hangar full of classic star wars vehicles, and he unadulterated joy of flying these things is only diluted slightly by the ancient graphics which were, by the way kids, cutting edge for their time. Once I broke this baby out of the mothballs in the attic, I found myself neglecting my CoD4 and Halo 3 for "just another round" ! I don't expect the new school of gamers to appreciate something like this, but the lifers like me will tell you that gameplay is EVERYTHING, and that more of the game was in our imagination back then, so it comes as quite a shock to look back on these titles from today's standpoint and see if they REALLY stand the test of time, but this one actually has, and you would be amiss if you didn't take the time to experience this truly classic piece of our gaming heritage.