The Classic Days Of N64

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars: Rogue Squadron N64
Back in the day when I was growing up I had always dreamed of getting a Nintendo 64, and when I played this game there was no denying that I was playing with a great console, I used to play this game so much. I think I rented this game on more than 5 occasions just because it was so awesome. I cant remember to much about the game because it was so long ago, but what I can remember is the air combat in this game really made you feel like you were in the movie. It captured that feeling really well, and that is a huge thing when the game your playing is coming from one of the best aerial/combat movie ever. The amount of planes you can choose from is just awesome, every plane comes with a wide variety of weapons so you will never get bored fast, and the missions really make you play your vehicle to the fullest, you have to maneuver fast and do boosts to avoid enemy missiles. The maps are like open worlds to, something that was amazing to pull off on a system like the N64 .