Its like playing Star Trek Armada II but with First person view.

User Rating: 8 | Star Trek: Legacy PC
I recognised that Mad doc used similar style of Game that was used in Star Trek Armada II (RTS Strategy).I bought the game and played the first mission.Piece of cake.Walk in the park. When I read the reviews I thought the every body must be Joking. Ok I normally play with the games Manual so I can understand the controls better.Its normal controls which are W,A,S,D. with the mouse targeting ships and on top of it you are controlling a Bohemoth of a ship ,its not move like a space fighter .So Maybe it does'nt agree with everybody's stomach but I tell you this, it is the next step to a better quality game.Who gives a Damn about the planets.Also the first mission is a tutorial.Makes me think do people read the manual before playing the game.