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Goodnight sweet prince, for you were the beacon that brought all the mindless drivel of the comment section to one convenient place.

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Edited By wizemanschaos

Wow the hate is strong for this one, jeez and people want to say Xbots are always bashing on playstation and bringing down their articles. Lol the majority of comments are from people who will never even play the game, not to mention the low User rating for a game that isn't even out yet. Come on guys can't we all just get along?

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@irepress Lol oh the Irony of your statement is rich, just to give you the heads up when it comes to most of Sony's business ventures they are hurting pretty hard, recently laying off a good amount of employees and considering selling off their laptop, and I think their TV business.

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@TheExxorcist When the PS3 was first released it was at a pretty high price not to mention part of the reasoning behind the price was because it was meant to double as a PC for the living room with Linux support, but after launch Sony back tracked on their Linux promise and through updating their console removed it. Also if you consider PSN even though it is free was not really a place you wanted to play online it was slow and unstable. Sony since then has done a fine job playing catch up to the 360 and has definitely learned from all the launch mistakes and has certainly had the PS4 be a dynamo. But the PS3 wasn't anywhere near what it is now when it first launched and I know a few people that would agree with me on that.

As for the 1080p debate that is true and a shame for the 360 but consider that as it is now the PS4 can't support 4k video but the X1 can...

But that's stupid not many people have 4k tvs and through filtering and what not its hard to even tell the difference in resolutions, the one thing that I do like about the PS4 is the higher frame rate that makes a huge difference. I am not hear to argue or bash just stating what I perceive to be facts.

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Edited By wizemanschaos

@touretul Don't know are you an idiot? Seriously no need to be rude, people like you need to grow up you give gamers a bad name.

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@xrizz1066 The gaming industry is an industry after all, I don't think Sony is giving out PS4 to be peoples friends, and both companies have their history with ruthlessness even the kid loving Nintendo has a mean streak, and would slash throats at the drop of the hat. Personally I think the reveal showed off the console and all its features was ok a bit too professional and felt like a powerpoint but all they intended to do was show the console and not the games. E3 was better and focused more on games but once the price was mentioned the thrill was gone.

Its just the way the cycle of gaming is a company does great their next project is usually a bit pretentious I mean look at the PS2 to PS3 the Wii to the WiiU I don't think you have to feel bad for the early adopters, its nowhere near as bad as an abusive relationship. The PS4 has its perks, but the X1 isn't to be taken so lightly its only a few months in and even then for the early adopters most knew what they were buying and most are probably happy. I'd say consider the PS4 the guy who brings you flowers every Friday where the Xbox is the guy who dreams big and tells you one day will make it... Whether or not he delivers we will see until then he may very well run off with your heart.

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@Vylsith @wizemanschaos @thatguyvan @AncientDozer Well not necessarily look at the huge difference at versatility between the xbox to the 360, from the ps2 to ps3, and continue to go back. It has always been more than just graphics, the TV thing may not have been the greatest decision but some people would see that as useful, but I think MS over estimated how many people still watch TV considering the much cheaper options.

But the ability to be able to multitask is pretty cool, being able to pull up video chats without having to quit the game, or being able to access your friends and party list without stopping and pressing pause is useful. Also being able to switch around from one thing to another without having to wait minutes for the other app. Yeah they are small things but you have to admit its pretty damn useful.

I also do like the fact the Kinect has been upgraded to the extent it has but only time will tell if its worth it, I mean the immersion level in a game could be outrageous if implemented correctly but until it happens its just pipe dreams and a gamble. I am taking that gamble... but then again I also gambled on the dreamcast and gamecube... Lol

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@Vylsith @wizemanschaos @diskotheque @AncientDozer I am not saying that it is completely up to third parties to advance it I am just saying that the opportunity is more solid as opposed to half of a half of gamers having something they may or may not buy.

As for games I could definitely see it integrated into platformer, using your movements to guide a character over a crevice or something. A civilization game where you can play with people like ants and the praise you as a god as long as you either keep them happy or terrified. Railshooters although outdated as a genre can make use of the kinect. A game that is based off of your gestures and facial reactions. There are possibilities there and this is just off the top of my head.

But I am going to enjoy the console regardless cause the whole 1080p thing is no big deal for me personally, and I honestly think that later down the line things are going to come together. Like I mentioned in other conversations with other people think back to the first few games that were released on the 360 and PS3. We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg for both consoles.

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@ITLM16 Good riddance.... You won't be missed.