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@PowerDingALing Keep raging on that keyboard, obviously you're part of the group of people who make this show so great, I'll remain one of the ones who enjoys the show, and doesn't contribute. (I'm a rational human being)

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Edited By tooitchy

Almost 5,000 comments, no doubt the majority are people saying things like "This is so true" and "amen to this, people need to chill out" etc. But those same people are, for the most part, guilty of this same behavior, myself included. The internet is a wonderful thing, but it creates a barrier between people where accountability does not exist whatsoever, and people end up treating each other in ways they wouldn't even dream of, were they to be face to face with that person. It's just a sad fact of the internet, I don't know what can be done, but I have noticed a huge amount of major websites taking action against it in various ways, in addition to those mentioned, IGN has also made a public plea for just a little decency in the comments, and while one of the ways they are doing this is by causing comments with excessive swearing, (or multiple comments in a short time with swear words) to be flagged for approval from a moderator before showing up is pretty annoying, and tedious, it seems to have actually made an impact.... well, I hesitate to say an impact, people still manage to be vitriolic and hateful to one another without excessive cursing, but it's much better than it used to be.

I hope the internet starts maturing, it's a shame that it's come to outright censoring from many major websites because the nasty comments are too out of control, it seems that as the internet has become more and more a staple of our everyday lives, the more people use it to lash out and vent their personal frustrations against innocent people with slightly differing opinions. The real solution is people need to learn how to communicate with the general public. If someone is rude to you in Starbucks, then don't jump on the internet looking to attack the first person who doesn't like a video game as much as you.

Lastly, everyone needs to figure out that just because you like the XB1, or PS4, or WiiU, and someone else doesn't, that isn't someone attacking you as a person. They aren't threatening your pride, or trying to make you think you wasted your money, so lets stop responding like the console you like is part of your soul, Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft isn't paying any of us, so lets stop acting like corporate reps trying to hurt the competition on every gaming website. Those companies don't give a damn about us, and whether most of us want to admit it or not, we need all consoles to succeed, even the ones we don't like, because if only one does well, and the others fail, guess what? That one company is going to screw all of us, competition breeds consumer benefits.

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@CrazyLeyther Exactly what I was thinking. Damn, I have only had suspicions that I was cheated on by a girl back in high school, never confirmed, only assumed to be true, and these revelations came to me AFTER we broke up, and they still drove me nuts/pissed me off. I never did anything to her, but damn, I couldn't imagine 4 dudes in one night, all of them my friends..... I'd do more than post her number online, lol.

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@hadlee73 @GavinUK86 How could this "game" get a perfect score? Let alone two? Heavy Rain was great, but Beyond is literally taking everything that sucked about Heavy Rain and removing all the good stuff (removing choice and consequence, and player dictated story, and leaving nothing but QTE's that don't actually care if you follow them).

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@BluRayHiDef apparently this is the future, if the pompous gamers who think they're above everyone else are to be believed.

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@robchiang1990 Heavy Rain was great, B2S is shit.

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@hadlee73 There are no consequences, there are no story changes, there are no choices, you literally get like 5-10 seconds of animation/dialogue that corresponds to your choice, and then it falls neatly back in line with the single linear narrative.

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@Tiwill44 Bioshock Infinite is not a good game at all, a 4 is a bit low, but it's not any more than a 6. I agree though, he definitely went up his own ass a bit with B2S and decided it's time to take a dump all over the most overrated game of the year, simply because it's not innovative.

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@jophy Why do people love Heavy Rain, if the criticism of B2S is only because it's not conventional?

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Edited By tooitchy

@bunchanumbers Exactly. At least Heavy Rain had real choices, and the player had a tangible impact on the game, where one seemingly innocuous decision could lead to someones death down the road, and drastically change the experience you have. B2S is a step backwards for this genre, nobody is hating on this game because it's "different", they're hating on it because it's so much less innovative than the game they gave us 4 years ago.