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#1 swordfish_64
Member since 2007 • 571 Posts
Don't listen to the overzealous critics and video game snobs around here, Heavenly Sword is a fantastic game. graphically it is one of the best games available, it's has one of the most cinematic presentations of any game available, (I'd say only Uncharted tops it in terms of movie like presentation). The combat system is awesome, the charcters and acting are probably the best done of any game. It's definitely one to have in the collection, and is a true showpiece of the ps3's power at this early stage. Remember quality trumps quantity, and HS is mos def a title made with top shelf quality.
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#2 swordfish_64
Member since 2007 • 571 Posts
got bored of COD4 after my first few times online with it, it's just the same old FPS formula. Warhawk, on the other hand, is still going strong for me, I love the intensity and the MAAANY different ways to play that game, it's just sick. The single player in COD4 is only 5 hours long and can be easily beaten on a single rental with no need to go back and play single player again, I find the online to be really repetitive, spawn, frag someone, get fragged, respaw, respawn, respawn. With Warhawk you can get in a tank, jeep, badass jet, missle/gun turrets, dropship, APC, then get on foot, grab a RPG and take out a warhawk or ground vehicle, plant mines, call in airstrikes, snipe, knife, run and gun... pretty much unlimited possibilities. It really is one of the deepest online experiences ever. I also find the graphics in Warhawk to be excellent, try flying a Warhawk up above the clouds, then boost down to the ground water, and see the detail and no lag. Warhawk also has so much going on on screen at any given time, awesome explosions, air to ground, ground to air, ground to ground WAR going on on screen all at once with 0 lag/drop if framerate. Warhawk is just awesome, and the updates and mappacks/vehicle packs have kept it fresh and breezy.
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#3 swordfish_64
Member since 2007 • 571 Posts

I've never heard of any other game in which the character's clothes got wet, and stayed wet until he runs around a little in the sun to dry off, a level of detail and realism that hasn't been seen elsewhere. Also, I haven't played a game with NO=0 loading screens/times during the whole entire game, making the game truly feel like an epic action/adventure movie, not just a agme. Several times during the course of the game, the movie sequence would end and I'd just sit there for 30 seconds not moving around because the transition from movie to gameplay was so seamless I didn't immediately know when one ended and the other started. I've never experienced this in any other games. Also, going from cover to leaping over cover, seamlessly shooting your gun while running up on an enemy/enemies, and then seamlessly transitioning to mellee blows so fluidly, that's also something I've never seen done in any other game. Naughty Dog nailed a lot of gameplay innovations in this game.

As for the things Uncharted does that are in other games, it does them awesome with top notch best quality graphics, top notch storytelling and top notch gameplay. The gunfights were straight up gangsta, and the weapon selection from uzi, to desert eagle, to machine guns, etc.. all sounded awesome when fired. The desert eagle and the magnum sounded like damn hand cannons when fired, as they are supposed to sound. The number of enemies on screen and action going on plus the awesome enemy ai "he's out of ammo" flanking you at every opportunity, also top notch.

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#4 swordfish_64
Member since 2007 • 571 Posts
I agree, Uncharted is the best game I've ever played, and I've been playing them since Intellivision and Commodore Vic 20/64. Uncharted Drake's Fortune is gold, pure gold- 10 out of 10 score from me.
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#5 swordfish_64
Member since 2007 • 571 Posts
Note to developers. Good demos sell games. Crap demos scare buyers away. No demo=better than crap demo for sales. However, I still enjoy getting new free demos every week, whether they're good or not, it's a good change of pace to try out a little bit of the new games coming out.
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#6 swordfish_64
Member since 2007 • 571 Posts
I have the Japanese version of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and considering the U.S. version will have 60 + cars compared to the JPN versions 37 cars, I'd say the game is worth every penny. Hours of gameplay, free online, this game will more than satisfy the hunger of GT fans anxiously waiting for GT5 to come out. I say again, I've had the JPN version since mid December, still play it everyday trying to beat all the races, unlock all the cars, and race online. I believe the U.S. version will have customozation settings missing from the JPN version. The game is worth every penny and I will be buying the U.S. version upon release as well. Hate if you want to, but enjoying my time with the newest version of the best looking/playing driving simulator out there is worth it to me. BTW, the JPN PSN version is shareable with 5 other accounts. I would think the U.S. PSN version will also be shareable. So if a couple dudes got together and paid $8 bucks each they can all share in the racing glory that is GT5 Prologue. See y'all online 8)
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#7 swordfish_64
Member since 2007 • 571 Posts

Common sense and observation tell me that the GS bias is real. Come on, 8.0 for Uncharted and 7.5 for Ratchet and Clank? Those reviewers should never be allowed to touch a game again must less rate them. Reviews on this site are a waste of time. However, the forum is informative because real people who actually play the games can give you a better review than some biased/bought review.

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#8 swordfish_64
Member since 2007 • 571 Posts

SINGSTAR. I believe it's already out in Europe, but if you're in the U.S. like me, I think this game will be the salvation we will need to sell gaming to our wives, this game has chick magnet written all over it with the karaoke, online community, user created/shared online videos and d/loadable songs.

For now, the only aspect of the ps3 she likes are the blu ray movies, and picture slideshow, videos, and the internet browser on the tv.

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#9 swordfish_64
Member since 2007 • 571 Posts
Graphics are SOLID 8.5 out of 10; gameplay, physics, AI are all top notch. Insomniac games won't let you down.
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#10 swordfish_64
Member since 2007 • 571 Posts

Great, more last gen gameplay with a fresh coat of shiny paint and slightly better than last gen textures, don't you all just love gimped multiplatform titles?

-waits for GTA 4