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#1 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts

I'm back from my suspension.

I think it's safe to say the only way I don't get banned is if I flat out avoid SW like the plague. So I might need to retire :P
That's what I would do, if you want to stay here. After my last suspension, I didn't go there for a whole six months, and since then I haven't been suspended in 3 years... probably because in leaving the place for so long I lost interest in it.

The funny thing is, now I can screw around there and not get in trouble... people either know I'm just joking around or they just don't care... probably the just don't care thing, since no one replies to what I say. :lol: I guess the fact that my comments aren't specifically directed towards anyone also has something to do with it.

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#2 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts

Honestly, no. I have it for the Xbox 360 and although it's fun, I stopped playing around 32% completion (the same number I stopped at GTA IV). Way too much filler (cattle herding/ wagon racing), and sometimes riding around on horseback is more of a chore than a fun thing. However, I do think the gunplay would be vastly superior on the PC (for me)... on the consoles it relies heavily on auto-aim, and although you can turn this feature off, I think it would make it too hard.

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#3 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts

Yeah, feels like some of the earlier filler episodes where nothing was really going on. They're getting a little better, at least there was a plotline of the Eden group while they were going over all the Matt/Chloe drama, but it still felt a little empty.

Also, that Eden thing seemed to come to an abrupt end. They really built the whole thing up to make it seem like they were going to play an important role, and so far as I can tell the only role that whole storyline played was to get the shuttle fully repaired.

Yeah, that's the biggest disappointment to me. It felt like the dream Johansen had was kinda pointless, since the arrival of the "Eden group" ended up being filler.
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#4 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts

Why would i want it to be the most popular platform when it already is the most popular platform?


Technically, it is the most popular, but it gets the least attention from most big time developers. These days games are designed for consoles first and PC second.

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#5 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts

I'd like to see the depth of older PC games be more prevalent in today's games, but at the same time, I'm not sure extreme popularity would be the greatest benefit.

In gaming, it seems that with popularity, everything seems to become streamlined. Ever since Halo, the regen mechanics were adopted; now since the popularity of Call of Duty 4 leveling up and unlocking guns/skills is the new standard for multiplayer (even when it doesn't make much sense... Assassins Creed for example). It would be cool to see the depth of PC games become a common trait, but I can't help but think that after the success of one such game a yearly sequel would follow, and so the experiences would ultimately become less and less unique.

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#6 smokeydabear076
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Honestly i never see it like that. I believe that that is the view of most forum members to towards me and that explains a few things. But i personally NEVER hated a game because many others liked it. I hated a game because I didnt like it. It does not matter to me how many people like or dislike the game. It could be rated high and i could like the game alot and everyone disliking it. Like with cod. Or it could be rated high and everyone liking it but not me, like with mass effect. Or it could be rated high and liked by many including me, like with batman AA. Or it could be hated by everyone and liked by me like far cry 2. Or it could be a game hated by everyone including me, say......well i cant think anything right now, lets just say the new medal of honor :P I just wanted to clear this out with the forum. That i like and dislike games based on my experiance not on how many people like or dislike them. But talking alot about those games is obviously gonna make more people to try them out and later post wherever they liked them or not when a thread appears. I dont think there is anything weird with that. What really suprises me though is that people who did not like deus ex, did not bother much to say why they didnt like them. Anyway. I can understand the complains though. Deus ex is definetly not easy game to get into and it takes alot of time till it gets to the point. Like say in hong kong. If someone plays it with shooting in mind in the first few hours they definetly gonna drop it. I also dont exlude the possibility simply not enjoying the game later on.dakan45
Yeah, I understand. Like I said, not everyone is that way, but some people are. Hate is such a strong word that I think people need to have good reasons for why they use it, otherwise, they become suspect as people who "hate" a game mainly because it's "overrated" not because it's completely atrocious. In my mind, "it's horribly dated" is very ambiguous... and not really an amazing argument against a 10 year old game. Whereas, "The gun mechanics made the game unplayable for me" is much more understandable.

I know how these feelings work because, honestly, I've felt them myself - my distaste for a game sometimes grows as more and more people praise it... not because it's the worse game ever, but because I thought it was mediocre and it's annoying to see so many say it's "the best thing ever". I don't live in a fantasy world where the only possible explanation for someone not liking Deus Ex is their hate of it's praise... all I'm saying is that some of the hate is generated from its success, and not its flaws alone. Thinking about it now, there aren't a lot of games that I can say I truly "hate," since, like I said before, it's such a strong word.

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#7 smokeydabear076
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Surprising number of people who outright hated Deus Ex. Personally I view it as a seminal moment in video games, and certainly one of the finest games ever. It didn't do everything right and a lot of what it tried to do was sometimes frustrating, but it is one of a few games who have really tried to allow the player multiple ways to accomplish a given objective. Add to that a detailed and involving storyline across numerous locations, and it was definitely ahead of its time.


I think it's only natural for something that gets a lot of praise to also get a lot of hate. And this applies to more than just games.

It's funny because if the game wasn't as popular or well-praised as it is, I bet a lot of people would hate it less because they'd care less. Some people might not like it, but the fact that others do is what makes them condemn it more than they should.

Personally i think that that is the case but also that its not the case. What i mean? Lets just say that its natural that someone that there will be a good amount of people that did not like a product wherever that is a game or a movie or whatever, but there will be also be a higher amount of people liking it and thus it will be critically aclaimed as something great. ^That is what i mean that is not the case. However if that "something" is very popular, then more people would try it and that means that there are more people who happen to dislike it and say so when they hear other people talking about it, but also there are people who liked it and contribute to the fanbase. So i guess it balances itself out and in deus ex case it seems that far more like it than the people who disliked it.

Yeah, what I said certainly doesn't apply to everyone who puts the game down. But there's no doubt in my mind that some people "hate" the game mainly because so many people like it and talk about it positively, while they didn't enjoy it as much. In some cases I think the hate is directed towards the supporters rather than the game itself. In the end it's like you said, it's "balanced" out and haters can't change my experiences with the game, so there's really no need for me to get upset if they say bad things about it.

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#8 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts

Surprising number of people who outright hated Deus Ex. Personally I view it as a seminal moment in video games, and certainly one of the finest games ever. It didn't do everything right and a lot of what it tried to do was sometimes frustrating, but it is one of a few games who have really tried to allow the player multiple ways to accomplish a given objective. Add to that a detailed and involving storyline across numerous locations, and it was definitely ahead of its time.


I think it's only natural for something that gets a lot of praise to also get a lot of hate. And this applies to more than just games.

It's funny because if the game wasn't as popular or well-praised as it is, I bet a lot of people would hate it less because they'd care less. Some people might not like it, but the fact that others do is what makes them condemn it more than they should.

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#9 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts
I thought this episode was just alright, not as memorable as the previous two.
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#10 smokeydabear076
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It's my favorite game. I played through it again last summer and I was surprised at how much I still enjoyed it.

But it's also one of those games that I don't recommend to anyone anymore.

I think it's one of those love/hate games (as demonstrated by your poll), and in 2010 it's lot easier to hate it than to love it, so I'd rather not hear a bunch of complaints about graphics and what-not from the people I recommend it to. I will give this advice to anyone considering it, look at the screenshots before you buy the game because that's what you're getting. If you can't handle the way it looks in the screenshots, don't even bother.


Haha its not even about the graphics for me. I am not too far, but it seems rather bland and has archaic gameplay. Maybe its just me. I realize it is old, but I didnt first play MGS1 until a year ago and that game is a couple years older than Deus Ex, and so far I find it to be superior (my opinion). I realize that Deus Ex is more of an RPG than MGS, which makes me think I would love it, but certain things are bothering me I guess. In an RPG I want to feel cool when I level stuff up, and rather it seems the list of stuff to level is quite...uninteresting. I dont even get how I am awarded points for walking around into rooms :P. The gunplay is so slow and innacurate, and the movement makes you bob like you are a booie :P. I know I am crapping on it alot, but I can see why people love it, I just wish I could do. I am shocked I am not so far cause I love RPG's. The game reminds me of Perfect Dark, Half Life, and Metal Gear Solid in one RPG package.

Yeah, the graphics thing wasn't really directed towards you, just other people I've talked to about it in general. I think complaining about the graphics is silly when it's pretty easy to look at some screenshots and see what you're getting into... it shouldn't be a shock that it doesn't look amazing, especially since it came out 10 years ago and at that time it wasn't a visual masterpiece either.

As for MGS being superior to Deus Ex in the gameplay department, I don't agree with that. The ai is almost just as "simple", the gunplay in both isn't exceptional (but the shooting never bothered me in Deus Ex as I became "advanced" or a "master" with the weapons I used), and the stories/characters, to me, are both interesting. So overall, I think they are about even on technical merits. I guess MGS gets the upper hand with voice acting... but as far as gameplay goes I don't think it has any major advantage. Maybe I just played Deus Ex so much in the past that the weird shooting mechanics aren't "weird" to me anymore. And so, in my mind "bad shooting" is never a complaint, but I guess I can see why others don't like it.

I wish you could enjoy it the way I did (because I liked it a lot and still do), but it's not up to me to change your feelings on it... I don't think my words or anyone else's words can change your feelings about it, so I guess we'll just have to leave it at that. In the end, there's not a single game on this planet that will satisfy everyone. And that's just something we have to accept.