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#1 sirmourinho
Member since 2007 • 1839 Posts


internet. like you can use youtube,gamespot,google etc. on it.


god forbid you would use your PC/laptop for that... i have seriously never understood the appeal of an internet browser on your console, do we not have PCs and laptops where the interface is refined and that use more suitable peripherals?

I agree with the Chobott.

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#2 sirmourinho
Member since 2007 • 1839 Posts

i think this is related to the topic.

but does anyone know how to remove that big globe at the bottom of the dashboard?

i have cool themes but the globe pretty much messes it up by covering most of the pictures. am i missing something or is there a setting i am unaware of? if not, we need the function to REMOVE the lame-globe.

plus, on the friends section, you have all the avatars lined up etc. some themes have different backgrounds, but it seems when you have custom themes, it reverts back to that lame silver stuff like rockets and crappy items. Any way to get past that?

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#3 sirmourinho
Member since 2007 • 1839 Posts

so are casual gamers people who are below the age of 10?

if so, isnt microsoft really over there heads and making kinnect 100+ $?i mean how do they expect kids that young to buy the setup?

and by the way, i dont know the exact figures but realistically, i thought more adults i.e 18-90 year olds play xbox 360. why all the focus on motion control kinnect stuff for casual gamers/kids?

there arent that many kids (below 10 years) playing xbox 360 anyways.

someone please explain what casual gamers are and why microsoft is really putting a lot of effort in this stuff.

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#4 sirmourinho
Member since 2007 • 1839 Posts

i hope teh new system update can make the dashboard look better.

the NXE setup ensures that majority of your themes suck coz of that huge globe at the bottom.

would be really cool if microsoft took it off. i have nice themes but the globe makes the dashjboard look lame.

that new boot up screen looks cool though.

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#5 sirmourinho
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#6 sirmourinho
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#7 sirmourinho
Member since 2007 • 1839 Posts

you guys should check out if you have not yet, a site called

the members there are sooo hardcore at achievement (cheevos/cheevies) hunting that any game they come across they try and beat it and earn all achievements,

the sad part about it is that if you look at there played games, you will find the easy licenced games like cars, bolt, and then there are the sad excuses of games i.e avatar burning earth etc.

i would have respect for anyone who gets full achievements in games like darksiders, ninja gaiden, etc,

but for you to have a high gamerscore just coz of easy games is not all that impressive.

either ways, gamer scores mean nothing. its like guys talking about who has the biggest one. who cares?

i myself have 30,140 and the only games i have full achievements in are tenchu z, wolverine origins, resident evil 5 and godfather 2. yes those are easy lowest score is 0. and that is in ghost busters.

and then there are games that have achievements that are just all about GRINDING. lost planet 2 seems to have the worst grinding achievement list i have seen ever. did capcom really think everyone is an achievement junkie. wow.

to me, if you have a gamerscore above 50,000 , that is too much. if per game you have half the full achievements then wow, impressive. but if you have more than half of your games having full achievements, then you good sir/madam, should just stop. unless you are 12 years old, i dont see how you would have that time?

on the ps3 my only platinum is god of war 3. i think getting full achievemnets is easier on the 360.

it would be cool if gamerscore points let us buy something off of the market place. like themes and avatar stuff.

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#8 sirmourinho
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And it was also announced today/yesterday that THQ has also adopted the same method. and if you want to play UFC 2010 online+multiplayer modes, you have to get the game new.

that's 3 companies/developers/publishers who are using the pay for online method.

sooner or later, activision, rockstar, etc will join the fray.

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#9 sirmourinho
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wow. Ubisoft has also adopted the new system introduced by EA. things dont look good for the future of gaming.

soon all the games and developers will have and use this crappy system.

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#10 sirmourinho
Member since 2007 • 1839 Posts

As you might all have heard, EA has launched a new system to counter used game sales. This system will ensure that EA can maximize sale profits on release day and on all there new game titles.

According to EA, it seems they lose a lot of money when people buy used games. But we all know this move a.k.a new system is ONLY meant to counter pirates.

the new system , "online pass" , ensures that you can play online features like ranked matches, games, access other online modes. without the pass, you CAN NOT play online. i.e you are stuck to playing offline. the online pass is free on release day but after that and if you get the game used, the system kicks in and you have to buy passes, some by 7 days others for a month etc. almost like a subscription.

Now, we who have a 360, have to pay live and also get this "online pass"?

its a shame that it has come to this though, coz i rarely buy EA sports games games on release day or even new but me personally, I dont agree with the online pass system. coz most games are not even worth 60 dollars. and to buy some games release day or NEW shouldn't be a MUST. EA assumes that with holding us ransom on release day or on there new games, they ensure sales.

but to some this can be seen as EA holding us hostage and forcing us to buy there games and not doing so results in us paying for these online passes.

I dont agree and which ever way you look at it, it does not seem right. Ironically this system will work,. if gamers can pay through the roof for expensive DLC, why cant they do anything to get an EA game.

the new system will start with teh release of Tiger woods PGA 11, fifa 11, NHL 11 etc......

What do you guys think? do you buy used games? will this affect you? Do you like the new online pass system? discuss................