• ronin1138’s Activity
  • ronin1138 rated Just Cause 3 a score of 8.
  • ronin1138 wrote a review of Just Cause 4.
    User Rating 4
    P**s Poor follow up to JC3

    Sequels inevitably have the good or bad luck of being measured against their previous efforts. If JC4 was a stand alone game it may of been regarded much better but following the fantastically fun and...

  • ronin1138 wrote a review of Hitman: Absolution.
    User Rating 10
    THE perfect Hitman game...

    The long history of the this franchise hit its high with this brilliantly realised game. What was nailed so well first and foremost was a great story and the developers wrapped a beautiful, immensely...

  • ronin1138 rated Hitman: Absolution a score of 9.