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@Dav3vsth3World: Honestly my most fun moments with friends have been getting pissed over impossible games. It's funny, it's exciting, it's adrenaline inducing, and you can honestly bond with people really quickly over stuff like that. I enjoy casual experiences too. Don't get me wrong, but stupidly difficult games are a unique niche that should be preserved. If it's not your cup of tea there's nothing wrong with that. But that specific cup of tea is a rare commodity and I think it should exist for the dedicated fans who love it.

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Edited By randomperson7

@Richardthe3rdCouldn't agree more! I mean hell. I LOVE casual games. That's what I USUALLY like to play. Something mind-numbing that lets me go on a consequence-free fantasy power trip. But I also know the huge sense of personal acomplishment that comes with hours or even YEARS of not being able to beat a certain level. And when I can FINALLY get past that and get some closure I get a legitimate emotional connection from a game. Those kinds of games SHOULD be out there and there aren't nearly enough of them thesedays. Whatsmore, we need to preserve the actual rewards for being a skilled player. ESPECIALLY in this day and age of rampant DLC and microtransactions that let you bypass challege and grind. I personally actually LIKE that feature because I don't get a lot of time to invest in a game thesedays but at the same time, truly dedicated gamers deserve unique recognition or rewards that only THEY can access/accomplish.

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So basically it's not so subtly suggesting that all games should be accessible in terms of difficulty to anyone who buys them. No. I'm sorry but there are specialty products that cater to target audiences. Games should absolutely penalize less skilled players. That's what challenge and difficulty is. That makes victory rewarding. A game being impossibly difficult can be it's single defining characteristic that makes it stand out among a sea of casual games. It's okay that some players just can't master it. No games should not be required to handicap themselves for ALL players. If a game offers that then that's fantastic, but thesedays there are less and less games that emphasize challenge and consequence. I haven't been truly challenged by a videogame since I was 12. I know it's elitism but that's a market that exists. Elite games should exist for elite players and there's nothing wrong with that. No I'm not bashing on "filthy casuals". Because there's a market for that too and casual gamers are no lesser than hardcore gamers. But this video postulates that there's a "PROBLEM" with difficulty. I'd say the only problem is that the market is in a bit of a deficit for universally challenging games that don't offer shortcuts or easy modes. If I want a simple experience that lets me just kick back and go on a virtual power trip I'll play a game that offers that. If I want a true challenge that becomes a personal venture of frustration and loss, only to build up to a unique sense of victory that's specific to me I want there to be that option. Games that don't offer shortcuts get a sort of legend status and that can honestly be a big part of gaming "culture". It makes names like "Ikaruga" "Ninja Gaiden" and "Super Meat Boy" immediately warrant an emotional response from mere mention. Those games would not be at all noteworthy if they offered an easy mode.

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So....everyone's going full iron man?? Even Superman???

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@costanzamania: The game launched with startlingly sparse content with the premise that they would expand upon it to actually have CONTENT. Sadly that never happened. We just keep trudging over the same couple of planets and getting the same boring characters.

This game is such a let down. I would honestly get more enjoyment and value from just playing the old school battlefront. It exceeds this game in almost every way except graphically.

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@spike6958: Y'know they COULD draw from the prequels, but OH NO everyone hates the prequels! Boooo!

Y'know what? Say what you want about the crappy writing/acting/directing but the prequels had amazing production values and the action was AWESOME! Not to mention they did have some pretty cool villains. Jango, Duku, Maul, Even General Grievous if you reference the 2D animated version. The main reason I loved the original BF was because of the clone wars.

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So in the vast universe they have to draw from, filled with dozens of unique and interesting planets, weapons, vehicles, and characters they say "oh man you know what the die-hard star wars fans are REALLY craving? TWO MORE MAPS ON THE SAME FUCKING PLANETS!!!! AND two EXTREMELY minor characters that had basically no tangible impact on the plot as a whole!"

Space battles?

Cruiser assault?

Rebel tanks?

Other planets?

Fan favorites such as Lando, Chewbacca, and Bossk?

Force awakens DLC???

What? You thought EA would make GOOD decisions? You silly.

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...What is gamespot anymore? This just just so random and irrelevant. Stick to news about games, not news that happens to feature A game. And what's with all this comics and movie fluff? The title of the website is becoming misleading. It's pretty much "Entertainment media Spot". They're turning into MTV -_-

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Edited By randomperson7

It's implied pretty clearly in the movies that Luke is straight, being that he kind of gushed at the first sight of Lea's hologram (and seemingly one of the main motivators for rescuing her was his impulsive hormones) and the smug grin he got after Lea blessed him with a kiss to spite Han. But more likely Luke is celibate. Just like the Jedi of old. That's how he's more or less represented in all the games, books etc. and I know you're all gonna be like "But extended universe is no longer cannon!" Yes but for pete's sake he went into hermitage on a remote planet for assumably over a decade. Most people who have an interest in romantic pursuits would be less inclined to do that.