mgools' comments

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Edited By mgools

Game is fantastic. IMO game of the year. Halo, is back and better than it has ever been. A lot of changes, but still feels like Halo. Great story, spot on controls, good graphics, and runs as smooth as silk on a pc. There appears to be a group who think it is cool to hate on the game. There is always a group like this. Many haven't played the game, and we can usually tell. If you get a chance to play it, don't hesitate.

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@Pyrosa said:

@tootrue: Halo Infinite makes ZERO new leaps in gameplay. Just Cause and Rage 2 immediately come to mind, but HI isn't nearly as over-the-top FUN as either.

I agree that Rachet and Clank and Forza Horizon 5 should probably be on this list. However, to say Halo Infinite makes "ZERO" new leaps in gameplay shows you have not played it yet. Although, R&C and FH5 are both fantastic games, they don't have near the changes that Halo has. I am good with someone thinking R&C and FH5 are better games than Halo, as everyone likes different things, but the difference between earlier Halo games and Infinite are well...infinite ;). Halo feel is there, but changes are huge. It is cool to not like the game, but "zero" changes in gameplay is not an accurate statement.

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Edited By mgools

@FkzAz: You miss the part where I start out with "IMO". We all like different games as we are all different individuals with different personalities and the world is more interesting because of this. However, why did you not like Halo, what specifically do you feel would leave it off this list?

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@Pyrosa said:

Halo Infinite does not deserve to be on this list. It is entirely unremarkable, other than A) It's more Halo and B) it's VERY pretty.

Same "blah" open-world nonsense as any UbiSoft game you've ever played, but even simpler: Find Warthog, pick up AI soldiers, clear/claim various open-world spots. Occasionally perform solo indoor missions, which are identical to their predecessors. Then play the same MP modes (fewer, actually) from before. 7/10.

IMO, Halo is easily the best game on the list. Graphics, story, gun play, controls. And just enough changes to make it different, but not so much that it makes it feel like a non Halo game. Great use of the grapple. Fantastic game, but everyone likes different games.

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Is GS using the critics score or the users score? It looks to me like they used critics, and IMO they should be using users scores.

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@Dave1927p said:

The political correctiveness of the single player campaign is sickening.

Thanks for the heads up. You saved me some money.

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Edited By mgools

This game will be good, but right now it is just okay. There are bugs a plenty, and there is not denying that. Get up next to a wall or crawl next to a rock, and your character will start spazzing out. I fell to my death...while walking in shallow water. Game does crash. You can shoot someone 10 times and they don't die. Snipper almost useless right now, IMO. Seems like I always get the same maps over and over. In other words they don't cycle like they should in order to get variety. Some balancing issues right now that hopefully will get worked out.

I am torn on the "specialist" concept, and it doesn't seem like I unlock things very quickly compared to the old classes. However, this could be because I am soooo bad at the game. Walking across the map can be a PITA. Especially when you have a group of people who take off in vehicles and don't pick, anyone up. Walking for 5 minutes to get somewhere should be left to Red Dead Redemption 2. I wish they would include a class with the ability to create spawn points like in "Hell let loose".

However, there is a lot to like. The maps are well designed. The graphics are gorgeous. The vehicles are fun (although could use a little tweaking). Load out options a plenty. Control feels feel spot on if you like the Battlefield games. The old BF 1942 is there to play, and is a blast. No more forced woke crap in the game.

In my opinion this game does feel different than past BF games, but yet retains it nice controls, map design, vehicles, etc. Given time it will come around. I can't help think this game is released before it should in order to hit the Christmas timeframe that all games like to hit. In 6 months I see this being a winner. Until thin, enjoy your beta testing ;)

Note to all players. If someone dies next to you, and you are not in danger...heal the person. It takes 2 seconds.

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Edited By mgools

@tyruduvu: This is an arcade racer, and not a sim. I would agree if this was Automobilista 2. However, the game is great....but so far very buggy. I have an entire racing setup, but play this one with a controller.

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Edited By mgools

@zerojuice: Now that was funny. I forgot how great that scene was.