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when will companies stop whining about piracy. It is a fact of life. Get on with it. If you offer a good product you will reap the rewards of it. If you offer a crappy, fast cash grab product don' expect support. No DRM,, good quality game, no freaking first dlc dlc scam etc etc etc..and you have a winner. companies have brought their own pestilence upon themselves.

nuff said...

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Mass effect 3 disappointment, dragon age 2 disappointment, SW KOTOR disappointment..... mmmmmmmm wonder what is next for bioware....

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wow, Kevin did not look too impressed or interested about this... kinda strange

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Edited By kokonut1971

This article is hitting a few good points but sadly if is based on an artistic point of view and not from a commercial standpoint. You have to satisfy customers when you put something one sale. If you are not willing to change of adapt to your customers demands because you feel you are entitled to an artistic point of view on your creation then you are bound to fail and you are sayign to people that you wont accept any criticism at all. Things dont work that way now. Even the best stuff cannot please everyone but you have to try to please the vocal majority because they are the ones payign for your product and that is what counts now. this is especially relevant in the gaming industry because there is so much good competition between genres. If you deliver crap products then people will move to another franchise and if you say to people to f off just because you feel that you are entitled to challenge people artitically then people will move on.

the article is good but flawed in many ways... and yes " a paying customer is always right!"

nuff said.

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Edited By kokonut1971

I am so tired of people saying other people well if you do not like it then don't use it. Like the auction house in the game. Its like some person say to another person well if you don't like pollution don't use your car to go to work.

Its non-logic to say to someone to not do something or use something when it is available or in this case a feature in the game. Personally i am only going to use this to complete the story and then its gonna stay in digital limbo. I am not gonna become the next gaming superstar or burn long hours on this. There are way too many games out there to be stuck on one game.

I see diablo 3 having a good start but it will dies quickly like starcraft 2 did, made a big splash, people played it and then went on to other things. Its not gonna create any new era in gaming as it does not seem to create anything new. Its just a mish-mash of diablo games and wow mixed together to give you the illusion that the game is complex. Most of the lenght of the game will probably be spent going thru new game menus or looking at stats. You take that away there would not be much left to the game. I am not saying ti is gonna be all bad. but it is not gonna be a game changer.

its gonna get high grades, because it is hyped up and is a franchise game but if this would come from any other studio than Blizzard and if it was a first game it would not get high scores. Look at Titan quest and you'll see that it was a very good clone of Diablo and is almost if not better in some areas in quality of diablo 3 and it got poor scores..

so there you have it... i bought the game for the story but you wont see me in the auction house just so that blizzard can abuse me afterwards with their e-@y like fees for using their auction house.


peace on.

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Edited By kokonut1971

all i see in this is an epic fail. Star Wars, lords of the ring and other like Conan have all tried to dethrone WoW but not suceeded , they started out ok but are losing players after a bit because of lack of content ot other reasons and this game will be the same. There is no point in trying to turn an IP into a MMO because there are too many and there are too many that suck real bad.

A waste ot time, talent and money if you ask me. They should work on another single play game or do something else together.

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Edited By kokonut1971

maybe all of this happened because Lucas saw more potential in a bioware's MMO than this. who knows. been a while since lucasart really gave us a ground breaking game with decent graphics not some game lookign like a clone of wow.

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Edited By kokonut1971

The gameing site will never rate these games pretty high because it does not have the call of duty or medal of honor name in front of it which is sad. 10 years ago this would have been state of the art. I loved the first game and tough it had some quirks the overall game was fun, I ll get this one and see what it gives to me. I like doing snipping and stealth so this is my cup of tea game. Now every war game can be Rambo'd or John Wayne'd like COD or MOH....


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Edited By kokonut1971

yet another game that tries to be what it cannot be. Can you say epic fail, when will companies learn that you cannot turn every decent or semi decent single player game into an online game. Its gonna be a waste of money for bethesda, money that they could have put some place else....

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Edited By kokonut1971

What begs to question is the fact that we do not know if this is all legal. I mean an exchange of money as to be regulated by law. Banks have to operate by some laws in order to do business. I know that some cash loan stores were charging and horrendous amount of interest money to lend money and people started to complain about it. How can Blizzard prove to people that the charges they are charging are lawfull, have they become some sort of bank? and let's not forget that Paypal will also charge you a percentage of your money to move it around. Its not just 30% anymore, it more than that! go read on paypal and you ll see that you have to pay them an amount of money on every transaction you make. Unless i understand everything wrong on how blizzard wants to operate, but i have been using paypal for some time and i know how they work and its not to your advantage, let me tell you that!

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