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#1  Edited By kakamoura
Member since 2014 • 222 Posts

@toast_burner: Yes you can argue that, because neither Legos nor Hatred are VIOLENT. It's like the whole universe has stopped and people suddenly can't distinguish the difference between VIOLENCE and DEPICTION of violence.

Neither Legos, Hatred, GTA or any other video game in the HISTORY OF VIDEO GAMES were ever violent. You can't say Lego is less violent because it's not at all violent so you can't compare it to hatred which isn't violent either - you can however say that it DEPICTS less violence.

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#2  Edited By kakamoura
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@toast_burner said:

@sabretooth2066 said:

@toast_burner said:

You seriously can't tell the difference between the violence in GTA and Hatred? It's like saying pornographic games should be allowed on steam as they have the Witcher 2 which shows some tits. Witcher 2 doesn't show any graphic sex or nudity, it contains sex but you don't see it, in a pornographic game you actually see genitals and penetration. So GTA contains violence but it doesn't portray it as graphically, that is the difference.

...its not about GTA and HATRED, its about those goddamn INNOCENT PIXELS you hypocrates worry so much about

end of discussion, so please just pick your goddamn vote and leave this fu**in thread, this doesnt has to be the same friggin discussion with the same friggin arguments we already read in all those hatred threads we already got

So you think all films and games are the same as they are all just pixels on a screen? Do you honestly think it's apropriate to let a 5 year old watch Hostel or play Manhunt?

Wait up.

First of all, whether Hatred being on steam or not doesn't matter on the game's "morality" or whether it's a good game or not, that's an unfortunate logic on your part.

Secondly, it's illegal for 5 year olds to play adult games (in my country at least), not just Hatred. That's also an unfortunate thing to mention as well.

Furthermore, there's absolutely nothing wrong with Hatred ethically, as far as I'm concerned. It is an artistic creation, it's crude yes but art should be crude sometimes and offensive as well as in poor taste.

So, whether Hatred is offensive to some people or not is subjective. What is OBJECTIVE though is that Hatred will not be the cause of violence, as observed and proven by scientific methods which support that video games do not cause violence - I'm just saying.

I think my post clears up every single discussion about Hatred there needs to be had.

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#3 kakamoura
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@Pffrbt said:

@kakamoura said:

Because you don't understand that implications behind it.

I understand the implications behind it more than you do, hence why I'm saying it's incredibly thoughtless and idiotic.

Holy shit, what's up your ass, mr tough internet warrior?

If you wanna debate, do it, otherwise drop the attitude because you are pathetic. As far as I can tell, you understand shit about the subject, that's why you're so emotional about it.

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#4  Edited By kakamoura
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@ktseymour said:

No Mark! No one wants your darn sh*tty helmet lol

But think about all the waifus D:

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#5 kakamoura
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@Pffrbt said:

@kakamoura said:

It's a simple statement.

An incredibly stupid, thoughtless one.

Because you don't understand that implications behind it.

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#6  Edited By kakamoura
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@super600 said:


The gaters that are still around don't usually even care or vigorously defend what certain sites like one of the sites you mention do to the opposition. I have watched people relish in the fact certain members of that site are plotting evil things or committing evil acts to hurt their opponents .On the same site I watched gg supporters use some board that is somewhat connected to the movement to go after their targets by doxxing them and then swatting them(if they feel like it) and doing other vile things and only a few gaters came into the topics that discussed going after their opponents and told them to stop (and ironically these guys were banned usually), but they continued doing what they were doing.Enough attention was brought to what these gater supporters were using that board for that some of threads that involved plotting illegal stuff to go after the gaters opponents and the threads that actually went after their opponents using illegal methods started to be deleted. There were attempts earlier on in the movement by some people to make sure people were acting nice and friendly and weren't doing violent or illegal things , but that collapsed eventually.And some people are now trying to do anything they can to make the movement relevant by doing anything they can to weaken their opponents since the movement is dying even if it's illegal. People have talked about dissociating from that site that has done all that vile stuff lately within the movement,but from what I recall the talks went nowhere since to many people rely on that site.Anyway I'm getting off topic here and this thread so be focusing on the ABC piece on this subject itself and not whatever actions the movement members and their opponents may or may have not done.

I bet my ass you DIDN'T see what you claim you saw and you're conjuring it up or projecting it and I am going to ask you to prove your claims, otherwise you're outright lying. And I also think you are being overly mystic about which site and which board in particular you're talking about mainly because you didn't see it happen and you only heard it from other people who claimed it happened or because you know (and you think I don't) that doxxing and other illegal activies wouldn't fly in those particular boards due to the history they have with the law. Your claim that people doxxed in the board I think you are talking about, I can demolish easily but I'll wait first for your proof before I give any effort.

Be particular about which site you are talking about and give proof (pictures should be enough).

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#7  Edited By kakamoura
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LOL if hl1 got out in the early 1900's then I think we're now nearing some catastrophic events that'll happen in 1914 and video games are the least of your problems.

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#8 kakamoura
Member since 2014 • 222 Posts
@super600 said:

@Minishdriveby said:

A group's individuals compose the group's identity. Unfortunately, if rotten individuals claim to be part of the group they tarnish the image of that group; however, instead of skirting and denying that there are "rotten apples" in the group, the group should take action against those apples by establishing a problem, throwing them out, and not wanting anything to do with them. This is the difference between the majority of 'gamers' and 'gamergate'. Gamergate denies any connection to anything bad, claiming their is no way to know who is a true gamergater and who is not unless of course it makes gamergate look good and then of course it's gamergate's doing. Unfortunately, gamergate has created a negative image that has set the gaming community back a couple years.

That is true also. I noticed this pattern on twitter also when they were defending certain things connected to the movement.I was just using that as an example of when people should call out gamergate members if they do something bad since that seems to be the most obvious example as shown through the actions of members of that site and gg members response to this done by members of this site in the last month or two.

When a community specifically hammers down individuals who take on illegal actions against other people, when a community tries its best to make people realize that they're not the bad guys and the bad guys are not them, when a community collectively organizes charity events for the same people they are accused of bullying and when a community is attacked by the same corrupt media it criticizes then there's absolutely nothing that community can do anymore to convince you of anything.

GG started on half-chan, it was banned from half-chan, it went on full-chan and then spread back to half-chan and reddit. All of these were PASSIONATELY against doxxing and people being fucktards in general. If you claim otherwise, I'm sorry but I'll outright say you are completely full of crap. I don't support GG anymore for my own reason (mainly because it's dead) but the only thing you CAN'T hold against the movement is violence. That's absolutely ridiculous and if you participated in it instead of just getting your information from 3rd parties - who were mainly the targets of the movement - you'd realize this.

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#9 kakamoura
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@mastermetal777 said:

@foxhound_fox: it's also likely Valve will implement an age check system for this game if it's rated AO. Based on the age in the account as opposed to an age gate that gets overcome easily.

valve doesn't sell ao

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#10  Edited By kakamoura
Member since 2014 • 222 Posts
@toast_burner said:

@kakamoura said:
@toast_burner said:

@kakamoura said:

@toast_burner said:

Have you not been reading the thread? OP is claiming that any attack on Gamergate is an attack on gamers. Unless he represent all gamers how can he claim an attack on him is an attack on gamers?

What makes you think it's higher than 1%? Over a billion people play video games, gamergate is only a few thousand at best.

Well then OP is wrong, an attack on gamergate is an attack on everyone who identifies with it, not on every person who plays video games.

GG went against corruption in the media, I'm sure that's representative of more people but in any case, how many or how many it doesn't represent is a fallacious argument if you use to to dismiss or praise GG.

It can represent 1% of gamers as you say and still be right or represent 99% and be wrong.

Not once have I ever seen Gamergate do anything about corruption in media. A few times I've even seen it being encouraged by gamergate members.

Well then you haven't done your research and are clueless about the subject, sorry to say. Give an example of GG members encouraging corruption in the media please.

Can you give any examples of them doing anything about corrupition? All I ever hear from them is SJWs this and feminism that.

People were claiming that reviewers should be blacklisted if they give unfavourable reviews to games that Gamergate members liked or possitive reviews to ones they don't like. Which is ironic as publishers blacklisting reviewers is the biggest source of corruption in game journalism as negative reviews are punished while positive ones are rewarded, so it's much better for a reviewer to be dishonest than honest. Shouldn't we want reviewers to be honest? It's game publishers that are the problem yet Gamergate seems to side with them more often than not.

People were getting in contact with companies to stop ad contracts with clickbait sites, they served to educate people on the issue, they tackled the hypocrisy of most "blogger" sites who think themselves as professional journalists and mainly stood up to consumer standards and were one of the few times I can remember where people actually took an educated approach to consumerism in the video game industry and this is why they were dismissed by such clearly biased videos like in the OP.

Your statement about GG blacklisting reviewers just because they give bad scores to games GG liked is conjured up, I spent much time in GG hubs and not a single one had this motivation, unless you can prove otherwise.

Just because GG went against the media, doesn't mean they sided with publishers, that's grasping at straws. I don't want to attack you and make an hominem but it seems you got your info directly from the media sources GG attacked.