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#1 kakamoura
Member since 2014 • 222 Posts
@toast_burner said:

It's funny how gamergaters like to claim they aren't sexist yet see any attack on sexism as an attack on them. OP is obviously a gamer so how can the documentary be an attack on gamers as a whole?

Because she labels the industry sexist without proving it is.

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#3 kakamoura
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@JustPlainLucas said:

@kakamoura said:

So we shouldn't point out her already misplaced arguments and irrationality and we should just deal with this shit every time a nutjob feminist wakes up with a hard-on to vilify and demonise a whole community?

When someone says "hey I'm gonna discuss low IQ african americans and how these stupid african americans are an issue with our society", they're rightfully dismissed as a racist.

When someone says "hey I'm gonna discuss the extremist Islam and how suicide bombers are representative of muslims", they're rightfully dismissed as generalizing 1.6 billion people as terrorists.

When someone says "look I'm gonna discuss how pedophiles in the vatican are just destroying our society man, these christians just won't let go of these children we have to do something about" you're dismissed as some asshole putting everyone in a basket.

So when someone says "Look this industry is sexist, video games are sexist, people are sexist and sexists are a problem in the video game industry because they're REPRESENTATIVE of all gamers and are surely not just individuals being sexists; oh btw I won't try defining what sexism is yeah **** that" we're supposed to give them some slack? Why?

All the above categories of people have one thing in common. They grasp at straws, generalize, make assumptions and the most important thing: THEY DON'T TRY PROVING THE ASSUMPTIONS SO THE ASSUMPTIONS REMAIN ASSUMPTIONS.

You just can't claim that the industry is sexist and then just source every other argument you make from a false premise and expect people to not criticize when all your conclusion are as wrong as your presumption. This is by definition irrational.

Man I'm fed up explaining this shit every time.

Then stay out of these threads if you're tired of the subject. Anyway, you're just going to have to go all over this shit again when she comes out with her documentary, and she hasn't even PROVIDED any facts to criticize yet, so you might as well wait. Calm down, good sir.

Nah I'm not giving views to that shit. I don't get surprised by feminists going on imaginary rants anymore, I feel like that's a given noawadays but I'm mad people still fall for it because they think they're progressive and liberal when they're only just supporting an idea that in no way has ever been legitimized and actually harms relations between the two gender and encourages even more animosity.

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#4  Edited By kakamoura
Member since 2014 • 222 Posts
@JustPlainLucas said:

@The_Last_Ride said:

@toast_burner said:

@The_Last_Ride said:

@JangoWuzHere said:

@The_Last_Ride said:


Why would attacking GG create a backlash? We're only going to criticize you if it's stupid.

The GamersGate community is well known for attacking others with different opinions. Look at the posts in this thread. She hasn't even made the documentary and already people are somehow offended.

There is a difference between criticism and attacking...

How can you criticise it when you know nothing about it? Baseless criticism is attacking.

If you want to criticise her work why not think of something constructive rather than assuming it will be bad because she's a female who disagrees with you? How do you know how it will turn out? Maybe you would agree with her and change your views, is that what you're scared of?

Uhm what? I can be critical when she is making claims that she is going to "expose sexism".

i am asking her before she makes her documentary to show evidence and facts and not just do it out of emotion. Isn't that valid criticism?

I would suggest you wait to see how her project turns out. From her aforementioned arrogance, it might not turn out to be any different than you're expecting, but you should wait nonetheless. Then, you can criticize it all you want.

So we shouldn't point out her already misplaced arguments and irrationality and we should just deal with this shit every time a nutjob feminist wakes up with a hard-on to vilify and demonise a whole community?

When someone says "hey I'm gonna discuss low IQ african americans and how these stupid african americans are an issue with our society", they're rightfully dismissed as a racist.

When someone says "hey I'm gonna discuss the extremist Islam and how suicide bombers are representative of muslims", they're rightfully dismissed as generalizing 1.6 billion people as terrorists.

When someone says "look I'm gonna discuss how pedophiles in the vatican are just destroying our society man, these christians just won't let go of these children we have to do something about" you're dismissed as some asshole putting everyone in a basket.

So when someone says "Look this industry is sexist, video games are sexist, people are sexist and sexists are a problem in the video game industry because they're REPRESENTATIVE of all gamers and are surely not just individuals being sexists; oh btw I won't try defining what sexism is yeah **** that" we're supposed to give them some slack? Why?

All the above categories of people have one thing in common. They grasp at straws, generalize, make assumptions and the most important thing: THEY DON'T TRY PROVING THE ASSUMPTIONS SO THE ASSUMPTIONS REMAIN ASSUMPTIONS.

You just can't claim that the industry is sexist and then just source every other argument you make from a false premise and expect people to not criticize when all your conclusion are as wrong as your presumption. This is by definition irrational.

Man I'm fed up explaining this shit every time.

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#5  Edited By kakamoura
Member since 2014 • 222 Posts

@invisiblejimbsh said:

@loafofgame said:
@invisiblejimbsh said:

@loafofgame said:
@kakamoura said:

Secondly, video games are not sexist because noone has ever proven that video games are sexist. Saying that you'll discuss this non-existent sexism is illegitimate because you have no basis of proof of this sexism.

To be fair, has anyone proven videogames do not contain sexist representations? According to your logic, you can't claim videogames aren't sexist, because that also hasn't been proven yet (unless it has, in which case I would like to see a link). And what definition of sexism are we talking about? Sexism is one of those things that is fairly difficult to measure. It's not like behaviour or physical responses. It is often something that is interpreted and interpretation can always be questioned.

The problem is that there are huge divides in what 'sexist' entails especially by academics and activists.

It appears that the fringe group who oppose GamerGate are filled with sex negative feminists who believe any time female is looked upon by a man it's sexist.

By contrast the GamerGate contains many Equity Feminists who have a 'live and let live' policy and therefore think its great as long as the woman chooses to participate because then she's making the choice and there is no sexism at all.

I'm not entirely sure I understand your last phrase. What is there to participate when it comes to a depiction...? If a woman (or a man for that matter) chooses to participate in playing videogames, does that mean they don't mind the way their gender is depicted in said videogames; does it stop these depictions from being considered sexist? And again, what definition of sexism are these equity feminists using (or the people who are playing these videogames)? As you suggest and as I said, the term allows for interpretation and debate. Anyway, I was merely questioning kakamoura's reasoning, not necessarily his claim (although you could say I question his claim indirectly, based on his reasoning).

I'm not an opponent of the 'live and let live' ideal, but it's also just that, an ideal. It is called into question the moment any desired way of life starts interfering with another desired way of life.

From what I understand of these two branches:

Gender feminist - Softcore pornography is bad because it services the need of a classical male audience who are using this to reinforce a patriarchal society in which women are objects. Therefore this degrades females and is sexist.

Equity Feminist - If a woman chooses to engage in softcore pornography as a career path and states she enjoys the career, this is no more sexist than a woman choosing to be a CEO or a housewife. It's sexist and degrading to override the choice of a woman in how she wishes to live.

It's why I support the OP's initiative, if there are people who are targetting her for being a woman then good for her for exposing it.

When was the last time a feminist like OP said "hey these people aren't misogynists, they have good points and they attacked my arguments and it seems like my arguments were wrong and hey **** it, I'm not gonna block their comments and cherry pick only the asshole comments for this video I'm gonna make to misrepresent everyone and reinforce my status as a professional victim"?

Answer: Never. And yes I'm being absolute intentionally.

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#7  Edited By kakamoura
Member since 2014 • 222 Posts

"1# I'll discuss sexism in gaming"

It's not like I was expecting more from a feminist, you know.

Here, let me help you:

Before you discuss sexism in gaming, you have to PROVE that the video game industry is SEXIST as you claim it is, otherwise you're just as illegitimate as Anita and there's absolutely no reason we should stand for even more frauds who take advantage of the victims of instances of sexism in the video game industry to make a quick buck, because saying that you'll make no money from releasing a video on youtube is simply a lie.

Secondly, video games are not sexist because noone has ever proven that video games are sexist. Saying that you'll discuss this non-existent sexism is illegitimate because you have no basis of proof of this sexism.

Thirdly, instead of proving what kind of sexism, where, how, when, why and by whom you've instead used the basis of unverified anecdotal martyrdom and how abused you got from people you don't mention or give details where and when. EXACTLY like Anita.

Furthermore, people from GG have no connection to abusing people. You are again recalling your self-proclaimed victimhood to make whatever claim you want to make.

How your blog shilling isn't automatically classified a big turd by anyone with the least amount of critical thinking is beyond me.

You are ABSOLUTELY like the feminists you claim you are not and I'm not even going to wait for you to classify my post as "threats, sexism, bigotry" or whatever you wish, it's not like any of your other claims are verified in the LEAST.

Stand on the emotional abuse of female victims like the rest of your "colleagues" have done, claim moral highground, assume sexism and martyrdom, label the opposition misogynists and sexists and further divide the community for a quick buck. Good job.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

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#8  Edited By kakamoura
Member since 2014 • 222 Posts

@Pffrbt said:

@kakamoura said:

Holy shit, what's up your ass, mr tough internet warrior?

Must have something to do with the astoundingly fucking stupid people that populate these forums.

"If you wanna debate, do it, otherwise drop the attitude because you are pathetic. As far as I can tell, you understand shit about the subject, that's why you're so emotional about it."


You are dropping simple links in a debate and you are calling other people fucking stupid?

Please continue, you are very entertaining.

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#9 kakamoura
Member since 2014 • 222 Posts
@sabretooth2066 said:

@JustPlainLucas said:

*complains about Hatred thread, then goes and makes one of his own* Hyyyyyyyypocrite?

You anger too easily. Maybe you should play less violent games?

no clue to whom youre talking to, but i dont have any problem with hatred threads, i just have a problems with dull hypocrites like you, but individuals like you are not making me angry, if something could make me angry in here then its the fact that i was the one starting the one and only original hatred thread this community needed and then 30 other hatred threads emerged while without those copycats my original thread would be so damn kewl having a million hits and thousands of replies by now still on the frontpage as the most visited thread in this whole damn community

Man, hatred is morally backed by the majority of people who play video games and are not retarded enough to think, as you said, that pixels (and any other depiction of art) cause harm in society.

You shouldn't give a shit about what the rest think, they're not gonna change heart as you're seeing in this thread.

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#10 kakamoura
Member since 2014 • 222 Posts

Wait I'm taking it back, you didn't use "violence" as in "depiction", you actually used it as fucking violence and OP is calling you out for it and tells you you're being a hypocrite on post #19 where he's telling you actual people acting violent is different than violence in video games and at the next post I interjected which is where you started ignoring OP.

hahahahah you're a little sneaky coward as I said, you almost fucking fooled me. Very nice backpeddling tho

Yeah, I'm out, there's no point in continuing this shit.