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#1 jhon9728
Member since 2008 • 143 Posts
Thanks I read all the comments, I from what I've read is that the hate is coming from the fact it's EA and that people don't want to use more than one software at a time, I for one believe that competition is good and gives reason for improving. Steams monopoly frustrates me much more than origin could. Furthermore, some things are being confused, steam has region issues as well, I.e. shogun 2 on release was much more expensive in Australia, along with most AAA titles. Another thing is exclusives, steam has them aswell meaning you can't use this as why you hate origin and not steam. I mean really guys competition > only one program (it's not that much of a hassle to use more than one)
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#2 jhon9728
Member since 2008 • 143 Posts
Again choosing one option is fine and understandable but offers no reason to hate the alternative like so many do.
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#3 jhon9728
Member since 2008 • 143 Posts
Hmm.. I feel the majority of hate is ban wagon jumping from what I hear, and the rest isn't really valid or is an issue tht has been fixed. Thanks for the input charmingcharlie but things like where you talk about download speeds are not try because . I was talking about how fast I downloads compared to everything not just steam 2. The download speeds for steam are sourced externally through chosen portals that are NOT even close to be used by 50 million, and also it shouldn't matter because if try do have more the company should have more money to spend on better download speeds. So again not really valid. Along with things like being banned means losin access to paid games is the same with steam and the rest of the issues you mentioned have been fixed showing they will change... So still not really seeing a completely valid point but I can see where your comming from
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#4 jhon9728
Member since 2008 • 143 Posts
But surely if you loath origin for having it with steam, then you must also hate steam for the same reason, not praise it as the second comming... Furthermore by what your saying is origin would be amazing without steam so if you have 2 'amazing' things then the second is the most horrible thing to happen? I don't get it
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#5 jhon9728
Member since 2008 • 143 Posts

can someone explain this to me? Steam everyone hold as the saviour of pc games to many people but then why does everyone go onto hate Origin? is it just a them and us kind of thing?

To me from what I read it's just band wagon, hating that people jump on for no rational reason.

I for one get speeds i had no idea I could reach, and never could hope to get on steam.

My internet went out in the area for a couple of days and Steam dosen't let me play and Origin does...

So WHAT is it that is so bad, i know EA is 'evil' because it's about making money (because steam isn't...?), people will probably take this as a troll with all the hate, byt honestly i don't see it so please post actual reasons for why origin is bad and competitors like steam are not... and not just 'because it sucks and they made mass effect 3 bad hurr durr...'


PS: I would like to point out i prefer to use no software like steam or origin if it's available, just don't get the love for steam and the complete irrational hate for origin

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#6 jhon9728
Member since 2008 • 143 Posts
no idea, too scared to open in case i break something, I can if to, but the the buzzing was there before htis problem p.s. it seems to be working fine for now, so i am guessing something is loose
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#7 jhon9728
Member since 2008 • 143 Posts

Ok so I'll try explain everything, some stuff may be irrelevant. I am not tech savy so try explain things as if to a idiot ;)

So my computer recently has been making a really loud buzzing, i assumed it was the fan, and if i tap the side of the case it would stop, i know dumb but i felt me fiddling around inside would be worse. However, at some point my bumping it must have hit something loose or something because i launched diablo 3 at it was really laggy (not the internet connection the FPS). So i feel it is probably the RAM or Graphics Card.

So i decided to restart my computer to make sure something just wasn't slowing it, when it was off and I turned it on it turned back off after a second of 2. It has only started again after i left it for a bit and wrote this straight away. HELP!

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#9 jhon9728
Member since 2008 • 143 Posts
I have been looking further into it and it appears that synthesis ending once available isn't affected by how good you did, only destruction and control options are affected, particularly destroy because that;s the only one you actually live in at the end with a perfect score... shows it all on ign the affects of certain scores on each
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#10 jhon9728
Member since 2008 • 143 Posts

ok so i just finished the game with what i believe to be over 5000 score and i renegade shot anderson to save him (even though i played nearly the whole series paragon ): ) but he died shortly after. Then when i got the 3 choices, which is the choice that requires over 5000 score to unlock? I chose Synthesis which i assumed was the 'perfect' ending but i thought Shepard is hinted to of lived at the end of the perfect ending? Is synthesis not the correct one?

Also on a side note what happens when you last option paragon the illusive man, because mine was greyed out and am not sure why?
