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#1 ghettocheeze
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

Simply go to "top games" click "all-time" and the select "all platforms"

The results will SHOCK YOU

TONY FREAKIN HAWK'S all over the top 5 even Dreamcast port got 9.9


NFL 2K was good and better than Madden but no way it belongs in top 10-15

I have found an irregularity that from 1999 to 2000, Gamespot was handing out perfect 10s and 9.9s like there was no tommorow? LOL Y2K maybe?

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#2 ghettocheeze
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#3 ghettocheeze
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts


Halo 3 - Exclusive

Mass Effect - Exclusive

Bioshock - PC

Assassin Creed - PS3

Grand Theft Auto IV - PS3 and PC (future)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - PS3 and PC

Rock Band - PS3

Not many as EXCLUSIVES as Microsoft would have you believed especially stuff that is suppose to be AAA.

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#4 ghettocheeze
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

In light of the recent news about Sony acquiring exclusive rights to the next Rockstar franchise, let me clear a few things.

1) Rocketstar Games is a PUBLISHER which is owned by Take-Two Interactive corporation.

2) Grand Theft Auto franchise was developed by DMA designs but after the success of GTA III, Rockstar purchased the studio and renamed it Rockstar North.

3) LA NOIRE is being developed by TEAM BONDI not Rockstar who is only publishing the game.

4) Team Bondi was founded by former SCEE studio SOHO boss Brendan McNamarra.

Thought this little history lesson would clear up the confusion. LA NOIRE has nothing to with the team that built GTA or anyone that has been working on GTA IV. Rockstar is acting as a publisher and releasing this game.

Now the real interesting stuff is whether Rockstar North is making this next-gen PS3 exclusve project or not?

If yes then that would be huge otherwise it could be something Rockstar games is only publishing not developing.

I hope this helps.

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#5 ghettocheeze
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

Console ONLY gamers are in for a huge surprise because they have never played this kind of game before in their life. Even the Halo fanboys who will hate on this game and call it names, in fact have never played UT before so they don't even know what they are talking about. Ask any seasoned and intelligent gamer if they could only choose between Halo or UT then an overwhelming majority will respond with UT. This is that much better than any console FPS on the market right now even Gears is not on the same level and I love and play it on Live everyday.

Some people don't understand that Unreal is the best game engine out there right now and dozens of games are being built on it. Now this kickass engine was built for one purpose only and that is UNREAL TOURNAMENT which is the flagship title of the Unreal engine.

Just look at the list of games using Unreal Engine 3.0

LOL almost 80% all big names (Mass Effect, Bioware, Too Human, Lost Odyssey etc..) next gen games are built in Unreal technology.

You've seen this Ferrari engine fitted into compact cars now imagine what it would feel like to drive the real Ferrari!!!

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#6 ghettocheeze
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When I usually hear people talk about the PS3 recently especially after E3, most fans just talk about Killzone 2, MGS4, Heavenly Sword. That is good but I think PS3 owners are vastly underestimating UT 3 as a possible answer to the 360 and it's strong lineup Halo 3 in particular. Look I'm not trying to start another Halo 3 vs XYZ game thread but just saying people just be really excited about UT3 coming to PS3 and in my opinion that is a better game than Halo or even Gears which is made by the same developer Epic Games.

I think the number one reason there is very little talk about UT3

It's a timed exclusive only but Epic has said the 360 version is not even in development yet so and they are thinking about it especially since Microsoft will not let them make user mods on Xbox Live. Mark Rein has said that UT will eventually make it's way over to the 360 but nothing is in the makings right now. That may change next year if they decided to port this over to 360 and chances are they will. However I think if UT 3 does reasonably well in terms of sales on PS3 then I think Sony might even reach a deal with Epic in which Microsft keeps Gears exclusive and PS3 gets UT3. Some people are gonna say this is a crazy idea Epic won't do that but remember what they said at E3 Sony and Epic reached multip part deal and in specific part they will optimize Unreal Engine to perform best on PS3 meaning Sony and Epic are gonna do business for a long time and making UT3 an exclusive will give Sony the same treatment Microsoft got by locking up the Gears trilogy.

I think UT3 will be a shocker to most people who buy this game because unlike previous Unreal titles that hit last gen consoles, this new Unreal Tournament is thick of the meat stuff and not some spinoff like Unreal Championships etc...This was truly built from the ground up to run on the PS3's hardware and fully support the PSN for online gamplay. So I'm telling you people come November a lot folks will be surprised when they see UT3 running on the PS3 and it may even make 360 owners jealous to see such an awesome game to be released on the PS3 only for the holidays.

Final word, got out and buy this game when it comes out because this will be one of the best games to come out in a long time book it! Halo 3 will be great but Unreal Tournament's gameplay and graphics will be unmatched this year not unless you go out and grab Crysis like me but in that case it's still graphics only. UT still has the most kickass online play out there.

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#7 ghettocheeze
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I mean for the sake of public sanity why go so far out and introduce a whole new SKU and bundle a game that I don't find very appealing in the first place. Don't get me wrong Motorstorm is good game but not something I would find of value in a bundle priced around $599.99. I bought my PS2 with the Grand Turismo 3 bundle so I know what added value means.

Sony should have just kept the 60 gig the only SKU no bundle nothing. How much of an upgrade is 20 GB really for $100.00?

Keep the 60 GB and just announce the price cut and two months later when it sells out tell everyone your gonna replace it with a revised version without Emotion engine to reduce cost. Trust me there would be no confusion and people would welcome this much better than the current switch and bait strategy.

If upgrading hard drive is so important then release standalone kits moderately priced around $49.99 for 120 gigs with full instructions and tools needed to upgrade. Sony said itself that going from 60 GB to 80 GB only cost pennies to them so it is safe to say a standalone kit could reasonable not be more than $10-15 cost to Sony and they could sell it for double to make some good profit. Compare that to Microsoft's 120 GB standalone drive which costs 169.99.

I think Sony messed up and rushed everything.

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#8 ghettocheeze
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

What has the industry become especially after what happened today?

This looked like what an NBA team would do right after the All-Star break (E3).

"Microsoft trades Peter Moore to Electronic Arts in exchange for Don Mattrick, a bag of peanuts and cash consideration."

LOL poor little Peter he was talking smack just last week at E3 and now he is gone. Yeah EA Sports sounds fun just keep making the same old Madden game and your job is safe. WTF was EA thinking hiring this clown and paying him top dollar?

Also how akward will this become for Sony to do business with Peter Moore ie sleeping with the enemy!!!

As a 360 owner I am glad this fool is gone and I can thank EA for taking the Patrick Ewing of video game industry off our hands.

Thanks EA!!!

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#9 ghettocheeze
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Listen people I don't like to start rumors but let me reveal some insider information and take it for what it's worth. I won't go into details but I work for Metlife and my specific area ranges in underwriting insurance policies for large manufacturers and retailers.

Before I go any further let me explain something about insurance policy. First of all most of you are familiar with Product Replacement Plans that almost every retailer offers these days like big box store and electronic giants. These plans allow customers to purchase "no hassle" extented warranties that are guranteed either to coexist with a OEM's warranty or extended after the expiration of such coverage. The way this works is that retailers buy insurance or "risk" management from an underwriter and agrees to share profits and cost of replacement if it ever comes to that. Mostly retailers make generous profits from these extended warranties because the cost of replacement to profit ratio is very small and most warranty products have manufacturer's coverage. Also electronics devices have failure rates of 3 to 5 percent which is considered reasonable in the insurance industry. So mostly the underwiter and retailer profit very well from such an arrangement and the cost of replacemnt is offset and is very small relative to the revenue of PRPs.

Anyway now the real news is that an industry colleague and friend of mine working at American Internationl Group AIG just confirmed that they have threaten to dissolve their agreement with the nation's number one electronics retailer Best Buy over the coverage of the Xbox 360's PRP warranties, The dispute stems from the fact that the agreement between both parties stipulate that all products under such coverage shall meet industry standards of quality assurance. Specifically if a product reaches above normal levels of warranty coverages being exercised then AIG holds to the right to revoke coverage if the retailer fails to initiate a full and thorough recall of defective products.

So in simpler terms it means that If Best Buy does not issue a recall for Microsoft's Xbox 360 systems then AIG will refuse to pay for all replacement. This is a bit complicated because people assume that Microsoft just extended the warranty but that is only OEM coverage but we are talking about the PRPs that customers buy on top of the original warranty.

Now two things can happen

1) Best Buy can issue what is called a sales contract recall meaning they can take back everything and send it to Microsoft to replace it with quality assured products. See retailers have an agreement with manufacturers which allows them to pull products off the shelf and return to maker if a quantity is known to be defective. Think of it it this way Best Buy has consumer rights just like the average person who buys a 360. BB may be buying a million units instead of one but still it can take it's sales receipt and return the product to the manufacturer.

This would send shockwaves around the industry and make front page headlines if Best Buy was to invoke such a public and massive recall. Basically pull all 360's off the shelves and send them back to Microsoft.

2) Best Buy refuses to initiate recall and AIG will not pay for any replacement. Both end up in in court and a long and dreaful lawsuit ensues.

My source has confirmed that Best Buy is leaning more towards recall because they do not want take this to court and draw a negative impression. Also if they don't get quality assured products from Microsoft then in terms no insurance company will underwrite any PRPs for Best Buy which means they cannot sell PRPs anymore and that is a big chunk of profits especially around the holidays when Halo 3 and the 360's software strong lineup is expected to push millions of consoles for retailers such as Best Buy.

Even at MetLife we were discussing theoretically if an offer was to be made by Best Buy but the risk is too great to take because the nature of the warranty is extending OEM's coverage meaning Microsoft's own coverage is 3 years now and add 2 more PRP to that and that is 5 years down the road for a product that has such a high rate of failure. Again people the problem is not what will happen today when someone brings a defective product into Best Buy for replacement because right now Microsoft is liable for replacment but once that 3 year coverage ends and Best Buy's own PRP coverage kicks in. That is where the problem lies and no risk management company will underwrite something so far in the future when the product is defective in the present day. Finally the real issue is not just Best Buy but all the other retailers like Circuit City, Fry's Electronics etc...face similar issues with their underwiter and could follow suit and do the same as Best Buy which would lead to a massive and widespread recall in the market.

I own a 360 myself and this is very bad news for Microsoft first there have been reports of insider trading and just a few hours ago Peter Moore resigned and now this bomb which Best Buy is expected to announce within a few days maybe even as early as Thursday or Friday. Anyhow I never thought my work would ever give me insight into the gamining industry but look how things relate in the real world. I hope you use this information and make wise decisions as an informed consumer.

Good Luck!
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#10 ghettocheeze
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Wow how "exclusive" is GeOW really to the 360?

Already got 360, PC and now freakin MAC of all things?

What's next Gears PS3?

I'm not saying it will happen but it makes you think is this a permanant "exclusive" deal with Microsoft or just limited time only like Haze and UT3 for the PS3?

I'm starting to lean on the idea Epic might drop the bomb in November after that 1 year deal expires with Microsoft.

Just my 2 cents no need to get all riled up fanboys.