deactivated-58068e533d0c3's comments

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Wow a 6 rating for Destiny, I better run out and get Titanfall rating of 9/10, oh yeah I need an Xbox for that one. maybe I should get the cartoonistic Borderlands, or the repetitive game-play of Call Of Duty, and Battlefield. killing waves of the same enemies again and again over and over, with no or very little story-line, BORING. All shooters are repetitive, and I am not interested in a story, I skip through the games cutscenes if I can, and so do most of you. solid gameplay and great visual graphics is why I buy games. The games story is not impotent to me. All I want to know is who am I, where am I, what I am suppose to be doing and where they are. Destiny is a great game anything less than a 8 rating is unrealistic.

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Was this before or after GameSpot Kevin VanOrd gave this game right now I hate Bungie review a 6/10?

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Yeah just another pathetic review at Gamespot . Great DLC love it I give it a 11 /10

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I love this, once I got into this game it's a great game fan to play. love the characters, graphics, and story

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How Many of you truly, honestly, seriously, have played this game? I have my doubts about many of you. its easy to dislike a game you have not played, or trust a review that in my opinion is making up cons to justify the score of 6.0. Kevin does not know the difference between a rabbit and a goat.

How can anyone trust a reviewer to do a fair and honest review? I don't, I trust in my own judgment.

to dislike a game you have not played that what does that say about yourself as a gamer?

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@hitmanxmk I agree. I have the PC version of this game, and i don't understand why all the hate.Kevin points out some cons of this game, but are the games cons so bad that would make this game unplayable? NO WAY!

I have bin playing this game for two hours and thief sounds great, looks great, plays great, and feels great. To me this the way a Thief game is meant to be.

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@wolv25 I agree. I can't wait to play this game. I pre-loaded completed Thief from steam and I have till mid-night to wait.

Thief will be a good game to play I am sure. I don't buy games basted no game-site review. Does a score of 7.0 or less mean that the game is unplayable? NO WAY! Based on what I have seen so-far I also know Thief is going to be a great game. FUN FUN and existing.

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@tacohashi Games made to-day are not the kind of game made ten years ago QTE's did not exist in video games. Video games have evolved over the years, and some gamers are stuck in the past.

Video games made to day transcend both video and cut-scenes, QTE's become a part of that transcending, to become something greater than just playing a video game by themselves. I find Beyond Two Souls more moving, processing thought provoking, meaningful, and very entertaining, then other games. It's to bad that the brilliance of this game is being dismissed as a movie something you watch instead of a game something you can play.

Compared to Heavy Rain, the Metal Gear Solid series: stories that have a message that convey something meaningful then that mindless shooting and platforming of other games

I am starting my third play through, and I will remember this game long after I am finished playing it. I can't wait for what the mastermind writing of David Cage has for the next game.

A rich deep story line, amazing atmospheric graphics, beautiful music, great game-play, and a fantastic new combat system that is beyond the conventional type platforming and shooting of other video games.

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@Kos1c "I condemned beyond two souls because of its slow approach in gameplay, the quick times events are boring and barely an interaction themselves. The cut scenes just feel limited and shows that there are too many of them every so often. You are doing a very small action before sitting back and watching yet another cut scene. Sure SOME PEOPLE enjoy this, it's basically watching an interactive video, but OTHERS (being myself), rather play through a lot of the game, and not just sit about watching it being played for them"

And that is the game mechanics of all games made to day. you can't have a story driven game with-out cut-scene. You said it your-self used it in your last comment , as one of the main reasons a person plays video games. It's okay in other game right?

I don't see this as a interactive movie it's a game, just like Heavy Rain. The developers of the this game play-play mechanics is what they wanted to be different from the conventional stereo- type game-play.

your reason of the terrible time you had with the demo is a lie. you hate this game and looking for any-thing to make your point. Your argument is pointless and invalid

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@Kos1c @anthonyj15 A person who plays a video game, will play it for the two main reasons. No not only two reasons

A: fun / gameplay.( a game with QTE gameplay can be fun to play )

B: Storyline.( never cared too much about it never will )

C: Innovation ( very importent to me )

D: Atmospheric graphics

There is another reason a person will not to play a video game. and that reason is the female protagonist. Maybe You hate playing a little girl, turning the demo off at that point, and then claiming that you base what you experienced to prove your point

It is true a game with a female main character will sale less games then a game with a male, and a game with a female protagonist is more of a reason not to play the game then free walking around rooms, and flying through walls as a ghost. While the other half of the game is quick timed events, is just looking for reasons to hate as to say "this game is full of crap" because you make false claims you played the demo. That is a very small percentage of this game.

The QTE in this game is limited to Jodie's attacks and counter attacks and not as much as other games, I don't like QTE, but as a gamer I am not going to condemn a game just because of the QTE,

A video game can be fun to play even if leaner and QTE. God forbid developers take the fun out video games on purpose just to piss off gamers, this a called getting away from the conventional way of gaming. I support it, I want it. and as a gamer I demand it.

A person who loves to read would not be bored after reading the second chapter, and one that loves playing video games is open mined, with no preference and no extractions. Are you a gamer or not?