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Edited By commonperson

@B0ne3ater @RossRichard

Well he's a profesional journalist with 13 years industry experience. I think 13 years in the industry has earned him the right to have an opinion. It doesn't mean you have to agree with it but he's able to write and speak his mind. You as an actor who's studied acting for 4 years and 'been active in the industry' means you've got a handle on acting but that doesn't mean you've got a handle on all aspects of artistic endevour. To be a journalist requires a form of detachment and ability to view an issue from multiple facets. This is an opinion piece based on his preferences and his take on the current state of the art.

You are an "Actor" fine I'll give you the benifit of the doubt, do you cry when you get the dailies back talking about your performance? No, you probably chalk it up to opinion and move on. He's a journalist and he's hardly going to cry because you don't like it but honestly, when some person in the audience comes up to you and says "you suck as Hamlet Mel Gibson was way better Dude!" How do you react? As some one involved in theatre I'm sure you write off the person because you have 4 years of training and a better grasp of what you are trying to say or do. Honestly the author of this article has a better grasp of what they are trying to say or do.

You're not the only one here who has a background in the arts, and just because you have one interpretation doesn't make yours the end all and be all.

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Edited By commonperson


Oh please, just because you're an actor doesn't mean you are the grand arbiter of "art" christ, I've worked with more actors who were little more than paid manequins with the dimensionality of a plank. I'm not saying you are that bad but it just means a "career" in an industry doesn't mean anything. Hell, do I think Carrot top is the grand puba of comedy because he's been around for decades?

The reality is there are two types of articles in journalisim, news and editorials. This is an editorial, which means it's an OPINION PIECE. Are you saying the author doesn't have a right to have an opinion because you don't agree with it? It's not full of nonsense, it's his take on it. You don't like it don't read it, or hey, start your own blog or get a job writing criticisim for an alternative publication. Hell even posting your opinion in a forum is valid but it doesn't change the fact you've essentially stated he has no right to speak on the matter and he has no right to have an opinion.

Opinions are like the holes in our bottoms, everyone has one. You don't like that, I'm sorry that's how the world is going to work (also you'll find it pretty hard as an actor if that's the case as your director may have a thing or two to say to you about that.)

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I'm good friends with the spaghettin monster, we play croquet on every alternating Sunday so I'm cool. :-P

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Edited By commonperson

@B0ne3ater @hlmcpherson

Where does anyone say it's immune from criticisim? Do you live in a world where art critics don't exist? Do you live in a world where film and music critics don't exist? Works being treated as art doesn't mean there's no room for criticisim it means that the creator is able to explain their design choices based on an artistic idea. An idea that they are creating a world where they have control over the environment in order to build suspense and craft an experience.

In film, the director, cinemetographer and script writer have control over the story on so many levels they are able to control narative simply by the very fact it's a non-interactive medium. The world of video games this is very different and they are given a limited tool set with which to steer the artistic objective. The fact that people may not like it is entirely valid, but the entitelment of said people to demand a change is a different story. IF you don't like their product, don't buy their next product OR do so more weary of what you potentially may get.

The fact that this is an "outrage" is just pathetic. I'm sorry people don't like certain design choices or narritve choices made in video games but it's by no stretch an "outrage." You don't like video games don't buy them, there are far more outragous things in this world than the lack of armour mounted flashlights or easy closure on a story.

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Edited By commonperson


I'm sorry, what country are you from? Obviously it's one where press freedoms and the right to have an opinion don't exist and falling to base name calling is an acceptable means of communication. Congrats on driving home the concept of forums as being safe havens of bullying. Here's a fact, while Sinclair writes about video games what do you do? Oh that's right, you bang about forums.

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Edited By commonperson


Your failure in logic is that a lot of gamers want art. I don't buy a Bioware game for the shooting mechanic, I buy it for the story. If you don't like it buy something else. The braying of people going on about how it "needs to stop" is insane. Did we tell film makers to stop making arthouse films? No, people just don't go to them. You don't like it, don't buy it. That way you'll get your COD/Michael Bay video games and people can buy and enjoy them while other people will buy and enjoy their Bioware/Wes Anderson video games.The reality is there is art in all aspects of video games just like there is art in film or television. Some of the greatest television in the last decade has come from people who can marry these two desperate aspects (gross comercialisim and artistic sensibilities.) It's a big risk to take as failure can be quite spectacular (see the end of Battle Star Galactica) but the payoff can also be immense (the seasons of amazing television leading up to the end of BSG.)

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Edited By commonperson


I agree with you entirely but doesn't change the fact you're going to need to put on your flame retardant overalls because you're about to release an entire hellstorm of nerdrage on your self. ;-)

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Then don't buy the game. It's just like not going to see movies if you don't like the creator. Until video games are treated in the same manner as other art forms they will never be a serious medium.

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Edited By commonperson

Given the contenxt of the recent Fluke verbal assult people need to think about how we present them selves. If gamers want to take them selves seriously (not just the fighting game community but gamers as a whole) we need to grow up and start acting with decency and respect. It's not 'fighting who we are' and 'hiding what makes us us' it's being resepctful and grown up. I really think this Aris guy needs to be shown the door for his remarks and his refusal to own it.

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