boomer0901's comments

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after 30+ years of gaming, I'm almost to the point where I just don't give a shit about gaming anymore, F2p models, micro-transactions, DRM, Online Single players game. Yeah f-ck it, very tired of all this crap. EA heading the charge big shocker there.

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It's an oldy but a goody "you can't fix stupid" much like you can't fix politicians. Like the politicians like to say never let a good tragedy go to waste, milking these last few for all they are worth.

Here's a problem, anyone else want to go out on a limb with me here, anyone notice the poorer and more rights we lose in this country the more the violence goes up? Hmmm......anyone think any of this is going to change anytime soon? hmmmmm........ maybe there is a pattern here, sigh.

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This guy cracks me up, keep up the good work you filthy brit. And yes anyone who buys EA at full price is a moron, if you pay over 4.99 for any of their games, yes you got it, you're a moron.

The one guy was right about this new generation of gamers not having enough balls or patience to weed out bad gaming companies, this wasn't a problem 20 years ago, back then it was software issues, mainly a crappy windows platform, which btw really only took them 20+years to finally get a working stable platform, Kudos to another crappy company named Microsoft. With companies like MS and EA who needs the proverbial enemy.

I've almost gotten to the point now, where gaming doesn't appeal to me anymore, which is sad for me, because now I have to get a life and go into the sun and I'm not digging that.

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I do think you can hold a company liable for past mistakes, I have yet to purchase a Blizzard game since 2004, the year the MMO industry failed. And now thanks to WoW every MMO has been destroyed trying to copy blizzard's easy MMO formula. I did play SC2 campaign and D3 only because I got them free, I actually enjoyed the campaign for SC2, although I don't understand people's fascination wtih RTS games, not the RTS itself, but how is starcraft any different from any other RTS? D3 was a tragedy considering how great D1/D2 was that solitified my position of not paying for blizzard games.

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Edited By boomer0901

while I normally try and not respond to idiots such as yourself or namecalling, I'm afraid I cannot do that here.

First off I don't give a flying **** about any score gamespot puts on any game. Second, I was mostly talking about MP and how it is worthless in a game like GOW, which as you can see by a shit ton of comments I'm not alone in that opinion. Third my review of GOW3 and SCEA is right on as well and I'm not the only one to have that opinion as well, GOW3 was less than the game should have been, with the first installment coming out on PS3, graphically, gameplay and story where all spot on but where the game lacked was playtime, they focused so much on how the game looked they didn't make the game more than 4 hours and that is being generous, that is fucking rip off for any game for $60. I love the GOW series, but expect more than just graphics, I expect my monies worth and that it didn't provide in GOW3. So why don't you just go f-ck yourself and go bother someone else with your obvious worthless opinion, you're either getting paid by gamespot of a game dev for SCEA, that is why I don't worry about gamespot scores, I don't think I've seen a review from them yet that reflects the actually quality of the game, that happens when you get paid to advertise it.

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Edited By boomer0901

wtf SCEA, I believe you guys did GOW3 if I remember bad enough you brought a sub-par new ps3 platform game with like 4 hours of gametime, but now you are trying to wreck the series even more by adding MP to a game that cleary does not need MP. I mean come on wtf is wrong with you guys. GOW3 was the last full-priced game I bought because of that, I no longer will buy a game over 10.00 so you lost my full priced business anyway but I'll def hit this when it hit 7.99 I love this series but I can wait.

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@Gamma_Fit @boomer0901

I'm not giving up on the series, I think it's a great concept I just refuse to pay more than 4.99 for them, so it'll be a while before I get to AC3.

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Edited By boomer0901

so now they are just doing anything to keep the game alive, played AC1/AC2, found AC1 to be extremely boring and mostly repetitive, combat was bascially the same through the whole game you added useless tools are you went, AC2 while much better was pretty much the same, combat really hadn't changed, added few more options that you never used and added a villa to upgrade and make more money off of. But pretty much the same kill/flag/course, find a piece of armor occassionally rinse and repeat.

About the only thing ubi has going for it is, that they make incredibly stunning worlds the movement through the world is great, I mean I may not like the combat system but it works, but they pretty have nothing else in the game, no variety, combat is pretty skillless, wait and counter attack is bascially your combat rolled into a few words.

I've pretty much noticed that on most ubisoft games they make great environments, but no substance farcry2, fun game, but if you didn't think it was repetitive and boring might want to get your head looked at. Commence your flaming that I could care absolutely nothing about.

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@CP2077 @boomer0901

I'm sorry I'm critical about games, but I've been around long enough to see every type of game over the last 3 decades.

Geralt is a superb lead in any video game, I don't think CD or their coding does him justice, these games could have been better especially W1, it a was a travesty of a game. I don't care if you agree with me or not, it's an opinion and people should get both sides. W2 was a vast improvment, so maybe W3 they can finally do a create character like Geralt Justice.

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@CP2077 @boomer0901

truth hurt?