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#1 TIE_Elite_Pilot
Member since 2004 • 829 Posts

tough one.

Thane was cool because he was the total opposite of what I expected (which was a pleasent surprise. should've known BioWare would pull off a "deep assassin with OMG, feelings"

Mordin sings Gilbert and Sullivan = EPIC (and I really try not to use that word anymore, but it's all that fits)

Joker had the best laughing out loud moment for me (when he does the robot to pick on Legion)

guess those were the top 3, but honestly the only characters I didn't like were Zaeed and Jack (really hated Jack. but at least Zaeed had a cool loyalty mission).

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#2 TIE_Elite_Pilot
Member since 2004 • 829 Posts

most embarrising game ever was easily

but I don't have it anymore.

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#3 TIE_Elite_Pilot
Member since 2004 • 829 Posts

my first playthrough was as a Renegade, good lines in there. nothing beats Joker picking on Legion right before the last mission.

doing a Paragon playthrough of ME1 to carry over to ME2. can't wait to see all of the differences.

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#4 TIE_Elite_Pilot
Member since 2004 • 829 Posts

It got a 5.75. The reviewer bashed the campaigns of each faction:


Motion tracker makes too much noise

You have to kill too many Aliens

Flashlight doesn't work well


Too stealth intensive

Very linear


Bad enemy AI

Melee feels weak

Walking on walls will make you motion sick

They said the multiplayer could be fun, but it wasn't "fresh."

Overall, it seemed like an extreme;y poorly written review and there wasn't much detail. I mean, they summed up the multiplayer in one sentence.

Your thoughts, SW?


(the following is obviously not directed at TC, more so at Game Informer. all my views based off the demo)


1. oh boo hoo. it makes "too much noise", seriously wtf does that even mean? it makes as much noise as it did in Aliens. and the sounds were spot on.

2. uh . . . what? it's an FPS, isn't blasting fools the whole point? that's like saying MW2 wasn't fun because you had to kill too many terrorists.

3. turn up brightness . . . problem fixed.


1. they've apparently never seen Predator. stealth kills are what they do!

2. like your average Call of Duty game isn't "Linear". I don't recall many FPS games that aren't linear.


1. whatever, they're insects, not people. I don't expect them to be that smart.

2. I noticed that, but you're supposed to stealth kill people with your little mouth.

3. Sounds like someone needs the Whaaaambulance. I didn't have any motion sickness problems.

on MP: It's not Halo, Gears or Call of Duty . . . fresh enough for me then.

sounds like a joke of a review written by someone who's never seen an Aliens or Predator movie before.

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#5 TIE_Elite_Pilot
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if it will come out, I think they'll announce it at GDC. if there's no GDC announcement, then I doubt it.

didn't Cliff B. say no Gears 3 until the next gen of UnReal Engine? that and it might not be smart of MS to not stagger their 2 flagship franchises. Halo Reach and Gears 3 in the same year?

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#6 TIE_Elite_Pilot
Member since 2004 • 829 Posts

usually a 7.5 is a good game. if I'm at all on the fence with a game, I'll rent it first... think the lowest scoring game I bought this gen was Mercs 2, and loved every second of it. I'm sure AvP won't score well, but I've got that pre-ordered already.

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#7 TIE_Elite_Pilot
Member since 2004 • 829 Posts

Love it. think the Aliens had the steepest curve for learning how to play well. it's all about the stealth kills with them . . . now if only I could get the PlasmaCaster next time I'm the Predator (I've found the Disc though, that thing owns. killed 3 Aliens from the ricochets in one round...was an alien clawfight....bet they were PO'd lol).

Love the sounds too, everything was spot on from the movies...only wish Aliens made the famous "Elephant death shirek" more often. in over a dozen matches I've only heard it twice, for me that is the sound of an alien dying.

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#8 TIE_Elite_Pilot
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I think "camping" and "tactically using corners/buildings" get's confused alot. every time someone stays in a room for 3 seconds, it seems like someone is howling "OMGzorz, CAMp3rs!!!". there's a difference between playing dumb and playing smart. i tend to dash from building to building in CoD (I actually play CoD like I do gears, just with a few tweaks). If I'm in a building, it's to re-group and reload. the fact that 3-5 people dash in a building in a 7 second span and I whipe the floor with all of them doesn't mean someone is camping. and if I can, after a couple kills in one spot, I figure my clock is just about up unless I get the **** outta there.

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#9 TIE_Elite_Pilot
Member since 2004 • 829 Posts


kinda surprised by all the space-marine hate. I guess everyone in SW is 7 years old, and thus hasn't seen James Cameron's Aliens. as long as they copy Hudson (Game Over Man!), it's awsome.

reasons I voted for JRPG ladyboys. uh, well lets see . . .

every "male" character from Enchanted Arms

Cloud and Sephiroth (they're not bad***, they're metro. get over it)

main character from Final Fantasy XII (that game gets extra hate because on of my friends likened the combat to KOTOR. he was slapped for his insolence upon my first playing of the game).


You're hating the main character of Final Fantasy XII because she was a girl? I don't get it because Ashe was supposed to be a girl since she is the princess :? Oh you mean Vaan the obvious male character who had little to do with the main storyline.

uhm, the "guy" you play as at the start of the game. blonde hair, had kind of a weird stripper shirt with a lot of midriff. if that's "obviously" a guy, well i'm sorry it just isn't. he looked like a tranny. like I said that game was appaling, and I couldn't stand it after the first 2 hours. not even large amounts of Vodka and mary-jane made it tolerable. so pardon any story ignorance.

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#10 TIE_Elite_Pilot
Member since 2004 • 829 Posts

Thanks for the answer. I will have to look up the list, I did not know they were stopping adding games so I might have to end up keeping my older Xbox. TheColbert

honestly, I'd keep it anyway. a lot of the "patched" games run terribly. Like Knights of the Old Republic. while it is "patched" for Xbox 360. it's unplayable and has the worst frame rate I've ever seen. it's seriously like 8 frames a second if that. ome other games were fine though, like Halo 2.