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#1 Strategist1117
Member since 2006 • 5954 Posts
I'm an atheist because the very concept is absurd. That, and the fact that I don't take too kindly to being called names like "sinner" by priests.
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#3 Strategist1117
Member since 2006 • 5954 Posts

Since giving to charity makes one happy, Brooks speculates that this could be one reason why atheists are so miserable. In a 2004 study, twice as many religious people say that they are very happy with their lives, while the secular are twice as likely to say that they feel like failures.Genetic_Code
This is completely untrue. I barely ever donate or give to people or organizations, and I'm mostly happy and content. I don't need to give to others to feel good. I'd rather keep it all for myself. Why should they get the money that I worked so hard for? And why the hell would atheists feel like failures? I'm on the fast track to becoming a corporate lawyer and plan to one day involve myself in politics. I feel nothing of the sort.

I suppose the problem with most atheists is that they feel they have no reason to exist and therefore are a detriment to society. This is likely due to social programming, wherein they're instilled with the sense of having to contribute to society. What these people need to learn is to think without conforming to the way general society has taught them to think. They need to learn to think in ways in which they're content doing what they want, not doing what society expects of them.

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#4 Strategist1117
Member since 2006 • 5954 Posts
What the hell would be the point in an atheist holiday? If there was one, I doubt anyone would observe it anyways. Except perhaps the more fanatical ones.
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#5 Strategist1117
Member since 2006 • 5954 Posts
How would you label yourself in regards to theological belief? note this question is asking about what you believe not what you know

I would label myself an atheist.

-Are you a naturalist? naturalism is synonymous with materialism and physicalism which state that physical matter is the only reality. This view denies that anythingsupernatural exists.


-Do you believe that evolution by natural selection accounts for the diversity of life on earth?

Yes, I indeed do.

-Do you believe that abiogenesis ocurred on earth?


-How old do you believe the earth is?

Approximately 6 billion years or so.

-Do you believe that morality is absolute or relative?

Relative, of course. It's an empirical truth.

-Do you believe that the universe is deterministic?

Nope. Too orderly for my tastes.

-Do you believe that we have free will?


-How would you label yourself in regards to the abortion debate? This debate is often too complicated for labels so feel free to elaborate on your standpoint.

Pro-choice ftw! Babies are teh suck!!1!

-Democratic or Republican? This one won't apply to many people (including myself) so either put not applicable or give us your political views

I consider myself a Republican, but don't follow their mainstream conservative ideology. I'm a libertarian for the most part.

-Do you believe in any conspiracy theories? Biigfoot, aliens at Roswell, 9/11 government conspiracy, faked moon landing etc

I'll probably be mocked for this, but I do believe there is a "Big Foot" animal species. There's sufficient contemporary evidence for such an animal to exist. If you don't believe me, I'm willing to link to sources.

-What do you think of Richard Dawkins?

Not much.

-Cake or Pie? (inb4lies)


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#6 Strategist1117
Member since 2006 • 5954 Posts

Would you prefer the creatures to be unconscious during the harvesting? I'm sure there's some sleeping gas somewhere..

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#7 Strategist1117
Member since 2006 • 5954 Posts
Yeah, cloning body parts should be fine, last time I checked, there's no civil rights issues with disembodied arms.
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#8 Strategist1117
Member since 2006 • 5954 Posts
So all this pain and suffering is a test by God to see who is faithful to him? What about people who suffer their whole lives and stay faithful to the religion they were raised into, not Christianity? Do they still go to Hell, despite being faithful to their religion? There are many Hindus and non-Christian Africans in the world who live in terrible conditions, can so many be cast into eternal damnation so easily?
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#9 Strategist1117
Member since 2006 • 5954 Posts
My family's pretty much all "Christians who don't go to church" nowadays, although my mom's family used to attend a Lutheran Church. My parents are somewhat aware of it. They've been starting to notice that I've been making negative comments toward Christianity within the past year or so. They try to ignore it, I think, because they haven't confronted me about it yet.
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#10 Strategist1117
Member since 2006 • 5954 Posts

1. The absurdity of the very concept itself.

2. The questionable reliability in the Bible.

3. The concept of an omnipotent God cruel enough to watch his creations suffer their whole lives whilst not intervening.

4. The even greater absurdity of the concept that God loves everyone but still sends "sinners" to Hell based on ambiguous morals that aren't even shared across cultural boundaries.

5. The absence of any "miracles" in any historian's records.