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@shinta125 I get what you're saying. I respect them for saying they're doing their own thing to an extent. When the race started they changed the way games were thought of in general. With the Wii they got my mom and dad playing games. That's something I've been trying to do for 20+ years. The graphics didn't matter because they had something more important so of course Microsoft and Sony had to jump on that idea, which is hilarious. I hate that bandwagon shit. But the fact was, it was a very limited spectrum of games. I'm old school, I like Link to the Past, Chrono Trigger, FF3, Earthbound, Secret of Evermore.. the top down sprites. I don't give a shit about 3 dimensional Zelda, call that what it is. I'm old and cranky, I didn't make that jump. I started doing PS1, Dreamcast and so on.

Its not really all about the graphics, but let's use a horrible example, okay? Go back a few years, Force Unleashed comes out on all 3 systems. On 360 and PS3 it looks amazing, but like everyone else, I want to wave a lightsaber around, so I'm most excited for it on Wii. It just plain looks like shit, the controls are way off, scrap it, another letdown. Heartbroken. Is that Nintendo's fault? Not really saying that, but if the technology beyond motion control were up to par, 3rd party would have been more inspired. It's IMPORTANT, let's not bullshit each other. Developers shouldn't have to dumb down their graphics and put all energy into motion controls. If Nintendo had put any emphasis on graphics it would have been more like this: "Okay we'll make our game for XBox and PS3, but when we get to the Wii, that's where we have the real fun. Let's take it to the next level with the controls."

Instead it's like "Okay.. well we can't do this... or this... or this anymore. I guess we'll just.. uhhhhhh, okay this is the last time I'm doing this." On the other hand, Star Wars Kinect was another colossal piece of shit, but that's a different team. The point is between working your game through the three systems, you shouldn't have to tone everything down for the one system. Nintendo should have been in that race WITH graphics, WITH controls, and maybe that would have hiked the price, but they would have seen the support. It just felt like they said "**** you guys, we don't need to, we have this." Maybe that wasn't their angle but great games kept coming out on the other 2 consoles, and the Wii versions continued to feel uninspired, and then it just seems like it was given up on. Your options with Nintendo became 27,000 party games, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Bros, Pikmin, Kirby.. it's just... come on man, I've done all that. Give me something fresh like Scribblenauts. Oooo what's this big reveal? Kid Icarus? Really? Oooo what's this, Zombi U, set in London? That should be amazing... oh no it sucks. Like dude, put work in on something besides my nostalgia. In any case, I respect your argument.

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@GSJones1994 @shinta125 @beuneus12 Totally have to give it to Nintendo for the DS, I barely played my PSP. It wasn't til I got married and saw my stepdaughter playing the DS that I realized how awesome it was and picked it up for myself.

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I'm 34 now, I've been doing this forever, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for Nintendo, I wish them well. I'm sorry I'm not interested in Mario or Zelda anymore. I'm not interested in big, bright, colorful cartoon shit. I bought the Wii on release just like the 360 and the PS3 and pretty much every gaming system before them, and I never voiced a preference of one over the other, because I love gaming. I don't up one company and badmouth the other, all the consoles and the PC have their strengths and weaknesses, and so I own all of them, ALWAYS.

Frankly this fucking 3 console war and the fanboy arguments for the past 7 years have been depressing to watch, and I don't get involved. I've always been about playing the games, whoever has them. I'm not currently interested in anything Nintendo has to offer. It doesn't mean I've given up on them. When they start putting out things that interest me, I'll go out and get whatever their current console is. I'm not biased. Microsoft and Sony shamelessly stole Nintendo's Wii idea with the Kinect and Move, and it's hard to respect them considering that, but I point blank am not going to settle for outdated graphics on stale childhood franchises. If that upsets diehard Nintendo fans, good. If it upsets diehard Sony, Microsoft, and PC fans, GOOD. These arguments are stale. Support GAMING in general, assholes. We're lucky to have it at all.

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HAHAHA Bulletstorm and Mortal Kombat.. you can tell they're paying attention here. Very current. Meanwhile let's get a huge pile of art like the nazis and destroy it for the betterment of our children, but allow them to stay glued to their cellphones, facebook, blah blah blah blah BLAH. Oh, false alarm, we got across what we wanted to so uh.. we don't have to do it now. Try this one. You were afraid of the backlash you might receive from the public, and you couldn't get the kind of community support to follow through on your gift certificate idea because no one wants to back you on your irrelevant cause. The world is now filled with gamers who are also consumers, so it's probably unwise to try to stick it to them. Backing off like that just made you look like cowards. Congrats, "elders".

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I watched about 7 minutes of the Day Z vid down there and wasn't too impressed. I respect that they did it at all, but for now the zombie movement is ridiculous. Maybe I'm just not seeing detail but it looks like they're running aimlessly without moving their legs. Then they just kind of stand there awkwardly waiting to be shot. Can I make a better game? **** no, not the point. I wanna kill zombies but I wanna kill zombies that look and act like zombies. Their look, movement, and behavior should be top priority.

As far as War Z? Everything I've read from it being a cheap knockoff to the developer's stupid ass comments and then actually seeing it in action, it's a broken piece of shit "created" by broken pieces of shit. It's not even worth speaking on.

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Kind of a disappointment, she's very typical hot. There's nothing interesting about her really, just looks like someone pulled her off the Real World. I can understand the guy who said he prefers the CG version. I think what he means is, if you took the newly reformed Lara out of the game, and she was an actual person, not running around tomb raiding but the same style. I personally prefer a girl with layered tank tops, some cargos, and boots to another high-maintenance princess. This chick wouldnt leave the house without 2+ hours spent woriking on her hair. Granted this is for a television appearance and I dont know shit bout her or her casual life. Not trying to diss her but all I see here is "damn she's so hot" so.. yeah, not trying to troll here but she's not that great.

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Lebowski reference @ 7:11

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I have been saying they needed to do this for at least 5 years, and when they made Harry Potter I thought I was screwed. Thank the bejeezus they came to their senses. I'm all over this. Yes, the voices may remove some of the charm but I think they can pull it off.

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@CptRexKramer Lego Airplane 1 and 2, if only for the host of characters. Johnny would have high jump naturally. Randy can cause random acoustic guitar damage. A button will make you do the "sshhhp" sound when you approach doors so they can open. Elaine will make time slow when she lets her hair down. McCroskey moves twice as fast whenever he sniffs glue. Buck Murdock does... a really good William Shatner. Clearly I put too much thought into this.

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It's too bad we wont be around to play it according to the Mayans. Unless John Cusack saves us all with his superior limo driving skills.. but I'm a pessimist.