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#1 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

Developers are hardly greedier than they normally are. And saying that I will make a few points.

  • Games this gen are not more expensive compared to previous gens. A 50 dollar game in 2000 is around 62$ in 2010.
  • Games are also not by any means short. 8 hours is fairly long, I remember how back in the old days I could beat most games in less than 3 hours. And that is not mentioning the old games on the atari where several could be beaten within 15 minutes.
  • Selling additional content to existing games isn't anything new, it has been done before in the form of expansion packs.
  • I fail to see what is evil with trying to appeal to the masses (majority)
  • Back in the day, games would be ridiculously cheap and purposely get us killed very unfairly. Why did they do this? So we could put more money into the arcade machine so we could continue playing, think of it they got us killed just to make us put in more quarters. Now that is milking.
  • The reason Xbox live costs more and 15 dollar map packs are there are because the people in charge know people are gonna fork in the cash. Not because they are becoming more and more selfish.

This is capitalism deal with it. A corporations main goal is to make money not to please customers.

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#2 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

X is Overrated=X is popular and I think it sucks because I haven't played/didn't like it.

While I haven't played Halo: Reach, everything I have heard and seen suggests that this is a really solid entry to the franchise and seems to get too much flak in these parts. In fact, I would have gotten Halo reach if only FPS wasnt my least favorite genre. But even then Halo Reach had me interested which no other shooter has done since STALKER SoC.

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#3 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

640$ not bad. considering I have only spent like 150$ on Steam.

$0.00 USD mmm, BEAT THAT! Well, actually I have HL2, but that's on a different account.. and I forgot it's password /sigh.Inconsistancy

Do you still have your CD key for that game (assuming you bought the retail version)? If so should be able to reclaim your account.

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#4 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

Biggest disappointment this year must be the delay of some interesting games like LBP2. Also Civ 5 disappointed me a lot.

When people talk innovative platformer this gen, they don't mention Nintendo...


Kirby's Epic Yarn? Also speaking of map editors which is LBP's strongest selling point, Starcraft 2's map editor looks to be far superior anyway.

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#5 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

Try the Penumbra series.

Edit: There is also The Path if you want a horror game that encourage you to not take the path you are "supposed" to take.

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#6 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

The best is whichever one has the Nest of Bees (it shoots 32 rockets at the same time what is not to love) or some kind of landshark launcher. But going by developer history I would say that Bulletstorm has the advantage but Resistance 3 will have awesome weapons as well.

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#7 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

Lair and Spore.

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#8 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

I havent played a lot of shooters but I will go with the very few that I have played.

  1. STALKER: Shadows of Chernobyl
  2. HL2: Episode 2
  3. Team Fortress 2

My Most anticipated shooters are E.Y.E followed by STALKER 2, with HL2:EP3 third (still believes it will come out someday).

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#9 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

The single player uses the Unreal 3 engine whereas the multiplayer uses the frostbite engine, so you are correct in your edit, they use different engines. But its graphics aren't too bad, compared to some of my favorite games anyway.

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#10 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

Yea. I was playing on Ultra at first and it would stay around 65 FPS, which is still way too low for my system. It was perfectly playable though. Then I got into the first gunfight against Cobb and it dipped to 20 FPS. Now I am sitting on high, it stays around 65FPS there too (again to slow, but perfectly playable.) Well actually it sits around 80-90 FPS until I get close to NPCs. I also have to play with bloom on, which I am not a big fan of. Well, at least I can play now. It is still driving me nuts though. If I know I'm not getting what I should, it bugs the hell out of me.


Ouch, looks to me the AI or NPC models take up a lot of resources or something like that. I would recommend waiting for them to patch things up or if Obsidian wont do it, modders will :)

Shame they ran out of time/budget. A pretty huge amount of content was cut though it's still a good game. New Vegas thus far is great. I'm about 5 hours in and it's actually somewhat challenging at times where as by this point in Fallout 3 I was pretty much a walking god. Much improved Obsidian, well done.


Fallout 3 was way too easy, even on Very Hard difficulty it was soo easy I downloaded a mod to change damage so I could only survive 3 shots max. I never even used VATS.