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#1 Luthorcrow
Member since 2003 • 696 Posts
The only thing bad about the sexy feel is they didn't take it far enough. The only good thing about the game is that Bianca Beauchamp was the booth girl for the game the model for the villian. Otherwise its worth playing for free but here the problems with the game: 1) Too easy. The AI is terrible. It was supposed to scale but it doesn't. Instead the enemies start wearing helmets if you are good at headshots and they start throwing more heavily armed guys at you. 2) There a few scenes with guys with Rocketeer like backpacks that are cool. 3) Most of the graphics are not up to HL2 standards. Particularly the boss level which was about the only part of the game that was at all hard, for about a minute. Overall it was an ok budget shooter with no sequel. So its really Sin Episode.
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#2 Luthorcrow
Member since 2003 • 696 Posts
If you got that much dust for that long as mentioned, thermal damage may have jacked your rig. That said, before jumping to conclusions, do this and tell is what happens: 1) Get some can air and blow out all the dust from inside of your computer including the fans to the CPU and video card. 2) Run a Check Disk on all you drives. Start it at night because its going take a long time, it will likely require a restart to if you only have one partition. 3) The next day or again you could do it before going to sleep run the defrag on all of your drives. Then let us know how your rig and game is running. Also, press CLT+ALT+DELETE and tell us how many processes you got running when just idling.
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#3 Luthorcrow
Member since 2003 • 696 Posts
To be honest from reading your post, its not real clear what your verdict is on Stalker other than you don't like it, you can't read the map and apparently you died looking for treasure. Stalker was a damn good game, pretty straight forward, didn't find it confusing but its not everyone's cup of tea. At the start of the game your players weapons, armor and radiation protection are pretty sad but by the time you are halfway through the first area you should have the sawed off shot gun a good radiation suit and being kick some tail. On the other hand, if you take a patient approach, use cover and aim, If found the pistol was pretty damn effective. You just can't run and gun with it.
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#4 Luthorcrow
Member since 2003 • 696 Posts

i never have really ever got "into" online games anyway

*walks off and wonders why he made this topic in the first place*

Don't give up so quick. Here are some tips: 1) Start with a game that is relatively new. That way no one is too far ahead of you and everyone is on a learning curve. Games like CSS that have been around a long time are just going to frustrate the new online player. 2) Stick to one or two online games. The truth it most good online players specialize in one game and play it to death. 3) Learn the map. That is key. When you are starting out try to pick or one or two maps and play them to death. You need to learn were the spawn points, weapons, best locations, strats etc. 4) Play regularly. Even if it is only a few hours day. 5) Don't get frustrated if you get wrecked at first. If you keep playing you will improve quickly and soon you will be pwning others. Plus everyone has good and bad rounds. 6) Once you start to get good a game, consider joining a clan. If you find a good one you will be plugged into a group of experienced players that ramp you up to speed much faster and share tips and tricks that you might not simply figure out on your own. You are bit young but if you look around there are plenty of teams that are geared to younger players. 7) "Whatver you do, never let anyone beat you!" - Street Fighter.:P
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#5 Luthorcrow
Member since 2003 • 696 Posts
One, don't even bother with ATI right now. I just had a 1900 XTX burnout in one year. The performance is with the Nvidia 8800 GTS and 8800 GTX. If you play at 1600x1200 or below the GTS is a good value. If you wide screen game at higher resolutions the GTX is your best bet. That said it comes down to only one thing, are you going to play Crysis and Bioshock when they hit the streets? Bioshock may or may not be a big deal. It has been announced as a game that supports Dx10 but how much of a graphically difference it will make we won't know till next month. Crysis on the other hand really is all about Dx10 if you want the full experience and you sound like someone that does. As for me, I can't wait because my ATI died without being overclocked and being kept dust free. The drivers over the last year were just terrible and Nvidia simply is heads and shoulders over ATI now and for the foreseeable future. If it hadn't died, I would wait till a week or two before Crysis releases. That's about when I plan to upgrade to Vista. Sadly if it weren't for the Dx10 hijack, I would skip Vista entirely. Sadly there is no choice.
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#6 Luthorcrow
Member since 2003 • 696 Posts
Until a DirectX game is released does it matter? I am guessing a little while before Crysis comes out. Its not like developers are going to patch their old games to support new DirectX features. The only game that I remember getting that kind of support was Far Cry from DirexctX 9c with the addition of support for SM3.0 shadders.
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#7 Luthorcrow
Member since 2003 • 696 Posts
Will Crysis be a flop? YEAH! the same reason why Far Cry was a flop, gameplay stupid its about the gameplay. I gaurantee its a flop for the mere fact its got nothing but visuals to brag about. Its over before its begun, the only good thatll come out of this game is some people will upgrade harware making it cheaper for the rest of us.BigTime102
There is a lot of nonsense in this thread. First off, Far Cry was hit and a classic not just because of its graphics but primarily because of the spot on game play in SP. The key elements being the excellent AI and open environments. Far Cry paved the way with massively long drawing distances that allowed for across the map sniping, etc. Doom 3 on the other hand was a hit simply because of the graphics given that everything else was the old game. Far Cry was the best SP FPS in the last five years, hands down, no competition. So Crysis a flop? Nope but success always attracts haters so keep it up folks. Personally, I will playing the game when it comes out.
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