Kos1c's comments

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I'm curious on the ns. But this would've been one title that would've swang me into purchase it.

It really depends if the rumoured price point was real (£199-250). And then specs (sd card slot needed), before I buy it.

It would either be an NS, or upgrade to a ps4 pro during next year.

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If they do make a 2nd, don't milk the franchise link Saw.

First one was good, and shot on a low budget. The rest were crap, much like final destination and the likes..

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Edited By Kos1c

It was an alright film. The trailer sold me, but the movie was a mix of silliness, predictable acts and lame chase scenes.

The twist in the movie was interesting. But it was ruined again by more questionable directions.

It's a movie I managed to enjoy, but I wouldn't watch it again. Nor would've predicted it'll have a sequel.

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Rather late on the review.

Got the game, completed it and sold it off weeks ago.

It's a great game, has a few issues, but their easily ignored or over come.

Story mode is a lot of fun, even if it's just fetch quests and build house A, B and C.

Combat is poor, it's something you'd expect from the snes days.

For a RPG, it should've been more rewarding for combat. Experience points, maybe skills you can pick and advance with.

Camera was an issue, couldn't use the camera inside buildings. So building without roofs seems to be the way for this game (huge shame on creativity).

Night time was a pain in the ass.

The ghosts/wisps would just chase you around, once killed they'll instantly respawn. It was just a boring mess to build during the night.

My score 8/10, probably one of my favourite games of 2016.

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Waiting on more PVE content to be added to the game, more story or something. This clone of Indie built survival game on a horrible PVP combat system which is the division, isn't interesting at all. Feel like I've wasted money on the Season pass.

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@pspearman: Isn't it a risky move? to hold everything back so close to it's release. You got people who are impressed with specs and numbers, while others get carried away by trailers, hype and being a fan of Nintendo products.

With a March release, Nintendo have now backed them selves into a 2 month widow of advertisements, and have to convince us it's released information in January is enough to make us purchase it.

Looking at Xbox Scorpio, and the Ps4 Pro, being announced months ago, and rumoured for even longer. It's made people decide if they want to hold out on buying a Pro and getting the new Microsoft console at the end of 2017, we have a good idea on specs and performance a year in advance.

My final issue will be cost, I got a feeling this'll be up with the PS4 release cost (£300+). My dream price would be around £200-220, which is very unlikely. I feel this silly game of building up hype Nintendo are doing (in a very poor way), is a loss of potential profit.

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@remiaw: That's most likely what we'll hear. I got a feeling Nintendo are going to make it obvious and easy for people to understand what this console is. They made that mistake on the Wii U, lack of advertising on what the console actually was.

I got a feeling it's as you say. Simple and clear cut for the massive's.

I don't need it to be powerful to make it a considered console, but it needs to be close to the Xbox one at least, so porting over won't be an issue for companies to keep 3rd party's rolling. Wasn't the Wii U difficult to build for, so people just dropped it?

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I don't get why Nintendo are doing their business this way.

The massive delay from rumours to showing footage with post production footage, didn't help with the hype

I grew bored of waiting.

Now the dust has settled. Holding back the specs till after the holiday period is a dumb move... the people who may be looking to upgrade to the ps4 pro, or getting a 2nd console for Xmas, could've held out for a day one switch purchase. If they knew what they were getting.

I'm curious on the NS, but I doubt I'd get one anytime near release. I fear it's a £300+ console with an out dated performance compared to current gen. 3rd party support may lack a year into release.

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@coldsilfur4: Has been a while since I played through one , sadly. Chrono Trigger and Golden Sun series I went through the end of last year.

Square Enix keeps changing the formula of their games to make turn based action based and it's why I've stopped following their games. I can't get along with Ff15 in the demos they've released, so that's a skipped title now.

I've been meaning to play Earthlock festival of magic but my mates got my xbox one still. ><

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I tried the demo and was bored really quickly. From the silly and unexplained stacking idea (seems to be done for its cuteness). To the slow menus and slow combat.

I love turn based rpgs. But this was just full of boring moments in the demo, and I just didn't have the patients to continue.

A shame, as I want a nice turn Base rpg for the ps4.