Kevin75's comments

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@jma1024x As a Fanboy who didn't buy this game because I have a working brain and standards I take offence if you didn't add the brainwashed adjective before hand.

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Some may say that Resident Evil went off track with 4 but I disagree. I though 4 was a very well crafted game that kept true to Resident Evil's Spirit. Unfortunately as often the case Greed won the day and 5 was made to be more action thinking that is what sold Resident Evil 4 which it wasn't. As a Fanboy if it wasn't for the ton of lore tie ins number 5 was a horrible watered down experience with a few choice moments.

Six culminated the crappy corporate practices in a vain attempt to make more money. I am reminded of the interview the President of Paradox gave where he talks about how non gamers run the gaming industry. Sadly as a fan I passed up on Six not because of the direction but from a combination of low reviews and the corporate practices where in countent was stripped out to be sold back later. As a general policy I tend to not purchase games that follow this practice as it is wrong.

Resident Evil as a series has plenty of room to grow but instead of trying to make another "Resident Evil" entry perhaps it is time Capcom simply moved on to make other horror series. Sadly they won't because the Resident Evil name sells and it will continue to sell until like EA does to so many of their brands, Capcom runs it into the ground.

This isn't bandwagon hate directed at Capcom (That is a disclaimer for the morons). If Lost Planet 2 and DMC showed us anything it is that Capcom doesn't care about the integrity of their series but on money. Even go so far as defending stripping aforementioned content to sell back on Microsoft's X-box 360 as a business decision. It is a sad day when you consider the original Devil May Cry started as a Resident Evil game but was turned into its own series because it didn't fit the Resident Evil Spirit.

Instead of worrying about money they should concern themselves with the integrity of their IPs. Artistic originality sells. Watered down products don't.

People also need to learn something as well. People have the right to complain. It shows you have a intelligence and standards. Instead of celebrating this intellect and attempting to work with the developers to make a superior product, many instead choose to be mentally dead and attack anyone with a valid or invalid complaint. Stop celebrating close mindedness and grow up is all I have to say to those that go after people who complain. FYI no this is not a free pass to bitch. Making an observation or statement about the lack of a feature and just complaining for the sake of complaining are two different things.

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@nurnberg As an actual Fanboy I didn't get Resident Evil 6. The corporate practices and the wrong direction kept me away from that title.

What you are advocating is mindlessness that is refuted by Kickstarter Campaign Funded Games and Indi Games where the developers work closely with the fans of their genre often producing very interesting and enjoyable games.

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@nurnberg Survival Horror is a genre where the player is set in a horror senerio be it zombies, monsters, ghosts, mutants, parasites (Cold Fear style) and are tasked with surviving with limited Resources.

A smartly made Survival Horror typically comes with a well crafted world to increase immersion so that the player cares more about what is going on. There is a subtle art to the placement of ammo and weapons. Finding that powerful shotgun after venturing off the main path is extremely rewarding. Thanks to the scarce resources you don't go run and gun but consider your approach and how much you will have to expend vs how much you might have to expend later. Is it worth wasting your rifle ammo on that medium level enemy if there is a boss coming up? Can you sneak past instead of fighting? All questions you have to ask yourself.

Now not every survival horror leans toward the survival over the horror. Some focus more on the horror environment and mechanics and these are okay games but as FEAR demonstrated you can't make them more marketable without sacrificing a good portion of sales.

In short it is a genre where is you try to mainstream it will fail as Capcom is learning. All this is why it would make the series better again.

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Pump and Dump Stock Scam seriously look it up.

He was a moron to agree to it and now his company is suffering.

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No I know this game will fail. Not because it won't be good though I 'm not holding my breath but because it won't ever recoop its development costs which sound like they are astronomical with one area in 3 being as large as all of 2. Cost coupled with loss of faith in the Bioware Brand and the hatred for EA and now next generation consoles. I just can't see this game turning a profit.

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I don't know if I'll pick up another AC game after 3. While 3 looked better it came with a lot more problems with the core mechanics and the story was simply insulting to the founding of America. Seriously it wasn't even in the ball park of historic accuracy.

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Edited By Kevin75

@vin1124 I wouldn't call 3 a good note, unless you are reffering to Liberation to which I have not played it yet.

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Was so happy when I thought this mean 343 wouldn't be making another lore breaking Halo game.

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I can say the same thing about Fable, cept number 3 because it wasn't what i would call good.