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#1 Hurblegeebie
Member since 2007 • 56 Posts

Do you think the lastest shooters are getting out of hand? Like Gears 2 looks too bloody and COD5 looks overated. When you look at the shooters of yesteryear it was just shoot anything you see dose not matter waht gun you have just shoot. I think todays shooters are overated and way to bloody, and im a retro gamer.


Lol, can't believe people are trying to make a discussion out of this goofy comment...

No, shooters aren't getting "out of hand". Too bloody? Overated, wtf you talking about? You used to just shoot anything?

Best way to sum up your post:


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#2 Hurblegeebie
Member since 2007 • 56 Posts
Mass Effect by far. Fable 2 is quite good, and oblivion was over rated. Tales of vesperia is also fun, but not nearly as epic as Mass Effect. ME is probably the most epic game I have ever played and is indeed my #1 favourite.
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#3 Hurblegeebie
Member since 2007 • 56 Posts

Your entire post was all opinion, making your point largely invalid as to whether or not these games are good or not. You just didn't like them very much. Their is a difference. all of your complaints were petty anyways.

Halo 3 and Gears are some of the most successful Shooters thus far, and probably THE most successful this generation. They are both well designed, polished, fun games. In my experience, the people that say they are crap, are usually JRPG dorks or just plain old not fans of the genre. These games are not bad games in any way shape or form.

Go play Timeshift, Gun, Fracture, PDZ, Quake 4, Jericho, Etc.... and tell me what deservse a 6 or 7 out of 10.

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#4 Hurblegeebie
Member since 2007 • 56 Posts
Ugh, resistance 1 was terrible =\ felt like a cheap gears knockoff, without the fun combat, and badass characters
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#5 Hurblegeebie
Member since 2007 • 56 Posts

[QUOTE="MetalCore84"]blah blahSSBFan12
I think Oblivion is going to be better then Fable II.

Awesome, thanks for that really open comment, really adds alot to the discussion. :roll:

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#6 Hurblegeebie
Member since 2007 • 56 Posts

IMO, fable 2 looks like it will blow oblivion out of the water. hell, I would rather play Fable 1 than oblivion.

Oblivion was overhyped. After playing morrowing I expected better, but it was a dumbed down version. No immersion, Boring combat, all of the dungeons/outdoor environments looked the same. Also, hearing the same 2 voice actors all the time really killed it for me.

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#8 Hurblegeebie
Member since 2007 • 56 Posts
The internet at your fingertips, and you are too lazy to do your own simple research. Pathetic.
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#9 Hurblegeebie
Member since 2007 • 56 Posts

While people here, on game forums and such, buy rpg's, and buy Square Enix games, the rest of the world... doesn't.

I'm just saying, I expected Square Enix games to sell more than they do, and I really wish it to be so when they usually produce such stellar titles. I mean, for one thing, FF 10 only sold around 6 million copies, when there are over 140 million ps2 units. Not enough people buy rpg's, and Square puts in a lot of money into their development team. So they can't take such risks now. Just my 2 cents. It's also the reason why I'm angry at people themselves for not buying enough of Square Enix's games; then maybe they wouldn't have made FF 13 a mulit-plat... but that's getting off topic

And guess what, you're really in the minority for being annoyed that Chrono Trigger's a straight up port with a few additions here and there. Be honest with yourself, if Square announced a similar upgrade to FF4, wouldn't you and the rest of the original CT fans be in uproar are changing your beloved game? Do you know how many purists state their loathing for Square Enix due to a few changes lines of dialogue alone, in their ports/remakes?

The rest of us here were too young to experience a game released so late into the SNES's life, and wouldn't care for an upgrade having known so little about the original. I find this to be a true game worthy of being released again, especially if the rumours hold true that there will be cinematics from the ps1 port, as well as none of the long load times previously seen in said port.

Plus, $40 is what amounts to $57 to $60 over here when the game hits stores. I don't want to say to be grateful, but... well, just put that into perspective somewhat ;)


Uh... you get angry at people for not buying Squre Enix games? That's a bit silly. Most people just don't want to buy boring rahash games. I'd play a Bioware game with a more mature storyline over a childish *** rpg anyday.

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#10 Hurblegeebie
Member since 2007 • 56 Posts

Merely the fact that people still talk about this game constantly a year after its release is a testament to how good it is.

Anybody that says this game isn't good, is an idiot. The production value, overall quality, finished product, is better than 95% of the generic boring shooters out there by far.