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#1 Esmenet
Member since 2008 • 379 Posts

Also I stubbed my toe :cry:


Ouch. 3 out of 10.

Ok, I'll keep it blunt, so I don't have a panic attack. I was raped by 4 guys when I was 13. I'm 19 now, and I told my parents about it in July. I've been in therapy, and was just diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and have to go on meds and stay in therapy until I can overcome it. I have panic attacks about four times a week, and I haven't slept a full night without nightmares in 6 years.

On top of it, I just passed a kidney stone, and have hundreds more producing in my kidneys. Then the doctors found a non cancerous mass on my ovary that I have to have removed in two weeks. So I'll be bedridden for Christmas.

I guess that's all I want to complain about.

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#2 Esmenet
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I don't need it. I have an incredibly strong immune system, in fact I'm a student at high school who rarely washes his hands and I've haven't even got a sore throat yet.


That doesn't mean your immune system is inpenitruble. Your body has antibodies already made for most virus because you probably have been exposed to a lot of minor ones.

Oh i know, but Ialso haven't had the flu for about 5 years now.

I would not want to be around you. You rarely wash your hands? It doesn't matter if you don't get sick, it's still gross.

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#3 Esmenet
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Maybe not in that situation, but dont tell me you guys have never known somone who compltely changes when drunk. I know i can sometimes and i have a friend who is a very mean drunk but nothing like that normally and I dont judge her for what she does in that situation.


It's kind of you to not judge her, but unfortunately she needs to realize something. If she is a mean drunk, there is a simple solution: stop drinking. And changing when you're drunk is not an excuse to keep drinking. If you change into a "cooler" person, it looks like you just need to talk to someone about your confidence level. I'm not saying this is true for you, but in general many people feel more confident when they are drunk, and it makes it easier to talk to people.

Like for example, my friend couldn't talk to guys. So one night a mutual friend gave her a beer and said, "relax, now go talk to him". She wasn't drunk at all. But just the idea that a beer helped her talk to a guy started a fire. From then on it went from two beers, to three beers, to a six pack and so forth. She is an extreme situation I will admit, but it has to start somewhere.

Back on topic. I do not think being drunk is ever an excuse for anything, because honestly, you didn't have to get drunk in the first place. But, I will say that not driving when drunk is an excellent idea. I wouldn't call it an excuse, just a responsible choice. However, I think some people (mainly girls), and I have fallen into this trap before, need to think seriously about a guy that would use being drunk as his excuse for cheating on you. In my experience, every guy that has ever said that to me has been cheating sober as well. It's an excuse to put you at ease, and make you think he's still there for you, but really it's just his way of saying "yeah I was drunk that one time, but not the other four times this week". It's a very hard situation because you're never sure if the guy is sorry or not.

Oh, and don't get me wrong. This can easily go the oppoiste way, and frequently does. A girl can use the exact same excuse on a guy, especially if the guy is vulnerable or "whipped". It's a sad thing really.

My pet peeve though is when a girl says "well he was drunk, he didn't really think she was hot. she was probably ugly, and I know he regrets it". I never know what to say to that except "sorry honey, that's a bunch of bull ****".

Oh well. As for religion, it doesn't matter what any book says, it's societies rules that really reflect accuratly why some people would use drunk as an excuse in the first place. It's great if some people use faith or whatever to keep them on the moral road, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, it's what society says is ok. Thank god drunk is one of the worst. It will be a sad day when society accepts all of the worlds "flaws" shall we say.

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#4 Esmenet
Member since 2008 • 379 Posts

Sigh. I was originally going to art school to get a degree for video game design. But alas, I dropped that idea for a much more "exciting" endeavor. I'm going to get a PhD and teach English at a University. Preferably Brit Lit, but we'll see.

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#5 Esmenet
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[QUOTE="zakkro"][QUOTE="t3hrubikscube"]Zak! Good choices. I especially love Hail to the Thief.t3hrubikscube
Hi! :o Thanks, I haven't listened to the album you posted, but I'll be sure to give it a try later this week. :D

:D Cool! I hope you like it. :P

It's hard not to like Eliott Smith. His voice is so amazing, as are his lyrics.

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#6 Esmenet
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[QUOTE="Esmenet"]I second the Eliott Smith. But anything from Laura Marling or Priscilla Ahn is my favorite. Oh, and Bob Dylan.t3hrubikscube
I like you already! ;)

Why thank you! :) I'm assuming that means you are a fan of the above mentioned. Out of curiosity, do you like Peter, Bjorn And John?

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#7 Esmenet
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lol, You tried to prove a point, but that didn't prove anything.

Of course he would have sex with you over a video game anyday... he's human. He does what feels good. Video games and sex both feel good... but the difference here is that video games, like you said, do not nag. Not only that, but you can get lost in video games... you can't really get lost in sex. There isn't a story to sex. You do it and you're done.

It's not like during sex he's thinking "Gee... this is fun and all, but I sure can't wait for her to start telling me about all the things I do wrong!"

Generally, I don't think men prefer video games over women, they just prefer the fact that they can use their console whenever they want without having to worry about commitment, and contrary to what you may think, I doubt your boyfriend's any different.

I'm not here to judge.... I mean he's with you because he likes/loves/committed to you, I'm sure, because there are people like that out there, but using the fact that he likes to have sex with you as a basis for claiming he's different from the men who prefer video games over women is... lol, wrong.


Ha, I didn't really mean to write it that way. I wasn't trying to say my boyfriend is like all men, or not like all men, just that he would rather do something with a human than with his ps3. I read, a lot, and sometimes I prefer reading to real life. Because I agree, you can get lost in video games and in reading. I guess I'm just confused, because my sexual life is so different than what you are describing. I can get lost in sex, and I use it as a way of escape more frequently than video games, because it's a phsycial satisfaction. And as far as there being no story, have you not heard of BDSM or role playing? You can turn your sex life into something akin to a video game. I guess it just depends on one's level of commitment. And please, don't think I'm stereotyping by saying this: most of the men that I know personally do not put as much commitment and effort into their sex lives as they do to the latest RPG or shooter. and there's nothing wrong with that. You should put effort where you want to, but with video games that effort is satisfying one person: you. Whereas with sex, your lack of effort is hurting someone. Unless of course your partner doesn't care either way either. And for me, sex isn't just over when it's "done", because there is an emotion level of sex that stays with you. I'm not talking about one night stands here, or hook ups, I'm talking about sex in a relationship. Even in an open relationship.

I agree with what you said though. However, in some relationships, you can "use the person" whenever you want, just like your console. :P And he doesn't really play video games as much as I do anyways, so sex is a better option for him most days.

That's true... I just can't agree with all the people here who are comparing women to video games. It just doesn't work that way.

You can compare sex to video games, but not women.

I agree. Wholeheartedly. Also, I do want to mention that I got did read the article, but responded to others about the sex thing. I know it isn't just about sex, so I agree with whoever mentioned the chick flick. (too lazy to go look, sorry!)

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#8 Esmenet
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I read it, but what they were saying was that she was no longer depressed due to her pictures from the party and other events she attended and were using those pictures as evidence to stop paying her. Which is why I asked how can they determine that.


If she's well enough to go out and party, she's well enough to work. You cannot claim benefits and say you are physically incapable of working, but you're fine to go out and have a few drinks with friends.

depression is a psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, anhedonia, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death. Going out would help her problem rather than working. Im sure that if you had a headache, you would be more willing to go out with your friends than do yard work, and your headache would probably go away too, unusual but simple analogy.

I missed your post. Thanks for summing up what I wanted to say, but was trying to keep it brief. :)
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#9 Esmenet
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How does a picture determine depression or not? I never thought heath ledger had depression from the way he looked and acted but he sure as hell did!

I don't think you read the article carefully... She was on sick leave for depression and was seen partying. If a company is paying someone to not work, they expect a real medical issue. This just seems like she was lazy.

I don't know why I'm posting on this, because it's just going to be a pointless argument on opinions. But still, I will state my opinion anyways. One: Have you ever had depression? Do you know what it feels like? Two: Being on sick leave for depression means the person should be trying to heal. And doing happy things is how to heal. Going on vacation and having a good time takes the mind off of depression. Is is the only way to heal? No. She should be dealing with the depression, not partying it away. But that is a start. She has a long way to go, and it is a difficult recovery. Three: I do agree with the Facebook caution, but only to an extent. Posting yourself having a good time is one thing. Posting that you do drugs or go to Adult Friend Finder sex parties is not. If you do do those things, keep them to yourself and the people you know. Put privacy settings on your albums so only certain people can view them. Or just don't put them up at all. Either way, people make mistakes, and obviously she's learned her lesson on this one. Four: You say it just seems like she was lazy. That is a symptom of depression. Not having any motivation, or caring about anything in your life is one of the most common symptoms. And...I'm sure you didn't mean to word it this way but by saying "Real medical condition" it seems you are saying depression isn't a real medical condition. When in fact, it's as serious and real as diabetes or cancer. It is life threatening, depeding on intensity. They want her to be able to work without thinking about killing herself, or feeling like she is useless. That could take some time. She may have to be laid off to really work on recovery. We don't know her story. Either way, I feel very sorry for her about the outcome. The government does a lot of weird and seemingly unjust things when it comes to mental health care and related topics. I don't know how it is in Canada(isn't that where she said she was? I'd have to double check) but either way, Facebook is the worst way to go. She must feel like an idiot for doing that, even though there was nothign wrong with it. There, that's my rant. I don't really want to argue, that's just how I feel about it. I respect your opinion as well, so if you do respond I won't freak out and call you an idiot. Promsie :)
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#10 Esmenet
Member since 2008 • 379 Posts
I second the Eliott Smith. But anything from Laura Marling or Priscilla Ahn is my favorite. Oh, and Bob Dylan.