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#1 Esmenet
Member since 2008 • 379 Posts

I don't know about now, back in the day when Eb games was on its own I thought EB was awesome. The dudes new so much stuff, and they still carried games for out dated systems. One employee used to trade pokemon with me!

So, I think they have just become ridiculous b/c they're bigger and more mainstream.


I agree. I used to go to EB games with my older brother. He mods a few gaming websites and used to play for money, so when he says that he doesn't go to Gamestop except for gift cards for kids, then I know I'd better use Amazon. I don't mind the people that work there, because I expect them to not know about games. their high school and college kids. And the manager is the same as manager anywhere else. I mean, most of the guys play Halo and other shooters, but when it comes to older games or RPGs, they're completely useless. I usually answer my own question by the time I'm done talking to one of them. However, I don't buy anything in stores anymore, even clothes. I find everything better priced and more available online. Every once in a while I'll sneek a peak in their $10 bin, but most of the time I own the game already.

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#2 Esmenet
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[QUOTE="8-Bitterness"] nah youre not, the distance to get there and the traffic there would be to get there are the failures, try using a webcam to see him at least, and find time to visit him regularly8-Bitterness

I did.. I bought a webcam and a mic just to talk to him, but he was never on or he was too busy with his friends.. It's hard for me to get down there, I have a job and I can't drive yet so I have to take the bus. Everytime I am about toc ome down, he would make excuses. In january I was going to get my license and a car, too visit more.. I just feel like I'll never be good enough for him..

well then, HES the one thats not good enough for you, in a relationship both of you have to participate no matter what or where or when or how so you should set a limit to him and demand his attention and accept what is happening, oooorr move on if you dont get the response that you expect or want

So we all know break ups suck. But this time around, it really looks like you're in luck. But first, you need to stop thinking you weren't good enough for him, or that you failed in the relationship. 8Bitternes is right. He didn't deservve you. You were putting in all the effort in the relationship, and he just decided it wasn't for him anymore. You need to completely take the blame off of yourself, because anyone should want to have you as a girlfriend. You did everything you could to get it to work. And if you're still in high school, then spending as much time with him as you did is a significant part of your life. It seems like forever. BUT here's where you're in luck. You ahve your whole life to find someone better than him that will treat you with the respect and attention you deserve. I think college got to his head, and he just got too busy to keep up with things. College has a way to demature men, and a way of maturing them. You picked the short straw. However, you will most likely meet a lot of guys in college, so being single can be a good thing. The most important thing is to not dwell on it. Keep your mind busy, hang out with your girlfriends, and have lots of fun. You have a job, so that helps. Don't sit at home and mope, because it really isn't worth it. I'm talking from experience. I moped for a year about a guy that cheated on me and called me a whore, and I still thought he was the best thing for me. It just made me more depressed and on more medication. You deserve more, so keep that in mind. Make this a lesson on which traits you like and don't like in a guy. Good luck.

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#3 Esmenet
Member since 2008 • 379 Posts


[QUOTE="Pixy64"]I'm... i don't know how to say this but i really hate to go out, even with friends, family for fun, every where they offer i reject to go. so i don't have job, money, even someone to talk to. it's almost 3 weeks i'm in my room, ALONE! :(Pixy64

Again I ask, do you enjoy being alone? It doesn't sound like it, but it does sound like your body and brain pushes people away. You should figure out what it is about people and activities that you don't like. You could be mildly depressed. Along with everyone else on this thread. :P

No i don't wanna be alone, i wanna go out and have a normal life but i can't. that's really hard for me i don't know why.

It's extremely normal to not know why. That takes a long time to figure out. But you could always try talking to a professional about it, and seeing what solutions they provide. All I would say is, start off slow. Start haning out with a family member just doing something you love, like playing video games. Don't overdo it right away.

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#4 Esmenet
Member since 2008 • 379 Posts

It's not a matter of safety, it's a matter of confidence. Am I confident in my lack of belief in a higher being? Yes. Because I believe that there are natural consequenes for our actions here on Earth, and those are enough. We're all going to rot in the ground eventually, but some of us will be rotting peacefully, and others won't. I live my life as I want, within reason. I have a set of morals, that took me a whie to find, but now that I have them, my life is so much more fulfilling. I take pleasure in little things, and don't let things that dont' matter stress me out.

However, I believe that if someone needs faith in God or whoever to make their lives worth living, then more power to them. I admire people with so much faith in things that are hard and sometimes near impossible to have faith in. I will never condemn someone for believing in something that is true to them. Just because I do not share their faith doens't mean I should hate them.

And in general, I do not feel safe. But that stems from something entirely different. :P

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#5 Esmenet
Member since 2008 • 379 Posts

Not sure why im going to list my problems but I'v never told anybody them.... They might not be so big compared to some peoples but oh well.

1. Im 19 and a virgin, its my fault really I never try to pull girls in case I get rejected and everyone finds out, its not so much the rejection but people knowing i got rejected that bothered me.

2. I have an issue where between the phases of meeting someone and being really good friends I am socially awkward... I dont know why. With people I dont know or know really well I am funny and myself, but in between I just cant seem to be myself.

Thats about it really... I am pretty happy overall :)


See above response to other 19 year old who never kissed a girl. NOT A BIG DEAL!!!!! You have your whole life to have sex.

And have you ever tried explaining that to someone? Like "I don't know what it is, but sometimes I just don't know what to say when I'm meeting new people. I'd really like to be friends, if you can deal with me being odd for a few weeks." Most people will just laugh it off, and take all your flaws upfront. If they don't, then it's not worth being friends wtih them.

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#6 Esmenet
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[QUOTE="8-Bitterness"]my life basically sucks, i hate my family much more than anything in the world, everyone will think its just teen anger =/8-Bitterness

Teen angst is not what I think it is. Unless that's what it is.But most kids/teens/adults have reasons for using the word hate when talking about their families. I'm guessing it's something you'd rather not talk about, but I just hope that your outlook on life improves as well as your family life.

nah, im not uncomfortable or afraid of explaining why i hate my family and how i dont owe them or thank them for anything, but its hard to do it you know... typing, its easier in person =/

I understand that completely. Some families just have a lot of things to work on, and in the long run, it works out better if you don't live together. My relationship with my parents got so much better as soon as I was out of the house. (but, the reason for me hating my parents was because they didn't notice I was raped...and they know now, so it's getting easier).

And if you never end up loving your family, its sad, but it happens.

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#7 Esmenet
Member since 2008 • 379 Posts

I'm nineteen years old & I've never kissed a girl

& I have no friends ..

somebody play a god damn violin.


Oh no! 19 years old and you haven't kissed a girl! You've missed out on your whole life at 19 years on the planet. Dude, what is with men and thinking that they have to do everything with a girl by the age of 16 or they're not cool?? It's not that hard to talk to girls. You just need to not come off as a guy with a) no social skills whatsoever, b) a guy that is so desperate he'll eat his own s*** to kiss a girl, and c) a self pitying boy. You need to be a man. Someone a girl can relate to, talk to, and havve fun with. Moping about having no friends isn't going to get you any.

Go out and talk. Start up conversations with people. Go to gamestop and talk to people there, chances are you'll find someone to hang out with, and in turn you'll eventually talk to girls.

Seriously, you're lucky. I'm 19 years old and I've had sex wtih more guys than I can remember. Im lucky I don't have STDs or AIDS. I've gone to Sex Addiction Annonymous meetings to get over my addiction. You should take more time out to enjoy your life rather than think you're not living it like everyone else. Seriously, wait for the right girl, and don't think about it. Stressing about it makes it not happen. Trust me. And there are more girls out there than you think that would love to share your company. Be confident. You have your whole life ahead of you.

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#8 Esmenet
Member since 2008 • 379 Posts

I'm... i don't know how to say this but i really hate to go out, even with friends, family for fun, every where they offer i reject to go. so i don't have job, money, even someone to talk to. it's almost 3 weeks i'm in my room, ALONE! :(Pixy64

Again I ask, do you enjoy being alone? It doesn't sound like it, but it does sound like your body and brain pushes people away. You should figure out what it is about people and activities that you don't like. You could be mildly depressed. Along with everyone else on this thread. :P

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#9 Esmenet
Member since 2008 • 379 Posts

my life basically sucks, i hate my family much more than anything in the world, everyone will think its just teen anger =/8-Bitterness

Teen angst is not what I think it is. Unless that's what it is.But most kids/teens/adults have reasons for using the word hate when talking about their families. I'm guessing it's something you'd rather not talk about, but I just hope that your outlook on life improves as well as your family life.

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#10 Esmenet
Member since 2008 • 379 Posts

I am the starting varsity QB on my HS football team, yet I am the biggest loser in my school. I have absolutely lost my personality; I never joke around, and barely talk to anybody. I have no friends whatsoever; I eat alone everyday during lunch in a room, studying for AP Calculus class that I am struggling to pass.

Also, there's this girl. I have liked her for EVER. I mean she's the most beautiful girl in the school, and she's popular and funny, s well as optimistic and overall a fun person to be around. I could never even dream about getting with her, but I recently find out that she really likes me. I still can't believe it. I've talked to her, but I've been really inconsistent. One day we'll hit it off, one day we won't even talk. I'm just worried that I'm about to blow up my chance with the girl of my dreams ('ve only had one gf before. She was really pretty too, but unsurprisingly, I was lame and never made any moves, so she got bored and dumped me). I can't have the same thing happen with this girl I like right now. Worst of all, even if I do get with her, she's moving to a different state in about 9 months for college, so our relationship would likely be over in 9 months tops.

Anyways, I'm going to spend the rest of this night mustering up the courage to ask her out tomorrow, which I already know won't happen...


You're not going to like the news flash I have to give you, but you need to hear it. High school doesn't matter. At all. Seriously, you will go back to your reunion one day and see that some of the most popular kids in school are totaly d***** bags, and haven't done anything with their lives. You can't let popularity and the sects of HS dictate what you do with your time.

However, it seems you have some other underlying issues. I'm no psychologist, but I do know a lot about this kind of thing. (It comes from being messed up. :P) You say that you have lost your personality, and that you have no interest in things like joking around. Let me ask you this: do you enjoy being alone, reading and thinking? Even if you do, it's still a sign of minor depression. Loss of interest, or personality changes can be a sign that your brain is not running the same way it used to, and this can be affected by your environment, aka high school drama. Try to make an effort to talk to someone, lets say this girl you like. Do not worry at all about blowing your chance, or about never having a girlfriend. That doesn't matter. Being happy is what matters. And if you really like hanging out with her and aren't just going after her because she's pretty and popular, than this could really help you. Focus on things you have in common, and building a steady relationship first. Don't just ask her out and then work from there. Let her know you have an interest in her, and that you'd like to get to know her before you start dating. She should be flattered that you are taking the time out to make her more than just a girl on your arm at school. Also, high school relationships don't last 80% of the time. Don't get me wrong, there are those high school sweethearts that stay together, but high school relationships are supposed to be about testing and experimenting and having fun. It's your time to make mistakes and figure out what type of person you'd like to spend the rest of your life with. Don't think about how long it will last, just run with it, and have fun. And if it really is a great realtionship, distance won't matter. If you think it is, and turns out distance changes things, then just consider it a lesson learned.

But think hard about your tendency to push people away, and the image you have of yourself. You just need a confidence booster, and she could help you.