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@catsimboy As temptingly alluring as that may sound, I personally don't think Uncharted would be the same without its occasional moments of eye-rolling silliness and cringeworthy gags, lol. Although that's not to say that the storytelling is bad because of it, (since it isn't), but it's something pretty funny to commonly associate with the series these days nonetheless imo. :-P

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Edited By DyranLK

Ohh man, what?? Did I hear/read that right? This is going to be a NEW Uncharted game from a NEW developer and is going to be multi-platform?

Does...does this mean that the actual Uncharted 3 team from ND has dropped UC and are beginning work on a new IP, by any chance..?? Unless Sony has made some interesting business deals with other corporate bodies -- but if not, then I doubt that they would just legally allow another developer to develop one of their flagship titles for systems other than the PlayStation, lol..

In regards to the game itself, though -- ahh. I don't know, lmao; despite donning the Uncharted name, it doesn't exactly sound that Uncharted-like, but hey, what the hell. If they could make a good game, Uncharted or not, then I'm down. Hopefully they can continue to carry along the series' currently consistent, good reputation, though, 'ey.

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@DL_gamer I'm sorry, but you have a long way to go if you think that the likes of shocking endings or intricate plot twists equal great story-telling, and I mean this in the sincerest way.

A good story can be summed up, at its most basic, by being a story that tells the story it intends to tell well (emphasis on the 'well'). Like Mass Effect, for instance; being a character-driven, action-adventure space opera drama on a galactic scale, it's bound to involve a lot of world-building, a large cast of unique, rounded characters, and plot-heavy story arcs, and in the end, it tells that story in a maintainable and entertaining way. That's good storytelling. (Well...not trying to take the ending/third act of ME3 into account, anyway...)

Heavy Rain, on the other hand, is a suspenseful mystery crime-drama thriller that focuses largely on atmosphere and characterization, while using the famous technique of tieing in multiple perspectives into one cohesive, compelling plot, which it tries to do, and manages to do to some extent, although it does slip up several too many times for my taste. Although, I do believe that it achieves a certain level of sophisticated melodrama that I can find admirable.

And then there's L.A. Noire, Red Dead Redemption, Portal, Odyssey to the West, etc. -- all of which are other examples of great storytelling in gaming. The catch, however, is that they each have a different kind of story to tell, with different themes and different motifs; and if a story can manage to push the boundaries of its genre through either originality or sheer execution, then it can be called good, something that Uncharted has been able to do for a while now, though mainly due to its fluid execution rather than blatant originality. And with Uncharted 3, Naughty Dog's storytelling adeptness was displayed at its most invigorating, with a degree of symbolism and character-examination that I can safely say was one of the finest of 2011, although trying to explain why and how at this moment would make me sound like one hell of a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual bastard, so that will be saved for another time, another day.

In short, though, that's just a slice of what it means to tell a truly good story, bro. Other than that, though, I'm going to stop right here and start hitting the sheets, since I've just realized how exhausting trying to type down a hypothetical mini-essay on a gaming website while Skyping with someone really is, ffs.

Best wishes,


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Beyond: TS, Naughty Dog's The Last of Us, and now an incredible-looking, additional installment to the MGS franchise (which I had actually admittedly expected to be let down by, only to be speechlessly impressed) = PS3 pride.

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@flameon12346 Well, there's always Major League Gaming.. :-P

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Journalism at its finest, my friend. ;)

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@oOoOopthoOo @Sytherscvcn Man, that review stirred a hell of an uproar, lol..

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Edited By DyranLK

@Sytherscvcn Pahaha, I'm sorry, but when I heard that I burst out laughing. Tom is in interesting fellow, that's for sure, but the way his ideas just irritatingly clashes with Greg's makes for an incredibly facepalm-worthy, yet amusing, result, imo. :P

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Edited By DyranLK

Massive respect for Greg for being willing to take up such an unconventional interview with the likes of McShea and actually present his thoughts and opinions without being bound by the constant facade of PR that we always see throughout not just the gaming industry, but the world as a whole, 'ey. Huge props just for that, imo.

Now Tom, on the other hand -- he may not have conducted the most effective interview, and probably wouldn't last long in a professional debating contest, but the fact that he was willing to even approach a developer with this unremittingly controversial mentality around that particular person's own game should draw at least a little respect as well, from a journalism standpoint; although, I do admit it could still probably have been executed more thoroughly and fluidly, lol. :P

Whatever the case, I still thought that this video was an entertaining (yet sometimes cringe-worthy) video to watch on the long run. I mean, in comparison to the other usual article on another pressing concern of the game industry, or the typical, run-of-the-mill update on a developer or their new game, or even the uniquely exclusive shows that Gamespot episodically releases for us to laugh at and absorb on a regular basis, this is actually quite refreshing, for some reason. But hey, then again, maybe it was just me.

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Edited By DyranLK

@vochelli Nice take on it.