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#1 Def_Defyin
Member since 2003 • 49 Posts

You know with all this **** about the avatars, who ever said they're all going to look like the what? One or two we saw? We don't know what all the options are so we really can't say if they're all **** or not. I don't paticularly like how the ones they showed at E3 looked but I do see a glimmer of hope. I was intrested when they said that achievements might unlock new costumes/clothing options for your avatar. Think obtaining all the Halo3 achievements and then unlocking a Master Chief or Spartan costume. Plus this is MS we're talking about here, if people are so pissed off that their avatar looks "kiddy" they'll just throw on new items for purchase on the marketplace and make a killing.

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#2 Def_Defyin
Member since 2003 • 49 Posts

With all that armour, and not the slightest bit of knowledge on how to swim I doubt any of us could. Besides if they added swimming it'd make that harbour assasination really easy. Since there was really only one mission with any noticeable amount of water, is it really a big deal?

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#3 Def_Defyin
Member since 2003 • 49 Posts

Man, I just love our society these days. Blame everything but the idiot himself, because you know hes just as much of a victim as the people he shot :roll:. It's not new for people to blindly point the finger at anything but themselves, but for god sakes someones gotta wake up and smell the roses. There is ways of preventing this, and you should look to us in canada for the answers.  Not saying we're peaceful, or better then anyone down there its the way our schools system works.

Your only in the same school for 4 years after grade school and middle school, thus it really doesnt give you the chance like american high schools do to grow into that clicky trend where you get used to singleling out kids (not saying it doesnt happen, people just dont get used to it). Before you know it your off to college/uni and then, no one really gets picked on because theres too many people to single out. Everyday you see different people and rarely do you see the same person every day (when their not in your class). The way to prevent this is keep kids moving from school to school so they dont grow anxiety towards any individual. So basically, you may get bullied for a semester or a year, but the next your in a completely new enviroment and you dont have to goto school everyday with that same kid that picked on you. Kids get bored I think with the same group of people and thats when they start bullying as a way of entertainment. Keep giving kids new fresh faces, and new enviroments. It'll keep their minds occupied with socialising with new people and less about tormenting the old ones. Woah, howd i start that rant...



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#4 Def_Defyin
Member since 2003 • 49 Posts

Its quite simple acctually, I know a few guys who have already bought a 360 so when H3 comes out their ready to go. They still play H2 because they simply havent seen a 36 game that intrests them that much, or they dont want to spend the 60 bucks on a game that'll collect dust while they continue playing h2. Dont let it bother you, hey their just as much a part of the reason the 36 continues to do well. Just thank them for purchasing the console so that we can benefit (more sales=more games!).

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#5 Def_Defyin
Member since 2003 • 49 Posts

Comparing Gears and Halo is stupid. Gears is a smaller scale, more tatical affair while Halo is great for big open fast paced battles. When I play gears, I hide and take a much more intellectual approach to what I do. With halo I simply run out, dangle and own. Both are fun, but they're meant to be played different ways.

However I dont think you guys should just write this game off, simply because of the series' popularity which it seems like most of you are. Saying its "over-rated" when no ones even played the beta let alone the final game is a bit premature. And if your judging the game because its graphics arent up to par with those commng out is ALSO stupid because im sure half of you have said in your lifetime "its all about gameplay". Personally Im glad the graphics are a little lower then the bar, this ensures no framerate drops at ANY time and with the way halo plays this is a MUST.

And if you do feel the need to be completely ignorant to a game that has yet to be released, please save you and us the time and dont go on the forums writing about how its "over-rated"or how people are stupid for enjoying it. If you dont like it, fine but to go out of your way to try and rain on other peoples parade, its utterly sensless. Its as stupid as people who complain about how a certain movie wasted 2 hours of their life then go on forums **** about it, when really, they've just wasted another 15 min of their life complaining about the first 2 hours.